Grief is a very messy process. It can be very difficult to navigate. And today’s episode I talk about the importance of processing your emotions through grief. It’s important to process your emotions so they don’t get stuck in your body and cause physiological reactions. If you were in the middle of your grief process, then join us today for today’s episode and learn how  to move through grief with grace.  Contact me: https://melissaoatman.com melissaoatman77@gmail 636-748-4943   Become a...
Published 05/01/24
Are you stressed out and feeling stuck in life right now? Sometimes when we try to control things, we make a big mess out of our situation. The Universe wants to help guide us, but we have to learn to let go of that need to control first. Life becomes so much easier when we get into the flow of it. Today I talk about how to do that.  Contact me: https://melissaoatman.com melissaoatman77@gmail 636-748-4943   Become a Patron:   https://www.patreon.com/moatman?fan_landing=true   Purchase Podcast...
Published 04/24/24
The Universe Always Has Your Back" is a concept that promotes the idea of trust and surrendering to the greater forces at work in the universe. It is rooted in the belief that there is a higher power guiding and supporting us, and that if we align ourselves with this power, we can experience greater peace, joy, and abundance in our lives. The concept of "The Universe Always Has Your Back" is based on the principles of the law of attraction and spirituality. It suggests that when we have trust...
Published 04/17/24
Between Mercury in Retrograde and the eclipses the energies have been really heavy lately. Sometimes little things go wrong, or things happen that are out of our control. It’s easy to let these things, rob us of our personal peace. It’s important to understand that we always have a choice in how we react to what’s going on around us. In today’s episode I talk about how to navigate these heavy energies, and I give you some tips for how to take back your personal power when things don’t go your...
Published 04/10/24
My good friend and Intuitive Coach, Ronnie Ryan, is here with us today to talk about what you need to do more or less of in 2024. You deserve to live a life that feels amazing to you. You deserve to manifest all of your dreams. Ronnie and I talk about how to do just that.  The Universe wants to work with you and help you cocreate the life of your dreams. Listen in today to find out how to make it easier to live a life that brings you complete joy.  Liste to the Breathe Love and Magic...
Published 04/03/24
As an Intuitive Astrologer and Spiritual Path healer, Mary Jo Cranmore helps people understand their mission in this life. She is passionate about connecting the dots astrology lays before us and how we can use that information to create true and  lasting happiness. By revealing a person’s life purpose using the tools of Astrology, Tarot & Numerology, Mary Jo believes  that armed with that awareness, people become unstoppable.  Mary Jo’s own life dramatically changed as a result of using...
Published 03/27/24
Did you know that you are a powerful manifestor? The life of your dreams is just waiting for you. All you have to do is figure out what you want. It's time now to let go of fear and negative thinking, so you can attract amazing things into your life. Sit with me today as I share with you what you need to know in order to manifest it all. You can have the a life you love. You absolutely deserve it.  Contact me: Purchase show...
Published 03/20/24
It’s time to let go of fear, so you can manifest the life of your dreams. The universe wants you to see fear for what it is. It’s a limitation or an illusion. Why is this fear so strong? What would happen if you let it go? What could you accomplish if you only took a risk? You were not meant to be small. What beliefs are you holding onto about yourself? Do those come from you or someone else? The only opinion that matters is your own. Stop doing what others expect you to do. It’s time to be...
Published 03/13/24
Katie is a psychic medium specializing in connecting with passed loved ones and delivering messages from Spirit Teams. Having experienced deep grief herself, it brings her so much joy to be able to connect souls on Earth with those that have passed on. She also hosts Guided Souls, a podcast exploring the different avenues of spirituality as well as her own spiritual journey. Today, she is here to talk to us about how she first knew she had spiritual gifts, and how she was able to develop...
Published 03/06/24
Have you been feeling stuck in life, or has life been a little uncomfortable for you lately? The universe has a message for you. All is well. There is no need for you to worry. Today I am going to talk about what is happening right now with the collective, and how you can manage this change that’s happening in your life with more grace and ease. It’s time to start taking care of yourself. It’s time to start trusting the universe. It’s time to look at the world with magic again. Contact...
Published 02/28/24
Energetic shifts are happening all around us, impacting our emotions and perceptions. Have you noticed any changes in your own energy recently? It's important to tune in and understand how these shifts are influencing us on a deeper level. As we navigate through these energetic changes, self-awareness becomes key. Take a moment to reflect on how you're feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally. Are there any patterns or trends emerging in your energy levels or moods? In today’s episode, I...
Published 02/21/24
Shanenn Bryant is a relationship jealousy expert and educator helping anxious people relax their mind, achieve change and live theirhealthier more present self. Shanenn spent decades struggling with anxiety and jealousy causing her to ruin good relationshipswith her jealousy and stay way too long in bad ones because of her insecurities. Today she helps people overcome their jealousy and insecurity. We're talking today about why jealousy occurs in relationships, how you can change your...
Published 02/14/24
Linn Rivers is a functional health and wellness expert and educator. She teaches people all over the world how to take their health into their own hands; mind, body and spirit. She has over 15 years of education in the holistic health field and assists people in overcoming chronic health conditions and mental disorders.    While her educational background is diverse, it’s her own journey that really sets her apart. She is able to connect with people on a wide range of traumatic events that...
Published 02/07/24
The Wolf Moon is a special name given to the full moon that happens in January. It's called the Wolf Moon because long ago, people thought that hungry wolves howled more during this time of the year. So, the Wolf Moon is like a special moon that comes in January and it's named after the wolves. What does this full moon mean for you? This full moon is all about finding your passion in life and stepping into the spotlight. I explain in today’s episode how to harness this energy for your...
Published 01/31/24
Phill Webster is an author, actor, and developing medium. After living abroad and travelling the world for twenty years, he returned to his native England in 2017 and embarked on an acting career. Most notably, he has worked with people such as Elle Fanning, Sylvester Stallone, Tom Hardy, and Benedict Cumberbatch, to name a few. At the tail end of the COVID-19 pandemic, an unexplained event, coupled with a devastating loss, sent him down a completely different path forever. Many unexplainable...
Published 01/24/24
The fear of rejection is a common emotion that many people experience. It can be debilitating and prevent individuals from pursuing their goals and dreams. However, it is possible to heal and overcome this fear. In today’s episode, I talk about  what fear of rejection is, how it might be affecting your relationships, and I give you some tips for healing this fear. Contact me: https://melissaoatman.com melissaoatman77@gmail 636-748-4943   Become a...
Published 01/17/24
Intuitive and host of the podcast “Brreathe Love & Magic,” Ronnie Ryan invited me to be on her show to talk about what to expect in 2024. We had a beautiful and interesting conversation where I channeled messages from my guides about what to expect in 2024. If you want to be prepared for the new year, then you won’t want to miss this conversation.  Breathe Love & Magic Podcast intuitive.biz/category/podcast/ Contact...
Published 01/10/24
Julia Marie experienced her own spiritual awakening three decades ago. Since then, she has gained a wealth of knowledge from her guides. In fact, she even wrote a book titled "Signals from my Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening" to help others who may be struggling to find their way through this confusing and challenging experience. Spiritual Awakenings can often leave people feeling like they are going crazy. Most people feel lost and need direction. In today's discussion, Julia offers us...
Published 01/03/24
Stepping into your power is about recognizing and embracing your personal strengths, talents, and abilities. It's about taking ownership of your life and making choices that align with your values and goals. Today's episode will provide you with the necessary information to understand and effectively utilize the concept of stepping into your power. Throughout our lives, we often face challenges and setbacks that can leave us feeling powerless and uncertain. However, it's important to remember...
Published 12/27/23
Have you ever wondered what triggers your emotions or reactions? It's important to uncover our triggers so we can better understand ourselves and improve our emotional well-being.  Triggers can be anything from a certain word or phrase, to a specific situation or person. They activate an emotional response that may not always be rational. By identifying our triggers, we can learn to manage our reactions and avoid unnecessary conflict.  To uncover your triggers, start paying attention to how...
Published 12/20/23
My guest today is Holly Herbig. Holly is an expert in all things Human Design. She is here today to talk about why knowing our human design type can help us navigate life more easily. She is also here to explain how our specific human design types help us to manifest easier.  Using human design to manifest is a powerful tool that can help individuals align with their unique strengths and purpose in order to manifest their desired outcomes. Human design combines principles from astrology, the...
Published 12/13/23
Your soul is often referred to as the essence of who you are. It is believed to be the eternal part of you that exists beyond your physical body. Understanding your soul can help you gain insight into your purpose, desires, and overall well-being. In this guide, we will explore the concept of the soul and provide a comprehensive overview to help you better understand and connect with your own soul. Are you truly living the life you want, or are you doing what everyone else wants you to do?...
Published 11/22/23
Fear is a powerful emotion that can greatly impact our lives. It has the potential to hold us back from pursuing our dreams, achieving our goals, and living a fulfilling life. In this episode, we will explore the topic of overcoming fear and how to stop allowing it to keep us stuck. By understanding the background and key concepts related to fear, implementing best practices, and avoiding common pitfalls, we can learn to navigate fear and live a life of courage and growth. Fear is a natural...
Published 11/15/23
John Thompson is an author and podcastor. He has had a passion for writing since the 4th grade. He kept getting in his own way and putting his passion project on the back burner. Once he decided that he was going to set a goal to write a little bit each day, nothing could stop him. He is here today to talk about the writing process and how you can finish that book too. His journey led him to develop spiritually, and he learned so much about himself. Listen today as he takes us through the...
Published 11/08/23