We’re back with new discoveries and awe-inspiring moments, taking you to a world far beyond your own four walls. The wildlife photographer and adventurer Tui De Roy explores one of the most hostile spots on Earth: the mouth of a volcano on Fernandina Island. The inside of the volcano is a barren place, but surprising life exists - in the form of tiny iguanas.  Jason Ward’s encounter with a Peregrine falcon from the window of his homeless shelter in the Bronx led towards a lasting love...
Published 01/05/21
We've reached the end of Series 3! It's been a series of new discoveries, awe-inspiring moments, tear-jerkers and revelations. In the final episode of the series, we are telling stories about the senses. We begin by meeting Sy Montgomery, who built a bond with an eight limbed friend through touch. Octopi have the unique ability to taste what they are touching using the suction cups on their tentacles; some are more sensitive than others and it became clear to Sy that a friendship had been...
Published 12/19/19
In this episode of the BBC Earth Podcast, we’re getting glimpses into brave new worlds, advancing into unfamiliar territories and breaking new ground. We’re pushing at the frontiers between us and the natural world. In New Zealand there is a river so integral to the history of the Maori people, it has just been granted "personhood". It has been a fight fought for 140 years but finally, this giver of life and symbol of rich history has the same legal rights as the human beings that love it...
Published 12/12/19
For the seventh episode of the BBC Earth Podcast, we’re bringing your stories about adaptation. Did you know, during its 8 month hibernation, the Arctic ground squirrel can survive with a core temperature of 3 degrees below freezing? Scientists have been studying this astounding little rodent’s long, cold sleep to understand whether its hibernation can help revolutionise understanding of our own brains. We also meet the ‘Lightning Bug Lady’ Lynn Faust who has studied fireflies her entire life...
Published 12/05/19
Welcome to another episode of the BBC Earth Podcast; the podcast that delves deep into nature’s great mysteries and surfaces the unknown. This week we’re telling stories of the unexpected, stories which seem too astounding to be true. Journey with us to the Sahara where the sand is known to sing; deep, bassy sounds that reverberate as the millions upon millions of grains fall down the dunes. From the unknown cause of these sounds to the unknown status of a species, let us take you back to...
Published 11/28/19
This week we are telling stories from the wilderness. Stories of scale, vast expanses, extreme conditions, little known corners of the planet and the sparsest environments. We begin in Alaska, with the tale of an unbreakable bond between a dogsled racer and her pack, who travel huge distances across rugged terrain. Diving deep to the ocean floor, we join Deep Sea Biologist, Diva Amon, to discover new species and understand the threats that lie beneath. Meet the camera operators who filmed...
Published 11/21/19
This week on the BBC Earth Podcast, we are sharing stories of unity. Hear the story behind the international mission of 20 African countries to hold back the desert and plant trees to reclaim the once lush oasis of oasis and greenery. We also discover the unique relationship between a toad and tarantula who choose to be roommates as well as a migration miracle: a three-thousand mile oceanic journey across the Sargasso Sea is made by a transparent animal half the width of a pencil. Make sure...
Published 11/14/19
This week we're travelling to a place that is different for all of us, but one we all hold close to our hearts: Home. Listen to the heart-warming story of a keeper in Ohio who built an unbreakable bond with a baby Sumatran rhino named Harapan. Sumatran Rhinos are facing extinction and Harapan was the last remaining in the Western Hemisphere, kept in captivity at Cincinnati Zoo. To give the species the best chance of survival in the wild, Harapan was to fly across the world and return to the...
Published 11/07/19
Welcome to the third series of the BBC Earth Podcast. This time, we’re taking you behind the scenes and sharing untold stories from our latest landmark series, Seven Worlds One Planet, from the perspective of camera crew, producers, researchers and scientists alike. Alongside these stories, you’ll hear tales from people all over the planet, exploring the huge array of environments on our planet, from the beauty of vast sand dunes to the eerie deep sea floor; unveiling the harsh reality of...
Published 10/31/19
The BBC Earth Podcast is back from Thursday 31st October. This series, we're taking you behind the scenes and sharing untold stories from our latest television series, Seven Worlds One Planet. Alongside these stories, you'll hear tales from all over the planet, from vast sand dunes, to the eerie deep sea floor. It's time to close your eyes, open your ears and subscribe so you never miss an episode. For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy
Published 10/17/19
Welcome to the final episode of the BBC Earth Podcast, Series 2. This series we've told stories about the amazing animals that live among us, and discovered the amazing technology that helps us get close to them; we've looked down on the wonder of our planet from above, and met the people who are working hard to take better care of it. For our final journey, we're looking beyond Earth, out through our thinning atmosphere to the stars and the depths of space. Make sure you're subscribed so...
Published 05/09/19
Sometimes we need to look at our planet from a different perspective to really appreciate its splendour and realise how small we really are, when sailing the seas or staring into the sky. This week join us in discovering the magical, the unexpected and the awe-inspiring. Don’t forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode and let us know what you think on social media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bbcearth/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bbcearth/ Twitter:...
Published 05/02/19
Ever wondered what it would be like to fly into the heart of a storm? For the pilots of the 53d Weather Reconnaissance Squadron it’s just another day on the job monitoring and collecting data on weather systems. These ‘Hurricane Hunters’ share what it’s really like when you reach the eye of a storm. But it’s not just weather on Earth that captures our imagination; we’re travelling about 63 light years from our world to experience weather on other planets. Wind speeds of 5,400mph, dust storms...
Published 04/25/19
This week we turn our attention to the technology that enables us to soar above the clouds to and zoom in close to our natural world. We meet Sacha, who conquered her debilitating fear of flying after realising her only chance of understanding a steep decline of swans, was to fly alongside them. Prepare to be amazed by the complex world of bio-inspired robotics, and the immensely intelligent engineers behind them, which can go where humans can’t; places that are inaccessible or dangerous and...
Published 04/18/19
This week, we tackle one of the biggest questions that has puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries – the concept of ‘forever’. First, we look to the future where advances in science could give the species we thought lost forever a second chance at life and wonder what the archaeologists of the future (human or otherwise) will learn about our civilisation from the items we leave behind. Will plastic be humanity's lasting legacy on this planet and what will happen to Earth’s great...
Published 04/11/19
Never has the saying 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' been more true, than in nature. This week, we ponder a question: who really decides what is beautiful? It is the creatures who do not fit our conventional beauty standards that are taking centre stage. We discover The Ugly Animal Preservation Society (yes, it exists!) and its weird yet wonderful looking members. While a little more aesthetically challenged, some of these animals are just as endangered as their cute, cuddly and...
Published 04/04/19
The world is moving and changing at an ever-increasing speed, but we’re all starting to realise the importance of slowing down. This week we meet Amy Powney who explains how the influence of her off-the-grid childhood led her to be a pioneer in slow, sustainable fashion. Plus, the cameramen who help us understand creatures and plants on different time scales to our own with the help of specialised equipment and a lot of patience. We also meet Lauren Gay who, in 2015, spontaneously booked a...
Published 03/28/19
We begin the second series of the BBC Earth Podcast in bustling, often polluted, but always charismatic cities. In today’s built-up world, it’s easy to forget that nature is often closer than we might think. Meet the two women from a suburban London council estate who bonded over their discovery of some very unexpected guests from the woods at nightfall. Just as humans adapt to rural or urban lifestyles, we explore the ways in which urban animals’ bodies have adapted, alongside their...
Published 03/21/19
The BBC Earth Podcasts returns for a second series from Thursday 21st March. We’ll be taking you on a journey from our beautiful but changing environment here on earth, to less explored corners of the universe. Imagine how it feels to discover a bear in your home… the lengths we would have to go, to exist on another planet. Close your eyes, open your ears and subscribe so you never miss an episode.
Published 03/14/19
For our final week of BBC Earth Podcast's first season, we're talking families. Series Producer Rupert Barrington takes us on a deep dive into Dynasties, exploring the ideas behind the series and how the stories were chosen (don't worry, no spoilers!). Meet the unique couple who dedicate their lives to nurturing a colony of chimps abandoned by a US research centre and wrap your head around the biology of bonding.
Published 01/03/19
Join us for a game of hide and seek. Imagine trying to track down an uncollared tiger in a vast, dense jungle in India… You’d need the help of experienced local trackers who have spent years perfecting the art of tracking animals through the language of surrounding species. To them, simply listening to the wall of sound around them paints the perfect audio map of what’s going on in the dense undergrowth. Speaking of maps, we hear the tale of a man who used satellite technology and imagery to...
Published 12/27/18
Discover the rituals performed in the animal kingdom for love, life and death. Did you know painted wolves sing to vote for the next alpha couple? Neither did we. This behaviour was documented for the first time ever by the crew working on BBC Earth’s latest landmark. We explore the weird, and occasionally dark, acts that characterise crow funerals, how birds brandish themselves to potential mates and the awe-inspiring tale of witnessing a mass-baptism at the Blue Nile – a river steeped in...
Published 12/20/18
The transition between childhood and adulthood is no easy feat for humans and animals alike. These awkward years see creatures evolving physically and socially, clumsily learning to fend for themselves with all the pitfalls of being young, foolish and free. This week we hear from producer-director Simon Blakeney as he describes the dynamic duo Red and Tatu from Dynasties’ Lions episode.   Learning from others is part of getting older and, hopefully, wiser, but when there are no parental...
Published 12/13/18
This week we’re taking you to the southernmost continent on the planet: Antarctica. This is where cameraman Lindsay McRae and his team spent 10 months filming emperor penguins for Dynasties. As it was impossible for the crew to leave their location, it meant Lindsay experienced a key life event sixteen thousand kilometres from home. In this episode, you’ll also walk among silverback gorillas in the Impenetrable Forest, step into untouched caves and meet the man who finds companionship through...
Published 12/06/18
Beginnings. Join the crew from Dynasties on a journey to Senegal, home of Fongoli chimps. Each year, these chimps brave intense wildfires that ruin their homes. Destructive though they seem, these wildfires are actually part of the cycle of life. The stories in this episode embrace what it means to discover our roots, to begin again and the trials some animals must endure in their very first stages of life. Eric Grandon, a military veteran, explains how caring for a colony of bees turned his...
Published 11/29/18