Your energy is your frequency and you will only ever receive what your energy is available for.
Published 09/06/22
Published 09/06/22
Because business is not only about marketing, sales, systems, processes & procedures. That’s not all. You’re not only focusing and building a business, but what you’re really doing is you are building and developing yourself as a human being.
Published 08/23/22
Tune in to this week's episode as Phili O talks about the transparency in client attraction.
Published 08/10/22
Boundaries! So that we can keep order in our lives and to stop us from over-extending ourselves to the point it becomes frustrating, boundaries are the most important practice to implement into your routine.
Published 08/01/22
Tune in to this week's episode for Phili's Instagram Live interview by Marika Verkade as she talks about the ins and outs of the passive way to make your money work for you 💎💵✨
Published 07/25/22
The Aligned Action Bundle consists of 3 full courses that will take your life and business to the next level.
Published 07/19/22
This episode is best listened to as background music or whilst sleeping, on low volume. It's designed to be heard by your subconscious and contains looping money mantras and music set at 432hz to attract in money, wealth, abundance and prosperity.
Published 07/11/22
It's time you faced the truth, gorgeous. The truth that you're here for a very f*****g important purpose. You're here to serve and to lead. You've been gifted with a voice and opinions and beliefs that are needed to change the world and are needed to create a people that is loving and strong.
Published 07/05/22
Choosing yourself. What is good and alignment for you is going to be the thing that allows you to be able to give more to other people. Join Phili O. For this week’s episode as she talks about being loyal to yourself (and f**k everyone else)
Published 06/28/22
So many people think that we can not still be friends if we have different beliefs. I just don’t get it. We are all uniquely beautiful individuals who all have a right to believe whatever it is that we want to believe. 
Published 06/08/22
Upper limiting is when you hit a certain level in your life, in your career, in your hobby, and the thing that you're trying to do, and you get to that place that you've always wanted it to be. And then what happens is you start to self sabotage on other things. The reason that this happens is because we are not used to having what it is that we want.
Published 05/31/22
Join Phili O. for this week’s episode as she talks about how we have the capacity to manage and to do multiple things in our lives.
Published 05/25/22
Join Phili O. for this week’s episode as she talks about the beauty of passive income and how you can acquire it through investing and asset building.
Published 05/16/22
Procrastinating is a thief of time and thief of energy. It is a really big reason as to why so many people are not living the life that they want to live. Join Phili O. for this week’s episode as she talks about procrastination, how to beat it and improve your productivity and confidence.
Published 05/10/22
When self-doubt comes out for you, what are you going to choose next? How are you going to deal with that? How are you going to allow yourself to start BEING when it comes out for you? Join Phili O. for this week’s episode as she talks about ꜱᴇʟꜰ-ᴅᴏᴜʙᴛ and how she deals with it and step into something BIG ✨
Published 05/02/22
The ultimate success is when you just get to show up however you are and just talk about whatever you want and know that it's okay.
Published 04/12/22
You were born for this. Born for greatness. Born to lead. Born to create. Born to be. You are awesome beyond measure. You change lives. You transform. Join Phili O for this week’s episode as she talks about the POWER and the MAGIC that you hold inside of you, bring that out and soar through life experiencing true success just by being YOU.
Published 04/05/22
There’s no secret formula, no magic thing that you need to do outside yourself. It all comes down to YOU. Join Phili O. for this week’s episode as she shares the reason behind why most people are not making the money they want.
Published 03/28/22
Humanity is so used to following other people’s footsteps and never really allowed the opportunity to choose for themselves what it is that they actually desire. Join Phili O. for this week's episode as she talks about choosing leadership over following.
Published 03/21/22
Something happens when you step up as an activated leader. Your cells shift, your vibration raises, and your energy can be FELT throughout the lands. You know you have to be the leader of your own life, you know you have to lead others, it's your PURPOSE, it's your BIRTHRIGHT. You can't NOT. Join Phili O. on her special interview by Kai Ashley, for this week's episode, as she talks about being the leader of your own life. 
Published 03/14/22
The Alter Ego Effect is a powerful process to help you step in to your greatness and claim your sovereignty as leader of your own life and destiny from here on out and to start BEING that person in every area of your life. 
Published 03/08/22
Leadership is scary.Leadership takes courage. Leadership means having boundaries that can be uncomfortable. Especially if you're someone that has in the past been a people pleaser. Join Philippa for this week's episode as she talks about the discomfort of leadership.
Published 03/01/22
Your values are the things that get you by each day. They are what sets the president for your boundaries, for what you are willing to tolerate and not tolerate.
Published 02/21/22
Physical activities to make money only take you so far. In order to make money, that is life changing it needs to go deeper, needs to go deeper than the physical actions. It needs to go deeper than just doing the steps and just doing the things on your to do list each day. What needs to happen is switching up your mindset around money.
Published 02/14/22