Published 02/02/23
Today Tommy Walker of Shopify's Enterprise Ecommerce blog is joining us to talk about procrastination, feeling overwhelmed or scared, and how not to be a lazy entrepreneur without burning out by raising the bar, meeting your deadlines, not getting too precious about the work, and the importance of mentors.
Published 12/21/20
We're welcoming back our "Being Boss boyfriend," Paul Jarvis, to talk about setting goals and focusing on what you want (rather than on fear). And digging in deep to the different approaches and views when it comes to goal setting.
Published 12/21/20
Have you ever wondered what it takes to run an empire like Whole30? We chatted with Whole30 founder and NYT best-selling author, Melissa Hartwig. We've got the exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at what it means to build an empire as a creative entrepreneur.
Published 12/21/20
To the working moms, mom-to-be’s, and mamapreneurs—this episode is for you! We’re talking with postpartum health expert Rebecca Egbert about self care—mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually—for mothers who are also boss.
Published 12/21/20
Here are the five biggest fears of creative entrepreneurs and the patterns of fear we've seen from the hundreds of creatives we coach and work with. We're getting specific about what we’re afraid of so that we can the find courage and clarity to get back to work like a boss.
Published 12/21/20
This week we're exploring how to make the daily grind a little more dreamy. Even though we love our jobs as creative entrepreneurs, we're no strangers to getting bogged down in the day-to-day unglamorous side of things. So we're talking about how to get in the right mindset with your dream job, so you can be more productive and happy too.
Published 12/21/20
We're answering a few questions from our Being Boss listeners—from what it feels like to be a working mom and the breadwinner of your family, to having successful business partnerships and managing personality conflicts.
Published 12/15/20
As creative entrepreneurs, you (usually) get to choose where you want to work. So today we want to talk about the pros and cons of working from home and tips on how to establish work / life balance & boundaries so you can work from home like a boss.
Published 12/15/20
Emily and Kathleen talk about what they've been up to this summer and give you a little peek behind the curtain on how taking a vacation has affected business, and how they keep their business running even while they're away.
Published 12/15/20
Business systems guru, Val Geiser is joining us today to talk about setting up & creating systems for your creative business, finding project management tools to create a smoother business & client experience, and creating automations within your business to eliminate time sucks and focus on the work you want to do.
Published 12/15/20
What happens when you go into creative entrepreneurship with your significant other? And what about when you've established a business as a creative solopreneur and then ask your significant other to quit a dreamy job and work with you? Today's episode gives us answers to these questions and more.
Published 12/15/20
Brooke Castillo joins Emily and Kathleen on Being Boss to talk about her coaching philosophy and help us expand our minds to allow abundance into our lives.
Published 12/15/20
If you're are feeling overwhelmed by your to-do lists or by what you should be doing or supposed to be doing for your dream job, we're welcoming guest, Jennifer Dopazo to help us give you advice on how to fall back in love with your business by carving out your own business path and finding your way through passion projects.
Published 11/16/20
Today's topic is content sharing, social media, and our philosophy of giving it all away in a way that helps you set yourself up as a creative expert so you can Be Boss and attract dreamy clients.
Published 11/16/20
Talia is a Braid Method and IndieBOOM dream client who is a nutritionist and a wellness, health, and beauty coach to help her clients live a happier, healthier, and more beautiful life through health, lifestyle, and wellness changes. We wanted to introduce you to someone who has recently just leveled up their game to give some insight on Being Boss in the beginning stages of creative entrepreneurship.
Published 11/16/20