This is a deep guide to happier relationships and the skill of empathy. Learning this skill will make you important in other people's lives. You will be able to know what to say in difficult situations and solve almost any conflict. In this episode we will dive into six different topics. Topic 1 - Why empathy is important  Empathy is a complicated word. In our first topic we will explain what it means and how it feels.  We used to be bad at empathy ourselves, without even knowing, so here...
Published 05/01/22
Published 05/01/22
For you listening, today you will learn the answer questions like "Why are we lying?", "How can I be more honest?", "How can I stop lying?", "How can I make others stop lying to me?" and much more! In this episode, we will dive into five different topics. Topic 1 - Lying to avoid difficult conversations. These are the kind of lies we tell our friends and family members when we are put in difficult situations. Lies like saying we would love to visit our parents in law, when we actually...
Published 01/20/22
For you listening, today you will learn: How everybody have values they don't even know about, and how these values secretly runs out lives. How these values are the reasons why we make certain decisions and why we take different actions. And how you by understanding your values better can create lots of meaning in everyday life, get access to more energy, excitement and motivation. All of this, you will learn today!
Published 09/07/21
Today we will talk about "long-term thinking". What does it even mean to "think long term" and how can you listening apply it in your life? What are the small practical ways to use "long-term thinking" today to make sure your life gets better? We will teach you how to use long-term thinking to solve everyday problems like: - What should I eat today? - I don't want to go to the gym! - And, I don't have enough money! All these problems can be solved with long-term thinking!
Published 06/28/21
We probably all agree that governments can be a force for good. When well-managed, they protect our rights. However, issues arise when government intervention skews markets. The Heartland Institute promotes market solutions to difficult social and economic problems in the USA. Want to support The Heartland institute? https://www.heartland.org/ Find the episode on Great.com: https://great.com/great-talks-with/how-the-heartland-institute-safeguards-your-individual-freedoms
Published 06/02/21
If your confidence is low, you will have so many regrets. You will be too afraid to start that business, you will not tell that person you love them, and you will let people walk all over you. We learned that confidence is not something you are born with, confidence is a skill - a skill that you listening will learn today. Today we both run businesses, we challenge ourselves daily on social media and we've both found the women of our dreams. All thanks to the confidence we have built.
Published 03/18/21
If you are suffering from overthinking, envy, comparing yourself with others, procrastination, or fear of failing - you most likely have the same problem as we've had - you are emotionally poor. Being emotionally poor has been the source of most of the pain both me and Erik have felt in our lives. In this episode, we will teach you how to become emotionally rich, how to deal with negative thoughts, become a doer that goes after their dreams, and believes in themselves.
Published 01/30/21
Networking is a very misunderstood term. Most people think that it's just about business - but your networking skills can even mean the difference between a sad and lonely life, and becoming rich and happy. Today we will teach you how we have found: - business partners - new clients - friends for life - and even love by simple techniques that are easy to learn. And stick with us to the end, because we will share how to write the perfect email if you want to find a mentor or get your dream job.
Published 11/04/20
Your dreams will never come true unless you beat the number, one dream killer - procrastination. Nothing is more frustrating than having a great idea, knowing what you should do, but for some reason not being able to get started. The key to beating procrastination is to build habits for better focus. With the right habits, you will get better focus and you can stay away from distractions. Today's episode will teach you 26 habits for better focus.
Published 10/20/20
Erik has over 200 000 followers on Instagram and "How to stop procrastinating?" and "How to stop overthinking?" are by far the most common questions that he gets. Almost everyone has this problem. You are not alone. Today's episode has been split up into four topics: 1. Why we are overthinking? What is the reason that we struggle to get started even when we know what to do? 2. How to stop comparing ourselves with others? 3. What to do when we are feeling overwhelmed? 4. How to remove...
Published 10/12/20
Erik has invested $900 000 in the domain name Great.com because he wants to build a company that will change an entire industry from the inside and out. In this episode, we will explain the business model of Great.com, what industry we will change first, and why we will succeed. And stick with us, because somewhere in this episode, I will tell you how much money I think that we will make.
Published 10/03/20
Our four best productivity habits give us 25 extra hours of performance each week. Habits that save time! We are two habit nerds that constantly tweak our days to maximize output. In this episode, we will break our habits down for you. How you can apply them and how you can use them to boost your personal development and your career.
Published 09/25/20
One of the most important factors of Erik's business success is that he a great networker. He's good at creating exciting conversations where people open up and they quickly get to know each other. In this episode, we will teach you the technique that he is using, breaking it down in examples, explaining how to use it and why it works.
Published 09/18/20
There are four mistakes that almost everyone does in conversations. They are easy to avoid but most people are not even aware of them. You are most likely doing them as well - and they will lower your chances of happy relationships and successful careers. Today we are diving into how to develop the most important social skill by avoiding these mistakes.
Published 09/11/20
In today's episode, you will get a chance to learn the most important social skill. It's an aspect of listening that will change how you act in all conversations. Today's episode has been split up in four topics: 1. How will listening change your life? 2. What does it mean to be a great listener? 3. What's the best way to learn the skill listening? 4. What is the first thing that you have to do to learn the most important social skill
Published 09/04/20
Feeling passion is great, but how do we find our passion? Many people make mistakes that prevent them from finding their passion. In this episode of the Becoming Great.com podcast, we explore 3 key concepts that will help you understand how to find your passion.
Published 08/27/20
We are back from our summer break and there are a lot of things that have happened. Today we will discuss what's going on and give you an update on Great.com.
Published 08/21/20
A great leader makes people excited to move in a certain direction. A great leader makes everyone around them better and more confident. One of the most powerful ways to do that, is by becoming good at showing appreciation. It costs nothing and it can be remembered forever. Today's episode is about Powerful leadership skills with focus on appreciation leadership skill.
Published 08/12/20
This is an email we got from Anna, one of our listeners. I don't like the job I currently have. My boss is very demanding and I'm stressed out. I I would love to be able to focus on creating music. However, I can't afford to quit my job and don't have enough time to turn the music into a career. What can I do? How to stop working and follow my dream? If you have a similar situation as Anna, this episode is perfect for you. We are diving into the concept of "The purpose of money is to buy...
Published 07/03/20
What is actually meditation? How could meditation help you in your personal growth or your entrepreneurial journey? There are many ways to meditate, and there are many benefits to the practice. Today Erik and Emil break down their favorite ways to meditate so you can feel BETTER and be less distracted, Meditation - How to get started.
Published 06/27/20
Great.com will give away 100% of its profit, but so far we have had zero revenues. Yet, we have decided to do our first big donation - $100 000. The purpose is to unify the team, get a publicity push, and support what we believe is a great organization - the questions to answer, are we really unifying the team, or only causing stress and distraction? And will we get any publicity at all?
Published 06/18/20
How come some people seem to have unlimited willpower with the ability to push through anything? Today we explore what willpower is, and how anyone can build it stronger. "The more voluntary suffering you build into your life, the less involuntary suffering will affect your life." - Tim Ferriss This quote by Tim Ferriss inspired the episode of today. We look into how to build will power and stop procrastination by making it easy to choose your challenges today.
Published 06/12/20
What is Great.com? To answer that question, the best way is to look at our long term vision. What will Great.com become? In this episode, we are diving into our founder Erik Bergman's vision of where Great.com is heading.
Published 06/05/20
What is the most powerful way of learning something? How can you engage your brain fully into a topic, tie it into your own experiences, and look at it from lots of different angles? This is the topic of today's episode. We have now done one year of podcasting and we will talk about the most important thing we have learned - how to learn, a very powerful method for learning.
Published 05/29/20