Today we're talking about a bunch of bad apples, like Gislaine Maxwell, Jeffy, and more. 
Published 01/23/22
Published 01/23/22
So I saw the Spiderman movie, but I'm not going to be talking about that much. The first news topic of this episode is the fact that Stan Lee's legacy is being made into an NFT.  They tweeted from Stan's account to promote a diverse NFT, which is weird and effectively walking on his grave. It's kinda strange. We also get into this new trend of people leaving their cars wide open so people won't rob them. Somehow that makes sense. Lots of riffs in this episode, so give it a shot. Then tell...
Published 12/20/21
The Jussie Smollett Trial is finally over and everyone's talking about it. Figured we'd jump on the bandwagon and discuss it too. Then we get into some Ghislane Maxwell news. The trial isn't over yet, but there is plenty to talk about.    One of Ghislane's accusers says that she was forced to give Epstein massages at age 14. Another says something similar. There are currently 4 accusers that have taken the stand, but only one used their real name.  It's also strange that Ghislane and...
Published 12/11/21
This is a comedy news podcast that is similar to the Tim Dillon Show. We try. Obviously I'm not as funny but this episode is a good shot. If you like The Tim Dillon Show or Theo Von, Big Boy Podcast is sure to be a laugh for you.
Published 12/11/21
Today I learned that hot dogs can apparently take 30 minutes off your life each time you eat one. That's about as bad as a pack of cigarettes. Not sure how much I believe this theory, but we definitely do our research. We also have some funny clips and not so funny news stories. For example, there's a guy who chose to have his body dissected in front of a paying audience while his family watched. That probably wasn't the best decision. Anyway watch the episode, let us know if you like it....
Published 12/11/21
I'm sure you guys remember SOH CAH TOA right? Well, apparently Gen Z kids are having a lot more trouble remembering the arithmetic acronym. So this teacher came up with a SOH CAH TOA song that clearly mocks Native Americans. We also discuss a bit of A Clockwork Orange, Goonies and some other shit. But the white woman reading NWA lyrics is one of the highlights. It's also pretty funny to see people getting upset at Adele's weight loss. World's pretty crazy folks.
Published 12/11/21
More Nikocado is the channel of Nikocado, a guy who used to be a vegan but is now a completely fat f**k. We talk about his demise midway through the podcast. Before that, we fatshame some big ole yoga lady and discuss the weirdness of Transableism. These are people that believe they should have been born without full ability in their bodies. Pretty weird right?
Published 12/11/21
R Kelly is going to rat out one of his pedophile buddies apparently. That's concerning. Mostly because the news coverage isn't going to know what to do. Should you trust the word of a pedophile millionaire? Probably not. Also R. Kelly will be in jail for a few more years. I read once that he can't read, so he won't be able to actually enjoy the letters that his weird ass fans are sending him. 
Published 12/11/21