In the past week we have seen 2 black men murdered at the hands of police. This is the 116th murder by a police officer this year. And over 370 blacks have been killed by police officers since 2015. So the question is do black lives really matter?
Published 07/12/16
Cities all over the US are undergoing gentrification. Athough it can revitalize a neigborood, it can also push out the existing residents through increased property taxes. This creates tension in cities as one group feels entitled to be there while another feels the neighborhood changing without their consent. Join us Monday, June 27th as we discuss gentificaion in your city.  
Published 06/28/16
Coloism is prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group. Tonight we'll discuss how it has affected the black community and other ethnic communities of color. Why does this matter? Why does colorism exist and what can we do about it? Join us on Black Women Talk Monday June 20th at 8pm
Published 06/21/16
In today's world everyone seems concerned with diversity. But why now? Why do people care? Is it for funding ? Why does it seem so difficult to include others. Is diversity just about havng a more colorful group or is it about incorporating the differing views of others? Join us Monday June 13th @ 8pm EST as we explore What diversity is and is not in today's society.  
Published 06/14/16
This has been a crazy election year. In 2008, when Sarah Palin was chosen as the running mate for John McCain, I  honestly didn't think it could get any crazier.  Well welcome to 2016! The election year where a 74 year old socialist from Vermont is giving former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton a serious run for her money. But nothing compares to ;We're gonna build a wall' and 'bomb the hell out of ISIS' contender Donald Trump. The billionaire New Yorker has managed to come out the front...
Published 06/07/16
In 2010, Ronda and Renee started Blog Taklk Radio. For 3 years we explored a broad range of topics. We took a break and now we are back to talk about what's been going on in our world and to talk about what's going on in the world at large. Join us to learn more about what we have been up to plus what we have in store for our new season. Join us Mondays at 8PM EST right here at Blog Talk Radio!
Published 05/24/16
This week, Ronda and I have lots of ideas but none of them are enough to make a full show so we thought we'd do Random Thoughts. Come join us as we discuss all types of random questions that float thru our head and call in and answer if you like or add your own random thought! We'll see you on the show Wednesday at 8pm!    
Published 03/21/13
Recently I have heard brothers say that they have friends who are 'good brothers'- they have a job, car, own place, no kids and they cant understand why their friend can't find a good woman. Maybe they don't know their friend inside of a dating relationship.  This phenomenon happens quite a bit where a man will say he's a good brother and he may be but for some reason has trouble identifying why he is unable to meet certain women. Tonight, we'll talk about why the good brother may be having...
Published 02/28/13
Join us for Part II of Getting Naked as we discuss how to be authentic and transparent in your conversations so that you can have more fulfilling relationships.
Published 02/21/13
Are you wondering why your relationships aren't as great as you would like them to be? Are you asking your significant other to be giving and open and loving while you sit back and wait to see if they are these things before you give to them? Are you afraid to be open and vulnerable in relationships because you are afraid the person won't accept you as you are? If so then you should join us on Wednesday at 8pm EST on Black Women Talk as we talk about how to finally get naked in your...
Published 02/14/13
This is always one of our hottest topics- dating interracially and inter ethically even inter-faith. All of these can be exciting for people to experience. We have heard women say that they would like to date non black men but white, Hispanic or Asian men aren't asking them out or they don't know where to meet these men. On the flip side, white men have asked me how do I approach black women because I'd love to meet and date them but I have no idea where to start. Tonight, we're going to...
Published 02/07/13
What is it that makes some people attracted to some and not to others? When you think about what makes us want to be with people, we may say they're funny, beautiful, sexy etc. but so are a LOT of other people. So what makes that person more special than someone else?
Published 01/24/13
Internet Dating is no longer the taboo that it was years ago. Now it is really a way to make the large world smaller so you can meet new people. But there are some things you should know about when dating via the Internet to make it easier for you. Tonight we'll talk about why you should consider Internet dating, which sites to check out, how to write your profile, choosing pics and finally meeting up with that person. Join us and share your Internet dating stories with us tonight on Black...
Published 01/17/13
Relationships are always full of compromise. There is give and take in every relationship. But sometimes we are making a compromise with ourselves that the other person doesn't know about. We are expecting them to abide by a compromise that we never discussed with them. And then we become disappointed with them when  they don't live up to a side of the bargain they didn't know existed. How can we make sure that we compromise in a way that makes sure both parties involved get their needs met. ...
Published 01/10/13
We have often heard the saying I'll believe it when I see it. Unfortunately, we may not be seeing certain things simply because we don't believe. In relationships, family  and our business we are often complianing about what we don't have or didn't get. We sometimes only see the neagtive in others and that is because we beliee and expect them to our belief system truly dictates how we see life and how we respond to and deal with life. Join us  8pm Wednesday January 2nd as we talk about seeing...
Published 01/03/13
This week we have a very special guest Alan Roger Currie author of Mode One: Let the Women Know What You're Really Thinking. Mode One: Let The Women Know What You're REALLY Thinking by Alan Roger Currie examines The "Four Modes Of Verbal Communication" used by men in their interactions with single women. If you've often been perceived as a "frustrated 'nice guy'" then Mode One is the book for you. You will discover how to quickly distinguish those women who have a genuine interest in you...
Published 05/05/12
I have been hearing from some men who say they are afriad to ask women out on a date. So they are waiting for women to ask them out. They may be shy or nervous. Does that fear of rejection keep you from meeting and dating the women? Women are you afraid to ask men out because you think they won't take you seriously or you have been taught men are supposed to ask you out? Are you missing out on some great people because of this fear? Join us April 21st at 10AM-12 Noon for Black Women Talk.
Published 04/21/12
Rhonda and I went on hiatus for about a year. Now we are back and ready to get back on the air. We'll be sharing what's been going on and getting back in the groove of Black Women Talk! So come join us Saturday, April14th at 10AM EST as we share and get raw and real on Black Women Talk!
Published 04/14/12
The numbers show that 70% of black women are single and that nearly half of us will never be married. There have been all types of blogs and shows done to explain this phenomenon. Most say it's attitude, too many kids, over weight etc. But what if it's because we refuse to date outside the race. Black women are known for saying I want a "good Black man" not just a good man. But are we limiting ourselves by doing this? YES!  This week we'll be asking the question, why don't we date more...
Published 06/20/11
  This week's Law 6- Court Attention at All Costs. Join us as we discuss how to gain power by making everyone pay attention to you! Be there at 9pm on Black Women Talk
Published 06/09/11
For years women have been blamed as the ones who have not wanted sex. And although this may be true, there is a phenomenon that we have come across where men are the ones who are turning down sex from the women!  This week, Rhonda and I will be exploring what is going on behind closed doors in relationships. Why are men turning down sex? Is it medical, is it erectile dysfunction or have they just lost interest? Join us at 8pm EST on Black Women Talk.
Published 06/06/11
We're on vacation this week for Memorial Day but that doesn't mean we want you to miss our show. Soooo we are rebroadcasting The Conversation by Hill Harper. We'll be back on June 5th live to discuss our next topic... Men Who Don't Want Sex. Yeah you read that right! See you then 8pm June 5th on Black Women Talk Radio.
Published 05/30/11
This week we will be discussing Law 5 Guard Your Reputation. This law must be obeyed because once the reputation is lost it is very hard if not impossible to get it back. And then all power is lost. Join us on Wednesday May 25 at 9pm EST for The 48 Laws of Power right here on Black Women Talk.
Published 05/26/11
This week we will be discussing Law 5 Guard Your Reputation. This law must be obeyed because once the reputation is lost it is very hard if not impossible to get it back. And then all power is lost. Join us on Wednesday May 25 at 9pm EST for The 48 Laws of Power right here on Black Women Talk.
Published 05/26/11
This week has been an interesting wee kin the media. Everyone was talking about Arnold and Maria and the nanny! So we will too.  What does cheating mean to you? Why do people do it? Who is really at fault and why do you stay after the infidelity occurs? These and other questions will be explored on tonight's Black Women Talk at 8pm EST!
Published 05/23/11