We are finally wrapping up Season 1 of the show... I'll be honest, I don't have a lot of words but I have so much love and gratitude for this space and for each of you. In this episode, I want to talk to you all about how I was able to find the faith to start this podcast, the journey I've had over the last year and what I think will help you on your own personal path of starting something new in your life. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit the show online at beingmadewholepod.com or...
Published 05/22/23
Published 05/22/23
Are we truly "ready" for the things we are praying for? In this episode, I want to to talk about the mindset shift I've experienced when it comes to the time between praying for something and receiving it. How do you view preparation? Many of us, including myself believe we are already prepared so why haven't we received? Let's explore that in today's episode! Amazon Link (Woman's Study Bible):...
Published 05/15/23
I am at this point in my life where I feel like I just keep waiting for things to become easy again, I keep waiting for everything around me to change but I've realized that I am the one who needs to make the change, I am the one that needs to step up and do what's hard. In this episode, I want to talk about why it's so important for us to persist through what seems difficult and remove those elements of our life that might be holding us back from what's next! Enjoy and thank you for...
Published 05/08/23
We have got to stop placing limits on what God can do. It's time to believe in the more for my life. In this episode, I want to talk about believing that you are capable of accomplishing more in your life and really leaning into the promises of God. We have this tendency to place limits on what we can do but this week I'll be pushing you to raise the bar. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit the show online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this...
Published 05/01/23
It has been HARD lately trying to navigate these new spaces and sometimes we truly have days where we just have to pull out what fight we have left and do our best and I wanted to remind yall today that it's okay. In this episode, I want to share some authentic reflections about getting yourself out of a funk and fighting back, even when things seems difficult. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit the show online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate...
Published 04/26/23
If you've been "too busy" to go after the spaces you've been called to, then this episode is for you! I want to talk about how I am making the transition from "busy" to productive WITH purpose - adulting is A LOT but we are all here for a reason and it is not just to live and exist! You have a calling over your life and it's time to step into that! Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit the show online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this podcast,...
Published 04/17/23
Can we just take a moment to have an honest and transparent conversation on the podcast this week? In this episode, I want to talk about how I was able to actively reflect on the life that I'm living today to see that I now I have the things I once prayed for and why it's important that we don't spend so much time looking for the next blessing and next best thing that we don't appreciate all that we have right now! Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com...
Published 03/27/23
In this episode, I want to talk about why we shouldn't always be upset when things in our life seem unfair and how often times on the other side of this emotion is a breakthrough in due time if we're patient enough to remain faithful. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this podcast, share it with a friend or on your instagram story and leave a review, as a new host, your feedback means everything to me! I...
Published 03/21/23
In this episode, I want to talk about why it's important for us to identify what our standards and expectations are for the different areas of our life and how we can ensure that they remain aligned to who we're becoming in a season of constant development and discovery. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this podcast, share it with a friend or on your instagram story and leave a review, as a new host, your...
Published 03/14/23
In this episode, I want to talk about the challenges I've been having with finding motivation despite building consistent habits, I share what I'm learning in terms of staying driven and committed to my goals as well as things I did the past few days to really get my fight back to keep going. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this podcast, share it with a friend or on your instagram story and leave a...
Published 03/06/23
In this episode, I share my personal struggle with trying to be so in control of my life and the people in it that it causes me to worry more than I rely on my faith. As I continue to learn to put my trust in God, I share what this has looked like for me in the past and why I'm deciding to make changes. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this podcast, share it with a friend or on your instagram story and...
Published 02/27/23
In this episode, I want to talk about why it's so important for us to understand our self-worth and how that can change multiple areas of our life by learning that we are much more deserving than what we allow ourselves to believe! Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this podcast, share it with a friend or on your instagram story and leave a review, as a new host, your feedback means everything to me! I...
Published 02/20/23
The twenty somethings are a very interesting time, in this episode, I want to talk about some of the things that I've reflected on since my birthday as I prepare to step into a new year of life. I started scripting this episode last week, and I truly just started to ask myself, what have you learned that's added value to how you show up in your life? So today, I want to share a few of those things with you, enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on...
Published 02/14/23
Have you ever been working towards something but you had a hard time staying the course while it was in the process of becoming everything you needed it to be? It can be difficult to trust the process when you are showing up with all that is in you and waiting on life changing results. In this week's episode, I talk about why it's important for us to stay committed in our building season and why the "small" confirmations along the way are so important for us to take in and celebrate. Enjoy...
Published 01/30/23
Last week on the podcast, I talked about some of the principals I wanted to adopt to see success. In further reflecting on what success meant to me,  I started to think about how I've felt in the past when things didn't go as planned. In this episode, I talk about the mindset shift that I'm making in regard to rejection and why it's important for us to be optimistic and go where our "YES" is! Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at...
Published 01/23/23
I am still processing my goals and intentions for 2023 and praying for alignment and direction to ensure that I'm showing up for myself in the way that I need to to achieve success. In this episode, I want to talk about 5 things that I'm adopting in my life to achieve success. We are still in the New Year with anew motivation but naturally as time passes, we need more than a list of goals to see us through. I discuss how I knew it was time for me to make changes in my life and (3) signs that...
Published 01/16/23
It is not always easy for us to be who were called to be, we face the fear of losing opportunities and losing relationship but have we really thought about what happens when we lose ourselves instead? In this episode, I want to talk about showing up as your authentic self during a growing season. The last few weeks, I've been stepping out of my comfort zone to walk in my truth and experienced certain fears and emotions that were holding me back from showing up in spaces I felt called. Enjoy...
Published 01/09/23
Do you feel a sense of pressure with preparing for 2023, maybe you feel like you need to have your life completely figured out for the New Year? In this episode, I want to talk about finding and realigning with our purpose in life. As we enter into 2023, many of us may feel stressed with the pressure of having our game plan mapped out in full. I'm learning that this can mislead our steps and actions if we rush this process and we don't get in touch with what we need to become...
Published 01/02/23
In this episode, we will do something a little different, I asked my friends, listeners and family to submit questions they'd like me to answer, I'm excited to say they did not disappoint, tonight I'll be sharing my thoughts, tips and perspectives on topics including: my current season in life, self-care habits, overcoming imposter syndrome in the work place and my journey with podcasting so far, etc. With that said... Let’s get into today’s episode and here’s to another dose of...
Published 12/22/22
Welcome back to the Being Made Whole podcast, a platform and community surrounding everything related to self-growth and reflection. In this episode, I want to talk about my personal struggles with real time gratitude and grace for myself and where I am in my life today. I share with you all (3) main things I plan to start practicing this week to help me embrace and enjoy the present. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be...
Published 12/19/22
Welcome back to the Being Made Whole podcast, a platform and community surrounding everything related to self-growth and reflection. In this episode, I want to talk about the emotions and challenges that come along with becoming our next level selves as well as how I'm navigating the end of the year and preparing to make changes for 2023. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this podcast, share it with a...
Published 12/05/22
Welcome back to the Being Made Whole podcast, a platform and community surrounding everything related to self-growth and reflection. In this week's episode, I want to talk about moving with intention in our daily practices, our goals and our relationships as we prepare for the new year and how I am taking a better look at my life to prepare for 2023 . Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this podcast, share it...
Published 11/21/22
Welcome back to the Being Made Whole podcast, a platform and community surrounding everything related to self-growth and reflection. In this week's episode I want to talk about the work that goes into navigating a season of our lives that we are ready to let go. I share tips on how I am managing my thoughts and emotions while waiting for the right timing to enter a new chapter. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to...
Published 11/13/22
Welcome back to the Being Made Whole podcast, a platform and community surrounding everything related to self-growth and reflection. In this episode, I talk about the importance of acknowledging how far you have come in your life, and what you've learned along the way with a special focus on forgiving ourselves and the beauty in letting go. Enjoy and thank you for listening! Visit us online at beingmadewholepod.com or on Instagram at @bmwhole. Be sure to rate this podcast, share it with a...
Published 10/30/22