Kevin Harris on Radical Mentoring | Episode 26
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Are you wanting to learn ways to be a better parent to your kids and partner to your spouse? What skills can you learn to help you shift your patterns? How can having a mentor help you? In this podcast episode, Billy and Brandy Eldridge speak about radical mentoring with Kevin Harris. Meet Kevin Harris Kevin Harris is the president of Radical Mentoring. Kevin grew up in Durham, NC, and attended Furman University before moving to Atlanta. Before joining Radical Mentoring, he led a sales team at Wells Real Estate Funds and served in sales positions at CNL and Atlas Energy. He and his wife Susan have two boys, Thomas and Bo. Kevin enjoys coaching his sons, cooking a good meal, reading a good book, and watching a good game. Visit Kevin’s website, connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vimeo. In This Podcast Summary * Kevin’s foundational points * 5ft for 5 minutes * How radical mentoring connects with the male community * Quick tips on how to be a better dad and husband Kevin’s foundational points For Kevin, becoming a better father and husband is a universal truth to follow. “I believe that I’m the better husband and the better dad if I love and serve my wife and my kids really well.” Although this is difficult sometimes and it can feel like an upside-down way to live initially, but having a loving and strong relationship with his children and his partner bring Kevin the greatest joy and deeper inter-relational connections. Learning how to care for our families and the people closest to us seems to feel increasingly alien in a world where we care more for our clients at work. However, making this conscious change to also value and uphold the family as a unit is necessary to build healthy interpersonal relationships. 5ft for 5 minutes This is an idea that comes from Radical Mentoring where someone will come home from work and when they walk in the door, they go up to their spouse and give them 5 minutes of undivided attention to reconnect with the home life after the work life. For some busy families, this may not always be the most ideal strategy, and Kevin recommends that this little transitional period does not have to strictly be 5 minutes or 5ft, but that it is a guideline and an encouragement to check in with your partner first-thing when you come home from work instead of automatically switching off. How radical mentoring connects with the male community Some people have outdated ideas about what mentoring is that put them off of the idea, however, it is a lot more than simply talking. Through radical mentoring, they provide a space and place for men to calmly and safely express their vulnerability – this is something especially important since in many ways men are encouraged to bottle up their emotions and experiences instead of dealing with them. What Radical Mentoring aims to do is to create environments where men can have the space to share their stories and experiences with other men and can connect with others who have also been in similar situations and find true empathy amongst their peers instead of feeling isolated. Through Radical Mentoring, the men are also given interesting and helpful books to read, resources to interact with, and taught how to journal and complete daily assessment hom...
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