Discussion of Austrailian Aboriginal Songlines and Dreamtime.
Published 03/26/15
Published 03/26/15
Psychiatrist Robert Okin, MD, talks about his experience meeting people with mental disorders on the street, how to compassionately interact with these people, and what social and political steps might be taken on their behalf.
Published 11/03/14
Monk, psychotherapist, and musician Thomas Moore (Care of the Soul) talks about making a Religion of One's Own.
Published 01/16/14
An interview by Anthony Wright with guest Dr. Larry Dossey, about Dr. Dossey's book: The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things. Dr. Dossey talks about the healing virtues inherent in the ordinary: of non-local healing, and the benefits of the quantum approach to healing as differentiated from the Newtonian/Cartesian allopathic medical model.
Published 06/11/09
Bill Plotkin talks about his experiences of Soul in Nature. Particularly interesting is his experience when a spruce tree turns into a monk, and how a butterfly communicates to him, his life's purpose.
Published 06/29/08
Patricia Broersma talks about mysticism and horses.
Published 12/12/07
John Welshons talks about moving through grief.
Published 12/12/07
Angeles Arrien talks about mid-life transitions.
Published 10/03/07
Long time Ambient Musician Steve Roach talks about his creative process.
Published 06/28/07
Noah Levine talks about his experiences and Buddhism.
Published 06/22/07
Zen Buddhist teacher Brad Warner talks about his experiences with Zen Buddhism and Dogen Zenji.
Published 06/13/07
Linda Kohanov talks about her healing journey through work with horses.
Published 06/09/07
Quantum Physicist F. David Peat talks about his experiences with quantum physics and how life unfolds.
Published 05/01/07
Lane Arye talks about unintentional creativity in music.
Published 04/13/07
Meredith Jordan talks about the sacred in ordinary people.
Published 03/02/07
Internationally known Wiccan author Starhawk talks about magic, connectedness, ritual, and rebirth, at Winter Solstice.
Published 12/20/06
Jean Houston talks about the potentiality for healing in today's world.
Published 11/18/06
Professor Richard Tarnas, founder of the Philosophy, Consciousness, and Cosmology program at the California Institute of Integral Studies Program in San Francisco, California, discusses the validity of Archetypal Astrology, and it's utility and contribution to the practice of modern psychology.
Published 10/31/06
Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D., is a psychiatrist with over forty years experience of research into non-ordinary states of consciousness (induced by psychedelic substances and various non-drug techniques) and one of the founders and chief theoreticians of transpersonal psychology. .He was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, where he also received his scientific training - an M.D. degree from the Charles University School of Medicine and a Ph.D. from the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences. Dr. Grof...
Published 07/20/06
Attunement: Waking the Global Heart: Anthony Wright interviews Anodea Judith, PhD, on her book 'Waking the Global Heart'.
Published 07/06/06
An interview by Anthony Wright with guest Swami Kriyananda, about his rememberance of the work on the Bhagavad Gita by his Guru, Paramhansa Yogananda. The contents of the 'Gita are discussed, along with applications for every day life in today's world.
Published 06/03/06
An interview by Anthony Wright with guest and expirimental psychologist Carolyn Godschild Miller,Ph.D., on Creating Miracles. Dr. Miller describes her experiences and the experiences of others that could only be termed 'miraculous'; and that are actually available to people in everyday life. Dr. Miller is an advocate of The Course in Miracles.
Published 03/16/06