The same actions lead to the same results. Stick to the principles that give good results. Just a little bit of patience can solve everything ✨️
Published 07/29/22
Published 07/29/22
When discipline and consistency are added on the blessings we have a "snowball" effect of blessings πŸ™πŸΏ
Published 07/25/22
Success is a combination of discipline and patience consistently! A small amount of patience can make a huge positive impact in your life. 😊
Published 07/25/22
Success is on of the most beautiful things. Some people see it as a destination, some others see it as a step in the process of winning. The most important feeling is the feeling of accomplishment which we get each time we win. Success is win, here is how to win: Enjoy it! πŸ˜‰
Published 07/25/22
Do you know how many people are scared to ask questions about something that they don't know? Did you know that most of these people are scared of being judged for the question that they ask? In this podcast Patience and Tolerance are the keys to unlock the solutions to these problems. Enjoy it 😊
Published 10/23/21
We are what we are and where we are because of our daily choices. Choosing the positive energy is also our choice. We can start by identifying our assets and liabilities in our circle. Positively yours! 😊
Published 10/18/21
The year is a 12 consecutive set of 24 hours. It can be good or bad based on your daily choices to be productive or not.
Published 01/13/21