“Wayne Williams is trying to do ‘altruistic’ acts but it is truly cloaked in narcissism. He wants to do record deals from prison, and focus on the ‘families of the victims’ by presenting facts that he never actually physically has. He cannot disprove his guilt. He just wants air time because he is a narcissist that is continually duping people from inside and outside prison using his charisma. I don’t think he is responsible for the ‘26’ child murders, but I do believe he has culpability and responsibility for the adults deaths of the two men AT LEAST. Every excuse he presents is outlandish and easily disproved. This podcast started out well, but then it became skewed by allowing a killer to spout his rhetoric to the world with no real evidence. To put it plainly, it’s just plain stupid. Consult some psychologists before you go speak to narcissists next time.”
NurseCS93 via Apple Podcasts ·
United States of America ·