To close out tequila month we welcome the ledgend that is Kingston Chan. A man of many jobs and talents. Skilled bartender and creator/operated of the bi-weekly tiki takeover pop up in Los Angeles which focuses on creating agave based tequia drinks. We talk about everything, from Labron James to the fourth of July. Please enjoy some fun chats, some insightful talks, and lots of tequila!
Published 08/24/21
Published 08/24/21
Knowing we have a very speacial guest to present to we work on creating some fun cocktails. The usual nonsense and maybe a highball...who can say!?!
Published 08/11/21
Well this taste test comes with a side of crazy. We hit the ground running in a silly fashion. Do you say horse or horsy'? Does your life come with a side of whimsy? Guess which one of us prefers joy! Anyway, we taste test 4 blanco tequilas (supposed to be 5, but some coloring issues x'ed one out). Hope you enjoy this journy into crazy town and yet again, the blind test results in shock and awe!
Published 07/28/21
After a brief hiatus we are back in the swing of drinking. We discuss what we were up to while we were out. We discuss the world reopening. We drink margaritas as we dip our toes into the world of this agave beauty. Enjoy as we explore blanco tequilas.
Published 07/21/21
This week we welcome our very special guest Paul Nakayama, the co founder of Nankai Group and crowd favorite Nankai Shochu. We drink a varity of cocktails, play with everything from a kimchi reduction to wasabi salt to a play on a mai tai. Tackling topics from the founding of kogi to some of the real life issues today. Hope you all enjoy learning more about this amazing spirit and it's history. We go a little more nerdy than usual and we go a bit longer. We loved having Paul on and we were...
Published 07/14/21
This week we lean in to our shochu's and try to create some cocktails that really speak to some of the unique flavors of the shochu's we tried. Deciding to take Nankai out of the mix, as we will for be drinking that next week, we played with the notes of the Iichiko blends. We talk all things vaccines and cocktails, as you do. Enjoy as we play with this spirit that continues to inspire us and intrigue us!
Published 07/06/21
This week we explore deeper into Japanese Shochu and taste test 3 different types. One really takes us by surprise and gets our wheels turning. Enjoy learning more about this under explored and really versitle spirit and taste along with us!
Published 06/29/21
This month we explore a different kind of spirit not too many people may be aware of. Japanese Shochu. Not to be confused with your Korean BBQ favorite shot, this spirit is magical! Low calorie and hangover free!!! We explore its roots a bit, talk about how Esteban and Felicity became such big fans, and drink. What's our drink this week, high balls of course!!!
Published 06/22/21
This week we get to have the amazing, lovely, hardworking angel, Rose Krone as our guest and judge tonight.Rose is an extremely accompished bartender in Los Angeles. She began her career in Flordia and then headed west to LA 7 years ago where she has made her presence on the scene known. Working at a variety of places, she can now be found a Hippo slinging amazing drinks. When not behind the bar she is creating award winning cocktails. This last year alone found her in posession of some...
Published 06/15/21
Still recovering from the shock of our blind taste test, we start our R and D on creating the best cocktails we can for our guest next week. Join us as we make and taste some fun cocktails...will there be a highball again?
Published 06/09/21
It's blind test time and let me just warn you, its a doozy. We almost walked away, cashed it all in, and said goodbye. As always we try all price points (within reason) and even have our very first ever Kirkland brand entry.Hold on to your butts, its about to be a wild ride!
Published 05/31/21
We are tackling a beast, American Whiskeys. We sip highballs while Esteban talks about his trip to Tennessee, why we love bourbon and whiskey so much, and how excited we our for a special guest this month...shhhh it's a secret (Felicity also doesn't know how to keep a secret).
Published 05/31/21
Nothing like some honest competition to excuse drinking. With no guest this week, we have to be honest with ourselves as we pick a winner and enjoy the fruits, or sugar cane, of our labor!
Published 05/31/21
It's R and D time. What shit can we talk while we try and make our best drink?Who is going into next week with all the confidence?Did someone say make it a spritz???
Published 05/31/21
It's blind taste test time. We have every price range represented here for our white rums (we will visit other rums later on). Find out which one we liked, what we were surprised by, and how we think these flavors will work for our cocktails!
Published 05/31/21
New month, new theme. This month begins by tackling a drink very near and dear to both of us, the MaiTai. We are huge fans of Tiki drinks and this is a classic. We sip the classic, talk about all the variations, and starts spinning our wheels on how we can create our own!
Published 05/31/21
It's all been leading up to this! Who will win??? Who made the best cocktail this month??? Listen and find out!
Published 05/30/21
Let's make a cocktail or three!!Its R and D time as we try and create the best cocktail we can with what we learned from the blind taste test. Our processes are very different.
Published 05/30/21
This week we dive deep into Mezcal with our Blind taste testing. We try 4 different Mezcals at 4 different price points and try and guess what is what and pick a favoirte. There was definitly a surprise or two.
Published 05/30/21
Hello and Welcome!!! Join us for an intro into our podcast, ourselves, and the fun we are going have! This epsiode we talk about how we met, a little bit about ourselves and drink some Lighter Shades of Brown from El Tiki Mexicano. We also introduce Mezcal Month!
Published 05/30/21