Due to a strong word I got from the Lord, I'm taking a break from sharing personal revelations and teachings on here and going on a journey with Him solo as my teacher. I wanted to let you know as I value each of you here! I'm going to leave you with my updated testimony and what He's done over the last 9 months since I shared my first testimony right after being saved by Jesus from the Manifestation/New Age/Human Potential Movement coaching world. ⁣ This episode will give a brief summary of...
Published 06/29/22
It's staggering the number of believers who do not pray regularly!! I was one of them!!! Since gaining a fresh revelation of prayer, my closeness with God has dramatically shifted, I've seen breakthrough in my prayer life, and I've experienced heaven moving!! Friend, God invites you into deeper closeness with YOU through prayer! I pray this episode inspires you to go after all that He promises and your full inheritance in Him through communion in prayer! ⁣ ⁣ If this podcast gives you value...
Published 06/16/22
Download your FREE Copy of my eBook here: The Lifestyle of Abiding in God's Love⁣ - https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6288aab25177e0c449d5c721 Inside this episode, I get real & really honest, sharing some of the recent revelations God's put in my heart, journal entries, and insights for today, along with a powerful prayer for those of you seeking after Him or wanting to know Him more! ⁣ I pray this blesses you! If so, please consider leaving a quick 5 star review below so more can find...
Published 06/02/22
**Warning** This episode includes real life experiences related to demonic hauntings that may not be suitable for children. Listener discretion is advised. In this episode, Melissa so bravely shares her testimony. A devastating divorce led her into a journey of seeking healing & happiness from all the wrong sources (unknowingly). What started as innocent fun, with crystals, Sedona trips, and meditating with sound frequencies... quickly led her deeper into new age spirituality, deeper...
Published 05/28/22
The Lord put this word of encouragement on my heart to share with you this week. This is for you when you're desiring more of God and not finding, not hearing Him, not feeling His presence. You're seeking and not finding. And THAT my friend, is actually part of HIS Diving doing in you! Listen to this for encouragement and a new revelation for when you're feeling dry or distant. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ xo Sara Petrucci Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sarapetrucci_xo/⁣ Mentorship/Bible Study Community:...
Published 05/19/22
In this episode, I have Krissy McKee on the show to share her testimony of surrendering her plans (in business & parenting) to the Lord and in doing so, He’s building something even more impactful for His Kingdom than she anticipated! ⁣⁣ We cover online business, the “more” we all crave, how to surrender and how it leads to freedom & peace, and the joy of the pursuit of KNOWING GOD MORE!⁣⁣ Follow Krissy & Catch Her FB Live Trainings & Talks Here:...
Published 05/09/22
Honestly, THIS IS EVERYTHING!!!! The Lord intuitively led me to this process and through it has come more fruit, transformation, breaking off of chains/deliverance freedom from so much that kept me in bondage, love, joy, DEEP satisfaction, and best of all - a real (ever growing) RELATIONSHIP with Jesus -- truly ENJOYING HIM!! Inside this episode, I'm breaking down "practical steps" that've helped me dwell with the Lord in the Secrete Place and have led into a lifestyle of ABIDING (remaining)...
Published 05/02/22
In this episode, I'm talking all about spiritual warfare so that your spiritual eyes may be opened, you can know your enemy, and stand firm in your authority over Him through the power of Jesus Christ in you! (See linked resources below for the things I discuss!)⁣ "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." - Ephesians 6:12⁣ “No...
Published 04/19/22
In this special episode, I have my dear friend Trina Dingman on the show for a real & honest conversation on ALL THE THING: Personal Development, Jesus' Love, Network Marketing, Pride, Building Online Businesses Keeping God First, Christ's Power in us VS Operating In Our Own Strength, Allowing Holy Spirit To Lead, & MORE!⁣ ⁣ Trina and I are both fans of personal growth AND have experienced the blessings of Network Marketing done well, however, we've also experienced deception in the...
Published 04/10/22
In this episode, I'm sharing the #1 desire of my heart, the revelation that'll change YOUR LIFE the most (if it hasn't already!) and the ONE THING that produces the REAL life transformation & living ON FIRE for God! Again, I pray for God's help before I go live but I also let it flow very freely when I speak so take everything I share back to the WORD and test it for yourself :)⁣ .⁣ Are you hungry for God?! On Fire now?! Have you recently experienced a new revelation of Jesus or desire...
Published 04/04/22
Today's episode features a new Instagram friend & sister in Christ, Jessica Torres, who built a 6-figure coaching business deeply rooted in divine feminine, teaching sacred sexuality and new age spirituality methods to help women heal trauma and grow businesses until an encounter with Jesus Christ that changed EVERYTHING! ⁣ We talk about the slippery slope of deception in the online space, masculine & feminine, what it looks like to surrender your successful business to Christ...and...
Published 03/23/22
This episode is an INVITATION to awaken you to RISE UP to the reality of WHO lives in YOU, The fullness of God you’ve been given by the Holy Spirit, and a call for us all to live from a higher place so that we can BRING MORE OF HEAVEN TO EARTH!⁣⁣ .⁣⁣ Have questions about the Holy Sprit? Want to talk about these concepts more? Looking for more resources to dive in deeper? DM me on Instagram! @sarapetrucci_xo⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣Hungry to grow closer with God alongside other women on fire? Do you desire...
Published 03/14/22
*Warning*: I mention the topic of SEX so if you have little ears, please wear headphones! ⁣ Today, I’m sharing a special talk I did for some of the women inside our Encompass Bible Study Community - Jesus as our Bridegroom: How developing deeper intimacy with Him changes EVERYTHING and the parallels between our spiritual intimacy with God & our physical relationships/marriage. I’m also sharing a very personal, yet transformational part of my testimony with you…so buckle up!! May this...
Published 03/07/22
In this BONUS episode, I’m getting personal with you and sharing a few of my recent journal entries from revelations God’s given me on what true FREEDOM in Him looks like…⁣ ⁣ If this episode speaks to you in any way, please consider leaving a quick 5 star review below (this helps more find this podcast!) andI’d LOVE to hear about it — reach out to me via Instagram DM! @sarapetrucci_xo⁣ ⁣ Hungry to grow closer with God this year through reading the Bible? Join me inside Encompass Community...
Published 02/23/22
In this episode, I'm interviewing Michal Russo - Former professional Yoga instructor who believed she was living God's will for her life until she encountered Jesus, and "saw" the spiritual reality of Yoga, and gave it all up! She's now an author (writing her second book), creating a true Christian alternative to Yoga called WorshipFlow, and runs her own marketing company -- all by God's grace!⁣ Follow Michal on Instagram: @mrs.michalrusso - https://www.instagram.com/mrs.michalrusso/ ⁣ Grab...
Published 02/22/22
It's my privilege to have Maria Millan Enevoldsen on to share her testimony! She was a very successful spiritual coach, healer, retreat facilitator who surrendered all "new age" spiritual practices (and even her business for a time) to follow God's will after a powerful encounter with Jesus. ⁣ Be sure to follow Maria on Instagram so that you can stay up to date on what God's creating through her! All her info is linked below:⁣ ⁣ Instagram:...
Published 02/16/22
In this first episode of "Your Will Be Done" I'm sharing some of my biggest revelations with you about JESUS. I had a lifetime of unanswered questions and walls up in my heart. And so when Jesus came into my life, I asked Him to reveal Himself to me...This really is GOOD NEWS!!!  ⁣ Do you want to personally KNOW God (not just know about God)? The best way you can do that is to start reading the Bible! -- AND the BEST way to do that is in COMMUNITY with others who'll help bring it alive for...
Published 02/03/22
Welcome to: YOUR WILL BE DONE! A new podcast where I'm sharing the real life journey of what it actually looks like for ambitious women to are surrender their lives to Jesus and follow Him - in life and business! ⁣⁣ ⁣ I'll be taking you along my personal journey as well as bringing on guests to share THEIR personal testimonies too! Many of you who were also involved in the New Age have already reached out to share your stories and they need to be shared with more!⁣⁣ ⁣ If you have a...
Published 01/30/22
In this final episode of 2021, I'm sharing a vision God gave me, and a BIG lesson on identity from the most wild & transformational year of my life. If you're looking for a deeper relationship with God - supernatural peace, joy, fulfillment, love - and you crave authentic friendship, community, sisters who will help you navigate your faith walk, Join us inside ENCOMPASS COMMUNITY!  https://encompasswomen.com/ . Thank you for listening! For your love, support, feedback, shoutouts,...
Published 12/27/21
In this episode, I'm sharing my top 8 tips to help you grow an AUTHENTIC following on social media so that you can serve people and create a movement around your mission, your business, & your message! ⁣ If you need more coaching and help nailing down your personal brand, check out my mini courses (magnetic marketing 101 is only $24! and Hashtag masterclass is only $17 with that!).⁣ If you need help clarifying your calling, your ideal clients, building your own business around your...
Published 12/07/21
Today, I'm sharing a gift with you! This training is a bonus training from my NEW program 'Called For More: Find Clarity In Your Calling, Package Your Passions Into An Online Business, and Make God the CEO'.  If you know my story, you know I taught mindset SOOO differently before!! I taught it the "world's way" as a subconscious mindset/manifestation coach trained in NLP up until I had my experience with God! He opened my eyes in a very radical way and showed me that TRUE transformation only...
Published 11/17/21
In this episode, I'm sharing a (very) personal story of transformation since my recent testimony (see past episode) and a counter-cultural message of encouragement for your life!  If this episode impacts or resonates with you, I'd love to hear about it and connect with you! Come connect with me and send me a message on Instagram @sarapetrucci_xo⁣ FREE DOWNLOAD:  God's Way Vs The World's Way - Navigating 7 ‘Slippery Slopes’ in the online business & personal development world that can...
Published 11/09/21
If this got your wheels turning, I want to hear your ideas!! Some share with me on Instagram @sarapetrucci_xo !!⁣ Have a business idea and need the my help to walk you STEP - BY - STEP from idea, to creation, to launch?! I have 1 (mayyybe 2 if I'm feeling ambitious) spots open for 1:1 Coaching currently! Email me: [email protected] or Apply Here: https://www.sarapetrucci.com/privatecoaching⁣ ⁣ Magnetic Income Academy- My signature course to help you grow a profitable brand and...
Published 11/03/21
CLICK HERE to Download your free 'Motives For Success' questions! Use these questions as your guiding foundation for your business! . In today's Pep Talk, I'm breaking down the concept of Consistency > Intensity and how to keep motivated to show up for the long game! You'll learn the real real key for success in anything you do in life - and obviously for your online biz! . I pray this episode helps remind you why you're here and what greater purpose you're called for! If you haven't...
Published 10/25/21