Published 07/15/23
My daughter is home for spring break and joins us as a self pres 3, the counter type. A very hard number to type. My dear friend Sarita, a sexual 3, zooms in from Oahu. Listen to her soulful and grounding music!!! And my friend Lisa Reile, a social 3 who can make anything happen beautifully and fast, took time out of SXSW madness to record this with us. Song at the end is “Grace Kelly” by Mika. I hope this helps you. Please reach out to us with questions and comments. And please share!
Published 03/15/22
Our own Leigh Jackson (self pres 9) and friend Austen Juul Hansen (social 9) discuss their instinctual variants. We also discuss sexual 9s. We encourage anyone who is a sexual 9 to reach out to us and tell us your experience.
Published 01/14/22