Send us a Text Message.One of the subjects Paul discussed in his letter to the churches of Galatia was a comparison of living with our “sinful self” and living “by the Spirit.” If a person lives out selfish desires, the ultimate result is a sinful life. Sin is the fruit. In contrast, when Christians allow the Holy Spirit to control their lives, they will do the good things that please the Holy Spirit and God. This kind of life is the fruit of the Spirit.Bible verses used in this episode:Galat...
Published 06/14/24
Published 06/14/24
Send us a Text Message.The church in Corinth had many problems, and Paul addressed those in the two letters he wrote to them. He instructs that their internal bickering and selfishness could be solved if they practised one thing: LOVE. In this chapter, Paul gives practical advice on what love is and how to practice it.When teaching, emphasise that love is how you treat people and not just an emotional feeling.Bible verses used in this episode:1 Corinthians 13Outline:Good actions mean no...
Published 06/07/24
Send us a Text Message.During the Passover meal, Jesus gave new meaning to the unleavened bread and fruit of the vine. He told the disciples that from now on, they were to eat and drink it to remember the significance of his death on their behalf.We take the Lord’s Supper each week as a memorial celebration of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.Bible verses used in this episode:1 Corinthians 11:23-34Matthew 26:26-30Mark 14:22-26Luke 22:14-20I Corinthians 12:27Exodus 12:12-131 Peter 1:18...
Published 05/31/24
Send us a Text Message.Paul wrote a letter to the church in Ephesus to help them understand God’s power and how He wants Christians to behave. To help them be “strong in the Lord”, Paul uses an example of a soldier’s battle armour to explain that God gives Christians spiritual weapons of strength to fight Satan.Bible verses used in this episode:Ephesians 6:10-18Ephesians 1:21-22James 4:71 Peter 5:8-9Colossians 2:15Romans 8:37-39Old Testament References to Armour:Isaiah 59:16-17Isaiah 11:5Isai...
Published 05/24/24
Send us a Text Message.From infancy and throughout his life, Timothy studied the Scriptures and learned about God. His father was an unbelieving Greek, but his mother and grandmother were followers of God and taught him well. As a young man, Timothy joined the Apostle Paul on missionary journeys and continued serving God in many ways over his lifetime. He was like a son to Paul and one of his most trusted co-workers.Emphasise that we can be like Timothy and begin to learn ab...
Published 05/17/24
Send us a Text Message.For the two years Paul was in Rome, he was allowed to live in his own rented house with Roman guards keeping an eye on him. While there, he often invited the Jews to come to his house and hear about Jesus. Some of them became Christians. From later writing we know Paul also spent time writing epistles (letters) to the churches he had visited. Many of these letters are the books we find in our New Testaments today.We can tell others about Jesus using various media, inclu...
Published 05/10/24
Having been falsely accused and imprisoned, Paul was transported by ship to Rome under military escort. During the storms, an angel told Paul that he and every man on board would be saved. Heavy storms blew the ship off course and caused it to break up near the island of Malta. God's protection meant Paul finally arrived in Rome after surviving a storm, a shipwreck, and even a snake bite.When we are in danger, we can ask God to protect us.Bible verses used in this episode:Acts 27:...
Published 05/03/24
Paul had been falsely accused of causing trouble in Jerusalem. Although innocent of these accusations, he was kept prisoner in Caesarea and made to appear before a succession of governors and leaders, including Felix, Festus and even King Agrippa. At each court appearance, Paul spoke freely about his Christian faith. His accusers could never prove him guilty, and Paul eventually used his right as a Roman citizen to ask to be sent to Rome to appear before Caesar's court.Empha...
Published 04/26/24
Paul was under arrest in Jerusalem because of false accusations by the Jews.  Paul’s Roman citizenship demanded a fair hearing, so the Roman commander in charge set up a meeting with Jewish priests and the Sanhedrin.  This meeting ended in chaos, with Paul back in protective custody.   Paul’s young nephew overheard some of the Jews plotting to kill Paul, so Paul asked him to tell the commander.  The commander had no choice but to arrange a large military escort to take Paul to Caesarea, the...
Published 04/19/24
At the conclusion of his third missionary journey, Paul followed the direction of the Holy Spirit in making his way to Jerusalem.  As he stopped along the way, many Christians warned him of the dangers awaiting him.  In Caesarea, a man named Agabus prophesied that the Jews in Jerusalem would harm Paul if he went there. Despite all of these warnings, Paul was determined to obey the Holy Spirit.  In Jerusalem, Paul met with an angry crowd and was arrested.  None of this stopped Paul from...
Published 04/12/24
In the last stages of his third missionary journey, Paul stopped in Troas and met with the church in an upstairs room.  During Paul’s very long preaching,  a young man named Eutychus went to sleep and fell out of a window and onto the ground below.  Paul miraculously brought the boy back to life. For a practical lesson, help students understand how to pay attention and participate with the church in listening when God’s Word is being preached. Bible verses used in this episode: Acts...
Published 04/05/24
During his third missionary journey, Paul returned to Ephesus and spent three years there. He taught about Jesus in the synagogue and a city school. Some of the most unusual miracles in the Book of Acts occurred during Paul’s stay in Ephesus. They were so convincing that magicians and sorcerers burned their expensive sorcery books and turned to God. So many people stopped worshipping idols (and buying idol statues) that a silversmith named Demetrius led a riot against Paul. Jesus is more...
Published 03/29/24
In Corinth, Paul met a couple named Priscilla and Aquila.  The three of them built tents together to earn a living.  Whenever he was not making tents, Paul taught people about Jesus.  After a year and a half, Paul, Priscilla and Aquila travelled to the city of Ephesus together.  Priscilla and Aquila stayed in Ephesus to make tents and tell people about Jesus, while Paul went on to Antioch.  A while later, when a great teacher named Apollos came to Ephesus, Priscilla and Aquila invited him to...
Published 03/22/24
Paul continued his second Missionary Journey by stopping in the wealthy and cultured city of Athens. Idols and altars of false gods filled the city. Paul addressed a group of philosophers meeting on a rock hill called the Areopagus (Mars Hill). Idols were humanity's attempt to make gods, but Paul preached that humans cannot make the true God. God has created humans, and all that is in the world. There is only one God, and it is wrong to put anything above him. God is the only one worthy of...
Published 03/15/24
Paul continues his 2nd Missionary Journey by visiting the cities of Thessalonica and Berea. Several people began to follow Jesus in Thessalonica, but others were jealous and caused trouble. Paul went on to Berea where the people received the message of Jesus with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul said was true. Troublemakers from Thessalonica soon followed and caused so much trouble that the Christians escorted Paul to Athens for his own safety.d  We should...
Published 03/08/24
Paul cast an evil spirit out of a young slave girl, but her owners were angry and brought Paul and Silas before the city magistrates.  Even though they were both beaten and thrown into prison, they were heard singing hymns and praying to God during the night.  After an earthquake, Paul and Silas taught the jailer and his household about Jesus.  Before the night was over, they were all baptised.  The next day, Paul and Silas were released from prison. In Christ, we can experience true joy...
Published 03/01/24
After sailing to Macedonia, Paul arrived in the city of Philippi.  When he found a group of women gathered beside a river praying, he told them about Jesus.  One of the women was Lydia, a businesswoman who sold expensive purple fabric. When Lydia heard about Jesus, she was baptised.  Then, everyone in her household was baptised, too.  Lydia was so happy that she invited Paul and his friends to stay at her house. Baptism was a natural response to the message about Jesus.  Use this opportunity...
Published 02/23/24
Paul suggested to Barnabas that they re-visit the churches they had established on their 1st missionary journey.  Before leaving Antioch, he and Barnabas disagreed over who they should take with them, so they took different people and went to different places.  Paul re-visited churches and attempted to enter new areas to teach people about Jesus.  The Holy Spirit actively guided Paul and his companions, and one night, Paul had a vision of a man from the region of Macedonia standing and...
Published 02/16/24
The Holy Spirit directed the Antioch church to send Barnabas and Saul on a mission trip to teach people about Christ.  This trip is often called “Paul’s First Missionary Journey”.   One of the stops on this journey was the city of Lystra, where Paul healed a man who had never been able to walk.  A frenzied crowd first worshipped Paul and Barnabas as gods, then turned on them and stoned Paul.  Despite this, Paul miraculously stood up after the crowd left as if not injured.  After revisiting...
Published 02/09/24
King Herod (King of the Jewish people) persecuted Christians and ordered the arrest of the apostle Peter. The whole church was very afraid, so they gathered together in a house to pray. While they were praying, an angel visited Peter’s prison cell and miraculously released him. Peter found his way to the house where the church was praying. Peter then went into hiding.  Herod continued to seek public approval desperately and even allowed people to praise him as if he were God.  An angel struck...
Published 02/02/24
Barnabas was already known as a great encourager, so when the church in Jerusalem heard about all of the new Gentile believers in Antioch, they sent Barnabas to help.  He encouraged the Antioch believers, and even more people followed King Jesus.  Then he travelled to Tarsus and found Paul so that Paul could come and help, too. This was a great mission-minded church.  Followers of Jesus were first called Christians at this church. Bible verses used in this episode: Acts 11:19-30  Acts...
Published 01/26/24
Until the conversion of Cornelius, the gospel message had been preached almost exclusively to Jewish people.  Any Gentile (anyone not born into a Jewish family) who wanted to follow Jesus would have first converted to Judaism.  But the good news of Jesus was for everyone and not just the Jews.  God used a vision of animals on a sheet and a miraculous pouring out of the Holy Spirit to reveal this important truth to the Apostle Peter and those he was teaching.  Following this, Peter baptised...
Published 01/19/24
Dorcas (or Tabitha) was a woman who “was always doing good and helping the poor” in her city of Joppa. When she died, everyone was very sad, and they called Peter to come to her house. When Peter arrived, all the widows were crying and showing the clothing that Dorcas had made for them. Peter sent all of them out of the room and then, by the power of God, made Dorcas come back to life. Bible verses used in this episode: Acts 9:36-43Galatians 6:10 Outline: Dorcas dies (Acts 9:36-37)Peter...
Published 01/12/24
Saul (later known by his Roman name, Paul) threatened and hurt followers of Jesus.  On the way to persecute disciples in Damascus, Saul experienced an encounter with Jesus that changed his life. Following his baptism, Saul immediately began preaching the truth about Jesus, making the astonished Jews in Damascus plot to kill him. One night, the disciples snuck Saul over the city walls in a basket. He went on to Jerusalem but was not safe there either.  Saul's life was immediately and...
Published 01/05/24