"The darker the night the brighter the light," is a statement that many have heard throughout the years.  As believers it is imperative that we live our lives as a clear reflection of the Lord Jesus so that the light of Christ will shine more brightly through us. Christians should not seek to blend in with the world, nor reflect their ways, but instead desire to stand out as beacons in the night so that other's might be able to find their way to the Saviour Who has saved us. Matthew 5:16...
Published 06/19/19
Isaiah chapter one is a very powerful passage and has been preached many times and brought great conviction.  However, there is a verse within this chapter that I had never studied, and when I did, it literally changed my life forever.  The LORD warns the people of God what will happen if they allow "strangers" (that or those which do not belong) into their land.  Every believer must heed these warnings so that the Three Word Pictures of Isaiah 1:8 do NOT befall you! God is clear; so, we must...
Published 05/07/19
We ought not simply serve God because He could return at any moment (though that is a compelling reason to serve our Lord), but instead we ought to serve God because He saved our soul from Hell.  Thank you for listening to this podcast, "Work out your own salvation."
Published 04/05/19
Paul, under the inspiration of the Spirit, unveils four forms of Jesus in these seven verses.  Thank you for listening to #BibleTalk. 
Published 03/20/19
There is no room for pride in the Christian life.  Oh that we as Christians would learn to be happy for those who advance in their service of God even when you feel like you are not, or it should have been you.  The irony is this, when you can find the joy in others accomplishing something for the Lord - you are advancing too. 
Published 01/28/19
This morning I got reading through this song and my heart has carried it throughout the day.  What a powerful message this song has for all of us.  It helped me today so I thought I would read it to you (and break into song too..lol). Hope it helps you like it did me! #TheseSongsSTILLwork #SoulWinningSTILLworks  
Published 01/16/19
As we concluded Philippians chapter one we will look at the last two verses and then do a complete overview of the entire first chapter.  Paul had dreamed of going to Rome as a preacher, but God chose to send him as a prisoner.  Paul lived a completely yielded life to the Lord and encourages us to do the same.  Paul's gives warning to the believers of Philippi that they would "suffer for His sake."  
Published 01/14/19
The term "stand fast" in the New Testament often refers to the military charge to "hold the line."  In this podcast we will see Paul torn between his desire to be in Heaven, and the his desire to remain on earth for the furtherance of the gospel.  In the midst of these verses Paul challenges the church of Philippi to "stand fast in one spirit...for the faith of the gospel."
Published 12/21/18
Paul had dreamed of going to Rome as a preacher, but God had planned that he would go as a prisoner.  In this book of joy and rejoicing Paul is clear to point out that all he faced was for the advancement of the gospel.  As believers, our life is not ours but God's.  So, let it be our desire for the Lord to do with us, too us, and through us as He pleases.  
Published 12/06/18
The Apostle Paul, always dreamt of going to Rome as a preacher, but instead, God had him go as a prisoner.  While in Philippi, Paul was cared for by the members of the church in that city.  Those Christians had a special place in his heart.  As he writes back to them he states, "For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all..." Paul wanted to make it clear that they were very special to him!
Published 11/30/18
In order for some of the Fruits of the Spirit to be evident in your life it is going to require the Spirit-filled Christian to experience some pain, mistreatment and discomfort! #love #joy #peace #longsuffering #gentleness #goodness #faith #meekness #temperance
Published 11/15/18
There is a BIG difference between JOY and HAPPINESS!  Too often we get focused on the "happenings" of our life and fail to remember that the JOY of the Lord is our strength (Neh. 8:10).  
Published 11/06/18
So often we get focused on our own needs and struggles that we fail to pray for one another.  Often times it is during those moments as we pray for others that we find our own problems and burdens are minimized.  There is always someone worse off than us! There are those who have wandered away from God.  Oh, they are saved, but are drifting.  God would love to use a thriving Christian to go and bring a wandering brother or sister back to Him.  
Published 10/22/18
There is no good reason to not serve God and remain faithful to the cause of Jesus Christ! In this podcast He reminds us of the prophets and Job who had it tough, but they remained steadfast in their service for the Lord! Hang in their friend; Jesus is coming again!!
Published 10/17/18
During the time of the writing of James there is great persecution.  This persecution has led to the dispersment of the believers from Jerusalem to many areas of the known world at that time.  With persecution comes the needed reminder to stay patient (remain steadfast) and fight the good fight of faith! The husbandman waiteth for the early and latter rains.  Remain faithful friend! Jesus is coming again!! 
Published 10/04/18
As saved believers we are not to evaluate riches the same way that the unsaved would evaluate riches.  If we do we quickly find that our focus is way off and our contentment will rapidly turn to a discontented Christian life.  Our treasures are laid up in Heaven! #BibleTalk 
Published 09/28/18
In this day and age we find it is far easier to see the faults in others instead of looking into the word of God and seeing the errors of our own ways.  Like one preacher said, "I have a hard enough time keeping my own backyard clean." It's me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer!
Published 09/21/18
Many times in Scripture the Lord shows us that if we will do our part; HE WILL DO HIS!  In these three verses we find commands for the Christian.  These commands require something of us before we ever benefit of the blessings of God.  How true it is...there are times that only God can lift us up! 
Published 09/17/18
"Call unto me, and I WILL ANSWER THEE...!" What a comfort to know that the Lord is always there when His children need Him.  In this podcast we will talk about Jeremiah 33:1-3. 
Published 09/12/18
Praise God that He continually "giveth more grace" to an undeserving people.  Yet, though we fail Him in our actions, though we chase after worldly pleasures with the desire of "fitting in" instead of desiring to "stand out"; He bestows His grace and mercy and is always willing to take a repentant sinner and/or a returning prodigal into the fold.  
Published 09/10/18
Our greatest battles do not come from without the church, but within! In James chapter four we will see what and who causes these clashes!  Thank you for listening to #BibleTalk 
Published 09/05/18
James 3:13-18 cleary points out that there is a wisom that DOES NOT come from above. In this podcast we define what "earthly, sensual, and devilish" wisdom are so that we make certain to NOT follow after them, but rather follow after the wisdom of James 3:17 which comes from above! 
Published 08/30/18
When someone reads the word "division" they most likely think of a division amongst a group or groups of people.  However, the division that we will find has nothing to do with an earthly dividing.  Our speech reveals alot about who we are in Christ, or who we are not! 
Published 08/27/18
Oh, how our tongues have gotten us into trouble.  Speaking out of turn, speaking hurtful words as a defense, and the list goes on.  It has been said that "words are like bullets out of a gun; once fired they do not stop until they hit a target!" May the Lord help us to be Christlike with our tongue! 
Published 08/24/18
The tongue can get us into a lot of trouble!  Now that we enter the third chapter of James we start off by seeing that the tongue can set a direction that pleases God, or it can set one that does not! You must evaluate yourself in this area! 
Published 08/22/18