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Audrey Ellis
Ask Audrey
I have always been viewed as "mother" among friends and family; even at a young age. Whenever someone is in need of advice and/or guidance, they come to me; they even refer others to me. I use the logic and common sense that my father instilled in me, to help others. Now, I'd like to help more than just those who are around me. Part of how I can help others is to share my own personal stories. Hopefully, they will relate to anyone going through the same things I've been through. Having someone around whom you can relate to can make the struggle easier. 1❤
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Recent Episodes
Being religious can stifle many of the normal aspects in life. Religion and keep you from loving your "neighbor" as you are supposed to, believe it or not. Religion can bring about fear, which we aren't supposed to have (in a spiritual sense). And religion can actually cause distance between you...
Published 05/24/19
It can be hard enough to make a good decision in life, when needed. Imagine trying to do that when you have anxiety, depression or any other form of mental health disorders. The pressure of decision making can be overwhelming, so much so you shut down or don't consider all factors. It is a real...
Published 05/22/19
Dealing with mental health struggles can be scary. The panic and fear, that is often attached to mental health issues, sends us frantically looking for a resolution and a cure. Sometimes, we fall into the firepit of religion; not to be confused with the helpfulness of spirituality. Listen to...
Published 05/21/19
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