Welcome to our podcast on the Four Keys to Unlock the Power of Your Intuition. In this episode, we will explore ascension as a natural process and discuss the decision to cooperate with this process instead of resisting or remaining detached. I assure you that even if you don't have prior spiritual experience or don't self-identify as intuitive, you can still benefit from this episode. Guided Intuitive Development Exercise: We invite you to engage in a series of exercises designed to...
Published 03/22/24
Hi, lover. Welcome to Finding Forgiveness Within On this episode we explore the transformative power of self-forgiveness. Holding onto shame and self-criticism can sabotage our intuition over time. But through compassionate self-talk and embracing our worthiness, we clear the path for deeper connection with our inner guidance. Tapping into the present allows past pains to teach without defining us. Find solace in forgiveness as we each walk distinctive paths. Unlocking compassion...
Published 03/10/24
🧘🏻‍♀️ Take a deep breath. Be present. 🎥 Welcome to today’s READING: DIVINATION INSIGHTS 🦁 🤴🏼The Knight & Strength: Your Essence of Temperance and Valor Main InsightsThe Knight of Pentacles and Strength are two Tarot cards that represent different aspects of determination, perseverance, and control. When combined, these cards hint a powerful synergy of unwavering focus and inner strength, resulting in the achievement of practical goals. The Knight of Pentacles is known for his...
Published 03/06/24
Before we pop in to unveil the current energy, I would love to stay connected on upcoming drops where I share live intuitive readings almost daily - with other pertinent podcasts! Sign up here: https://open.substack.com/pub/thegrowthguild/p/turn-up-synchronicity-with-the-wheel?r=nlcg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true We're constantly plugged into devices, disconnecting us from our inner selves. This external stimulation leads to feeling disembodied,...
Published 02/29/24
We’re not recreating ourselves, we are coming to an understanding of what we truly are. We are dissolving and disintegrating the imprints that prevent us from seeing who we are, what we are, whose we are, and from seeing who every one of us is. It is a coming back to our authentic nature and allowing infinite good to express through us as abundance, prosperity, joy, health, and well-being Leela Technology is pioneering the field of quantum energy wellness. Its products harness the...
Published 02/02/24
In 2024, a major theme is facing our fears so we don't get caught in projection, polarization, and reactivity. So pause, and capture this message. You opened this message, and its all FOR YOU- at this time and with purpose. STEP INTO THIS MOMENT OF CONFUSION AND DIMMED WINTERS LIGHT ……you have all you need. This is a lovely channeled message that I received. I hope you enjoy it.
Published 01/03/24
Hello lovers! I truly hope you’ve been aA Fond Farewell as we enter the ELEMENTS of WOOD and the DIVINE DRAGON I’m so excited to share this MUCH NEEDED POSITIVE FORCASTING insights on the powerful dragon archetype and 2024 spiritual predictions. The mystical dragon, a female matriarch, symbolizes the birthing of a new world. A Time of Great Change: Claiming Your Power and Purpose with Dragon Energy Rising Imagine a magnificent creature hatching something new – a symbol of our...
Published 12/29/23
Published 12/10/23
READ | LISTEN Seeing with the Eyes of Our Hearts We've all heard stories meant to challenge our current perspectives and wake us up to greater truths. One ancient African tale that does just this is "The Story of the Eagle and the Child". On the surface, it depicts a mother finding her infant soothed by an eagle in the garden. Fearing for its safety, she alerts the father - who reflexively shoots and kills the child with his arrows upon seeing the scene. What unfolds next is even more...
Published 12/05/23
Dominating Your Destiny Through 10X Thinking! Achieving 10X growth may sound impossible, but it can be easier than 2X growth when you think differently. But 10X thinking involves a counterintuitive process, not extreme outputs. When recalling your past, you are not actually seeing it objectively. Your memories are reconstructed based on your current context, mindset, emotions, perspective and purpose. You can become purposeful about how you view your past, with the goal of learning...
Published 12/03/23
If you can visualize it in your mind's eye, be careful because it becomes your existence. Everything, everything my friend that we think about comes into existence. How you think creates how you feel. How you feel becomes an emotion, an emotion becomes a vibration and a vibration becomes the magnet that attracts things to you. So you got to protect your mind and you got to know it takes three minutes, my friend, for your body to produce that hormone. Your thoughts produce...
Published 11/30/23
We're all going through change right now as society transitions. The old polarized narratives are dividing us, but there's light ahead as we emerge stronger. As an intuitive guide, my role is helping people understand their beliefs and trauma so we can reconsider what harms us. Agreeing with me isn't the goal - it's opening minds through respect. We must minimize consuming alarming news and get different perspectives to think critically. Find common ground across divides and share info...
Published 11/28/23
Have you ever felt like a unique piece in the puzzle of life, not quite fitting into prescribed social norms? Perhaps you carry an innate sense that your true path diverges from the mainstream. You are not here by chance - you possess unique talents and perspectives meant to contribute value during this uncertain period in human history. While chaos unfolds globally, your role is to bring clarity, calm and community to empower change from within. Though these times present difficulties,...
Published 11/04/23
Do you have a critical inner voice?I speak a lot about this topic (neuroscientists call this a critical Default Mode Network) and how it pertains to our unconscious awareness (lack of). Just about EVERYONE that is a "HIGH ACHIEVER" struggle with self-criticism, meanness and a tyrant in our heads that tells us we are terrible, worthless, unlovable. Making it worse - when you have a person or community "reject you." It happen to me this week, and instaed of beating myself up for sharing my...
Published 10/26/23
In this podcast, I delve into the fascinating world of communication styles and energy. I believe that at the core of all communication lies energy, and each individual possesses a unique archetype that represents elements like wood, metal, earth, and fire on a subconscious level. Personally, my core element is wood, which resonates with qualities such as creation, innovation, and intuition. It's intriguing to contrast this with the energy of metal, which emphasizes slowing things down and...
Published 10/05/23
The Act Of 1871 was a treasonous act against humanity; it was passed by The 41st Congress unlawfully against the original US Constitution. This treasonous act enabled the global bankers to take away our sovereignty and dissolved the Republic For America. The global bankers turned our country into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CORP and put a gold fringe around our great flag to represent their corporation. They infiltrated our legal system moving us from Common Law - God's Natural Law...
Published 08/30/23
I'd like to invite you into the statement DRAIN "The Swamp" Trump Refers to. Who's in the swamp? How HUGE is the swamp? BIG. From Congress, Supreme Court, Media, UN, Bankers, UK, Vatican, and shoot......the entire world? The answer is clear. This will likely shake your foundation, for GOOD. In a world shrouded in hidden agendas and obscured truths, a profound awakening is taking place, unraveling the intricate web of deception that has ensnared humanity for centuries Authority...
Published 08/30/23
Is it a Challenge or a Threat? [Self Hypnotic Journey Below] Hey! Short message today. It’s Incredibly Powerful. Bringing you an intriguing analogy from"The Stress Prescription" 👉🏻 positive vs negative stress response WHAT WILL YOU CHOOSE?
Published 08/23/23
Welcome friends! Today we're busting negative thinking myths, delving into why worry makes sense but doesn't help, and learning how to replace anxiety spirals with action steps. You ever notice how your mind loves to replay awful scenarios on a 24/7 stress marathon? It assumes the worst and goes down the darkest roads, stressing you out for things that probably won't even happen. Your poor mind just wants to help - it thinks preparing for disaster is being "responsible"! Little does...
Published 07/21/23
People don't achieve great things because they are distracted. There is so much information available to the average individual that they get trapped in negative thought loops. The Equation comes down to this: Wealth = Value x Leverage Wealth can be defined as the outcome of combining value and leverage. To create a significant impact in the world, we must learn how to navigate the flow of resources and opportunities within communities. However, before we can effectively do that, we...
Published 07/12/23
Hello dear friend, I write to you with my deepest love and assurance that we are watching the greatest time in history evolve in front of our lives. Some have been following this thread for years, wearing the stress under their breath - and deep in prayer. Most, dealing with the busy-ness of life just trying to feel free from the odd oppression over our nation for far too long. So, I'm feeling the urgency to share this audio and trust that the coming months will be a testimony to our...
Published 06/28/23
Hey! Ever felt like giving up at the end of a "busy" and hectic workday? As a high achiever, I realized that mastering emotional regulation is the secret sauce to managing stress and achieving success. Now, let's shimmy and shake on how to strengthen your resilience and unlock your full potential! Learn more in the Growth Guild Commuity Resource Plot HERE: https://the-growth-guild.circle.so/c/growth-resources/ Understanding Emotional Dysregulation, the Neuroscience of Self Compassion and ...
Published 06/20/23
Published 06/20/23
Hey! Ever felt like giving up at the end of a "busy" and hectic workday? As a high achiever, I realized that mastering emotional regulation is the secret sauce to managing stress and achieving success. Now, let's shimmy and shake on how to strengthen your resilience and unlock your full potential! Learn more in the Growth Guild Commuity Resource Plot HERE: https://the-growth-guild.circle.so/c/growth-resources/ Understanding Emotional Dysregulation, the Neuroscience of Self...
Published 06/20/23
Podcast Summary: Unveiling the Depths of Love: Transcending Pain through Love In this episode, we explore the multifaceted nature of heartbreak and the profound impact it can have on our lives. Love, the force that binds us together, often brings along a rollercoaster of emotions, including disappointments, betrayals, and losses. However, amidst the challenging moments, love possesses an incredible capacity to nourish and heal our souls. We discuss how disappointments in love serve our...
Published 06/17/23