The common perception that lawyers need to keep their objectivity in family law is bull. Sure, we need to give advice, but we also need to keep our warmth in place to do the best job possible. Especially where concerns the well-being of a child. ********************* For more, visit bethebestdivorcelawyer.com for wisdom and advice from Val Hemminger, long-suffering law boss at ​Hemminger Law Group Westshore.
Published 06/21/18
All of us live by a certain set of unwritten rules: our values. By writing down these values and organizing them into a personal manifesto, we can live each day with intention to become better lawyers and better people. One great example of how to successfully use a manifesto is Lululemon. I believe that the secret to their rapid growth and success lies in their company manifesto. LINKS:  Company Manifesto - Lululemon How and Why to Write Your Own Personal Manifesto - Art Of...
Published 06/08/18
The Dog File: the file that sits in the corner of our office, howling and growling at you because you never want to deal with it. Maybe the client is from hell, or you’ve inherited the file from another lawyer and it’s a colossal mess. Dealing with a dog file isn't something they teach in law school. The law practice hack I share in this podcast is all about how to deal with a dog file.    ********************* For more, visit BeTheBestDivorceLawyer.com for wisdom and advice from Val...
Published 06/01/18
Sometimes, despite our very best efforts, we fall flat on our faces. In this podcast I share my top three tips to help prevent the fall, and some advice from one of my favourite business gurus to help you get back up and carry on when the fall does happen. LINKS Seth Godin - http://sethgodin.strikingly.com/   *********************For more, visit bethebestdivorcelawyer.com  for wisdom and advice from Val Hemminger, long-suffering law boss at Hemminger Law Group Westshore
Published 05/16/18
"Never waste a trip" is probably one of the most profoundly important pieces of advice I have ever received. It came from a fellow server when I worked at a greasy spoon in 100 Mile House. Somehow, amidst all the chaos, one server always seemed to be on top of things - and with time to spare! I've translated her tip into every aspect of my life. Not only has it saved me time, but it has saved me a huge amount of stress. Written by Val Hemminger, retired server, retired gas station...
Published 05/01/18
To live a more simple life is about appreciating what we have rather than the pursuit of accumulating wealth. It’s taken Val a few years to learn this lesson the hard way. In this episode she tells how she started a law firm on the equity of her home and buried herself in crushing debt. Listen to this episode and learn how to not make the same mistakes Val did! Links: http://www.mrmoneymustache.com/ *********************For more, visit bethebestdivorcelawyer.com  for wisdom and advice...
Published 03/21/18
The high conflict individual is someone that, as divorce lawyers, we come across frequently. Sometimes they’re the opposing party, and sometimes they’re the opposing lawyer. Dealing with this sort of person can be a nightmare, so we at Hemminger Law Group have adopted a method proposed by Bill Eddy from the High Conflict Institute: 1. Brief 2. Informative 3. Friendly 4. Firm Watch / listen here to see BIFF in...
Published 03/17/18