EP.36 貪心的狗/ A Greedy Dog
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謝謝小朋友、大朋友耐心等候。如果需要完整逐字稿PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。 Hello, this is teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。 小朋友,你對你現在所擁有的東西感到滿足嗎(Are you satisfied with what you have now)?還是想要更多呢(Or do you want more)?你是不是常常羨慕別人總有新玩具呢(Do you often envy others who always have new toys)?你覺得你真的需要更多嗎(Do you think you really need more)?還是因為貪心呢(Or is it because you are greedy)?如果思考後,你覺得還是需要更多,那麼,應該怎麼做呢(If after thinking about it, you feel that you still need more, then what should you do)?讓我們先聽聽這個故事,再來思考這個問題(Let's listen to this story first, and then think about it)。 有一隻肚子好餓的狗,到處尋找食物,沒過多久,發現地上有一塊香噴噴的肉(There was a very hungry dog who was looking for food everywhere. After a while, he found a piece of delicious meat on the ground),他心裡想(he thought):「真是太幸運了(I’m so lucky),我要回家好好地享受(I want to go home and enjoy it)。」於是他趕緊把那塊肉叼了起來,跑啊跑,想快點跑回家(So he quickly picked up the meat and started running, wanting to get home quickly)。終於要過河了,只要過了河,就到家了(He reached the river - he just had to cross the river, and he would be home)。於是他小心翼翼地走上了河上的小橋,當走到橋中間時,不經意地往河裡看了一下(So he cautiously walked up the small bridge over the river; when he got to the middle of the bridge, he happened to looked down into the river),結果他看到有一條狗在水裡,嘴裡也咬著一塊好大的肉(and he saw a dog in the water with a big piece of meat in its mouth)。忽然,他有了一個想法(Suddenly, he had an idea):「那塊肉好像比我的這一塊大一點(That piece of meat seems to be bigger than mine),如果我對那隻狗大叫,說不定他會怕得丟下肉跑走(If I bark at that dog, maybe it will be afraid and drop the meat and run away),這樣我就有兩塊肉了(so I will have two pieces of meat)!」 他越想越興奮(The more he thought about it, the more excited he became),於是,他張開嘴大聲地吼(so he opened his mouth and barked loudly):「汪、汪……(Woof, woof…) !」結果,他一張開嘴,肉便從他的嘴裡掉了下去,「噗通」一聲,便沉到水裡不見了(Of course, when he opened his mouth, the meat fell from his mouth, and with a "plop" it sank into the water and disappeared)。這時他才發現,原來那隻狗是自己在水中的倒影(At that moment, he realized that the other dog was his own reflection in the water)。他傷心地哭了起來(He cried sadly):「早知道我就不要那麼貪心了,好餓啊( If I knew this would happen, I wouldn’t be so greedy. I'm starving )。」可是,一切都來不及了(But it was too late)。 小朋友,你是不是也替這隻狗感到可惜呢(Do you feel sorry for this dog)?其實,想要更多,想要更好,都是很正常的(In fact, it is normal to want more and better),人類也因為想要過更富足、更享受的生活,所以有了更多更好的發明(Human beings have more and better inventions because we want to live a richer and more enjoyable life)。只要是靠自己的力量,並且不傷害他人,那麼,人人都有權利追求自己想要的生活(Everyone has the right to pursue the life they want as long as they rely on their own strength and do not harm others)。如果這隻狗能夠先回家填飽肚子,以後餓了,再靠自己的力量出去找更多食物,而不是搶別人的東西,那麼他就不會有這樣的下場了(If the dog could go h
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