When you’re just getting started, making the decision to write a book is the easy part. What the heck do you do next? It’s a big journey to go from “this is something I want to do” to writing an actual book. So, to help you start writing your book, I’ve put together a list of the first steps you should take on your journey to becoming an author.
Published 07/20/21
Published 07/20/21
You've made the smart choice to hire an editor for your book. Now comes the tricky part: finding the perfect person to edit your book. It can be overwhelming to find the right book editor who will take care of your baby and make it the best book possible. Here, you'll learn how to find a book editor for your manuscript who will help you transform it into a book readers will absolutely love. Inside this episode you’ll find: Why you should hire a book editor A rundown of the different types...
Published 07/13/21
I made some pretty huge mistakes when I self-published my first book back in 2015. In this episode, I'm sharing the 10 biggest mistakes I made with that book and how you can avoid making them. Whether you're writing your first book or your tenth, be sure to listen to this episode if you want to improve your book and book launch!
Published 06/29/21
In this episode, you'll learn the best way to know when your nonfiction book is done. I'll walk you through a process to help you decide whether you've written enough or you need to add more. Whether you're in a rush to finish writing your book or if you're so stuck on making it perfect that you can't stop editing, this episode will help you find your book's endpoint.
Published 06/15/21
Although NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) started out as a way for fiction authors to finish the first draft of a novel in a month, it's also a great way for nonfiction authors to write a book, too. If you've been thinking about writing your book but you haven't been able to actually write it, this is a great time of year to get writing! In this episode, I'm sharing my top resources to help you make your NaNoWriMo a big success. I'll tell you the steps that you should take to get...
Published 10/31/19
One of the major reasons why I have my podcast is to help my listeners avoid making the same mistakes I see so many others make with their self-published books. In this episode, I’m going to focus on one of the biggest mistakes that I think a business owner can make: writing the wrong book for your business. I’ve seen many authors (especially eBook authors) write a book that’s not really the best one to build their business strategically. I don’t want that to be you! So, in this episode,...
Published 09/19/19
Many business owners are tempted to write a book because they see the potential for how that book can help them grow their business. But, sometimes they’re a little unsure exactly what that would look like, or exactly how a book is going to bring in more clients. They’re unsure of the ROI. That’s why I like to bring you stories from authors who have written and published books that really helped them take their businesses to the next level. That’s what I have for you in this episode. I am...
Published 08/29/19
What’s the secret sauce to writing a great nonfiction book? Having a plan for a book that brings about a true transformation in your reader’s life. Readers of nonfiction books aren’t looking for fluff—they’re looking to improve their lives in one way or another. If you can help them make a positive change and get closer to a goal or a way they want to live their life, they’re going to love you (and your book) for it. But how do you create that book plan? Today, I’m letting you in on a...
Published 08/22/19
So many writers get inspired for an idea for a book, so they jump in and start writing. I’m all about working off of inspiration, and if you have something to say, by all means, get those words on the page! But, I do think that when it comes to writing a book, it’s smart to do some planning before you get too far into your project. This is particularly true if you’re writing a book that you plan to leverage to grow your business. Before you even start on the outline for your book, you should...
Published 08/15/19
More and more infopreneurs and thought leaders are writing and publishing books. (Yes, bloggers, this includes you, too.) And, they’re doing it for good reason: a book is a great way to expand your authority, credibility, and visibility. It’s also a tool for building a business. In a world where potential clients spend just a few seconds looking at most of your content, a book is a unique opportunity to build a longer, deeper relationship. Unfortunately, many of those authors and...
Published 08/08/19
I know many of you are working hard to build a coaching business. Your clients are getting great results, and you’re ready to reach a wider audience with your message. And, you want to help more people improve their lives or businesses through a mass-market product like a book. You can see how a book will help you build authority and visibility, but when you think about what you should actually put in your book, you get stuck. You’re not alone! In this episode, I’m excited to feature an...
Published 08/01/19
Are you worried that your nonfiction book isn't any good? You’re not alone! One of the most frequently asked questions I get is, “How do I know if my book is any good?” I know that there’s a lot of fear that your book will be judged and that people won’t like it, especially if you’re self-publishing. But, luckily there are ways to make sure that readers really will like the book you’re putting out into the world. In this episode, I'll tell you what to look for to make sure your book really...
Published 07/25/19
Self-publishing can be a bit of an enigma when you’re just getting started as an author. In recent years, self-publishing has exploded in popularity, and a lot of preconceived notions about self-publishing have come along with that surge in popularity. You may have heard that your favorite expert self-published a book and you assume that if you just follow the same steps, you’ll have the same level of success. Or, Google or social media might lead you to some bad advice, which can negatively...
Published 07/18/19
I know many of you listening are bloggers and content creators who are looking for a way to stand out in a crowded niche. I know firsthand how frustrating it is to spend hours every week producing amazing content for your audience but not seeing any real growth. That’s exactly where I was with my fitness blog before I self-published my first book. Today I’m excited to share an interview and on-air coaching call with Emily Dingmann. Emily is a nutritionist and food blogger who does amazing...
Published 07/11/19
You’ve worked really hard to write an amazing book that’s going to completely wow your readers. Then, a really big question sneaks up on you…what are you going to call your book? How do you choose the right title that will instantly make readers want to buy your book and read it? Unfortunately, I see a lot of authors make some big mistakes when it comes to choosing a book title. They come up with a title that they think is amazing, but that title is actually more appealing to the author than...
Published 06/20/19
My number one goal for the podcast is to make it easier for you to create an amazing, successful self-published book that helps you build your authority, credibility, and business. But, in order to write that book, you need to make sure it’s a book that people actually want to read. One way to do that is to talk with your audience and learn what they need help with. However, if you want your book to appeal to a wider audience, you’ll need to do a different kind of market research. If you...
Published 06/13/19
When it comes to writing and planning a book, many self-published authors skip an important step: doing the research that’s needed to make their book successful. But, spending a few hours doing a little basic research can really pay off—both figuratively and literally. Authors of high-quality books take the time to do their research and do it right. I know you want your book to be great, too. So, I want to help you learn more about the research you should be doing for your nonfiction book. ...
Published 06/06/19
I’m really excited for this episode because it’s my very first on-air coaching call I’m hosting on the Blogger to Author Podcast. I know that a lot of you have specific questions about your books, especially if you’re trying to plan out your book from scratch. Many of you have downloaded my free “5-Step Guide to Creating Your First Book” or my free “Health & Wellness Book Planner,” but you’re still feeling stuck. So, I’m putting together these on-air coaching calls with prospective...
Published 05/30/19
You’ve got a great idea for a book. Maybe you’ve even started to outline or write your book. Then the fear starts to creep in. Just how much do you need to write to finish your book? How do you know when you’re “done” or if you need to write more? One of the most frequently asked questions I get is “How long should my book be?” I understand how frustrating it is to not know exactly how much you need to write. And, I get that you want to finish your book sooner than later, and you don’t want...
Published 05/23/19
Most nonfiction authors think that they need to go it alone. They see their book manuscripts as their babies, and they would never even think of hiring a nanny to help out. But, when you’re trying to run and grow a business, you don’t always have the time to write your book. You need some childcare for your baby book. You need someone to help with your book project so you can stay focused on your business. For busy business owners, collaborative writing may be the solution. With...
Published 05/16/19
Writer’s block strikes fear into even the most seasoned writer. Nothing saps your confidence like sitting in front of a blank screen or piece of paper for what seems like eons, failing to come up with any words to fill it. And, unfortunately, writer’s block is incredibly common. Even professional writers have off days when they struggle to come up with the words they need. In this episode, I’m sharing six strategies that you can use to overcome writer’s block. These are strategies that have...
Published 05/09/19
One of the biggest problems that I hear writers struggle with is not having time to write. This is particularly true for those of you who are also business owners and who are busy running your businesses, creating content, staying active on social media, and a dozen other things. When you’re trying to write a book but you’re crunched for time, it helps to be able to get more written in the time you do have. So, to help you get more words onto the page when you sit down to write, I’m sharing...
Published 05/02/19
I’m going to be honest with you for a minute. The publishing space is getting pretty crowded, especially in popular niches like business or health and wellness or even cookbooks. That means that your book is competing for attention with many other books out there. How do you get the attention of potential book buyers? How can you make your nonfiction book stand out from the crowd and make it onto readers’ bookshelves? There are three big places where you can make your nonfiction book stand...
Published 04/25/19
Sometimes, you need to take a break from your book. Maybe life got crazy and you simply didn’t have time to write. (It happens—don’t beat yourself up if you’ve needed to shift gears away from your book.) Or, maybe you just didn’t feel like writing for a while. Sometimes we get burnt out or overwhelmed or we just need a break from things. Again, it happens. But, if you want to become an author, you have to finish your book. You have to start writing again. So, how do you start writing again...
Published 04/18/19