Published 08/04/21
Author, Educator and my big sis La'Trina "Danielle" Timmons stops by to empower us! That no matter what you are up against, what it looks like, that God will always find you right where you are. Listen and be encouraged. Pick up your copy of God, Love, and Mototaxis link below. https://www.amazon.com/God-Love-Mototaxis-Danielle-Timmons-ebook/dp/B0926ZSJY4/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=God+love+and+mototaxis&qid=1628102602&sr=8-3
Published 08/04/21
The struggle has came to stay, it only coming to pay a visit but snatch the lesson and BLOOM!
Published 07/15/21
Published 06/23/21
I talk about the social psychologists term for that "bleh" feeling, languish and how to move to the opposite, flourish. It's June already and we all can get in that "bleh" mood. I share how to get out of it and how to be easy on yourself but also how to self-love so you can be the person God wants you to become. Bloom baby, bloom. You are supposed to win! Periodt.
Published 06/09/21
I had the pleasure of talking with Keandra Ward! On goals, purpose, healing, and boldness. She is a national speaker, business and marketing expert, and founder of the Keystone Business Institute. I pray this episode blesses you!
Published 05/19/21
I had a great time talking with certified Life and Relationship Coach, Victoria Baxter. We discussed healing in singleness, what that looks like, the good, bad, and all the transparency in between! Ahaha how to prepare to be in a relationship, the why, and how to put God first in order to date from a healthy place. 
Published 05/15/21
Annielle talks transparently about what is expected as a Believer and how rewarding and comforting it is to do life with Jesus!
Published 04/14/21
I sat down with Jasmine A. Joseph, Business Coach, Author, and Speaker and she shared her journey into entrepreneurship and what it really looks like to trust God and walk by faith! It was a good time! She has all the energy, transparency, and wisdom to...
Published 03/25/21
Had the pleasure to talk with Simone Seymour about confidence, wholeness, self-love, and purpose. She encourages and challenges us to trust God even in the toughest seasons! I pray you are blessed 
Published 01/27/21
Annielle gets on the podcast solo dolo to catch you up on what has been going on with her, updates, exciting news, and to love on yall with invigorating words per usual! She reflects on the 2020 and then declares some positive affirmations over you! As...
Published 12/30/20
Had the pleasure of speaking with my lovely and insightful friend Dr. Tiye Link! She vulnerably shares her story of how God used her unexpected diagnosis to birth her purpose and ministry. She encourages others to see through divine lenses that even in...
Published 12/16/20
There's nothing I love more than a woman who talks the talk and walks the walk. My sister Keeyawna Barnes comes thru to encourage women to prioritize their relationship with God and how to practically spend time with Him in a busy world. We talk about...
Published 12/02/20
When women who love God get together to discuss Kingdom Things. Dae'l Pasco, Founder of Her Whole Heart has a heart and love for women becoming whole in Jesus. She slides through the podcast to share the power of praying and fasting while encouraging...
Published 11/18/20
Had a great conversation with fellow podcaster and Christian Influencer Paul Calcote (MDiv ) about taking action, mental health, and how to do the thing God’s called you to. Paul is vulnerable, transparent and authentic! pray it blesses you! 
Published 11/11/20
Had the pleasure of having a conversation with Young Adults Pastor and Leadership Consultant Geoffrey Dudley II. We discussed purpose, entrepreneurship, dating, and how to push pass fear. I pray it blesses you.
Published 11/04/20
Coach, speaker,  and author Ashley Speaks comes through and discusses how to thrive in purpose! Get your WHOLE life, a good laugh, and a good Word!!!!!
Published 10/19/20
It’s time we started walking, talking and living from a place of our true identity which is in Christ.  That is the place where our confidence comes from. Everything else stems from what we think about who we are. I pray this message inspires and...
Published 09/09/20
We are living in peculiar times like no other. We can start to feel anxious, worried, and stressed about our lives and what’s next. Listen to enjoy practical encouragement with some humor on how on to trust God. In the ambiguity and uncertain times we...
Published 09/02/20
Forgiving, talking things out, standing up for ourselves, and resolving conflict in a way that is effect is often not properly modeled for us growing up. Childhood is where we first learn our patterns of communication. Often what we see is not the best...
Published 08/19/20
Dating nowadays can be difficult, frustrating and confusing in a society often living liberally without any aim or direction. Annielle offers biblical principles and insight on how to successfully date with purpose. If God has put the desire for...
Published 08/12/20
Self-esteem is so essential in our lives, decision making and relationships. There’s so much to self-esteem like its early beginnings in childhood, studies indicating high or low self esteem based on a child’s experiences, and proven techniques to help...
Published 08/05/20
God created you as you are, with all of your uniqueness for a reason. He didn’t create you just so you can work a job, pay bills and die. He has given us all special gifts, talents, and interests so that we can make an impact on this planet. Your life...
Published 07/29/20
Many may already know from Annielle's social media posts that she  lost her closest confidant this past week, her uncle Freddie. He was so impactful in her development as Christian woman. He was a minister for over 40 years, would fast, pray, and spent...
Published 07/22/20
Are you a single woman? Great, this message is a must listen. Annielle is passionate about seeing women be the best versions of themselves and she gives insight on how she found contentment in her singleness despite her seasons of disappointment in...
Published 07/15/20