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Be your own therapist
Self-therapy is a new way of finding the path to happiness, mindfulness and peace, from the comfort of your home. What is this concept and how can we implement it in our daily lives? Self-therapy has become the action plan to follow up with, if you're seeking growth and improvement in your emotional and mental aspects of life. It consists of several habits and rituals to commit to, alongside a road of discovery of our past for a better understanding of our current issues and struggles. If you are seeking a better understanding of your past, and a clearer vision of your future, working in...
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Recent Episodes
Published 02/29/24
Life surprises us with the best, and sometimes the worst. Unexpected events are inevitable, so how will self-therapy train you to deal with all these possibilities and changes? And how will it become a significant part of living instead of just being a phase intended for temporary growth? 
Published 02/29/24
Focused on several areas of our daily lives, the previous episodes introduced you to the day action plan, but how can we prepare ourselves at night for a newer day? Reflection and resetting are major key players in this journey of mindfulness and healing, and mastering this will be beneficial, so...
Published 02/22/24
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