Why is it so important to know a person? Connecting with other people is a hugely important part of collaboration. And it's really important for us if we're trying to understand what world we're putting our idea into. In today's episode, you'll hear me reference a book called, "How to Know a Person" by David Brooks, who is a beautiful thought leader and we are going to talk about how to see others deeply and  to be deeply seen.  Are you a diminisher or an illuminator? Join me in this...
Published 12/13/23
What happens when an idea strikes like lightning, a spark of something that could potentially change your life? Lindsay Goldman, the founder of So Golden Medicinal Honey, joins me today to share her inspiring story. Listen in as Lindsay shares her experiences in the Bloom Room, her doubts about her value, and how she overcame them to launch her medicinal honey product. This episode is not just about Lindsay's story, it's a testament to the power of belief, support, and taking action towards...
Published 12/06/23
What if the secret to a more fulfilling life lies in the strength of your relationships? I'm dedicating this episode to the three most important skills you can develop as a human being. It is connecting with others even though they're different than you. I'm going to kickstart this episode by telling you a love story and share the personal lessons that I've learned from connecting with one person for 14 years. I'm also going to talk about a thought leader who's doing some incredible research...
Published 11/29/23
Crushing negative emotions seems like a daunting task, doesn't it? This episode centers on the self-fulfilling prophecies we create to evade these emotions, trapping ourselves in a cycle of negativity. As I discuss the different aspects of how this shows up, I'll also share a variety of examples so you can find one that you relate to most. I want you to be able to see yourself in this topic so that you can have that moment where your heart and mind gives way and lets some new light in. Tune...
Published 11/22/23
There are times when life throws you curveballs, and suddenly, you're juggling multiple responsibilities while trying to stay afloat. This was my reality a few weeks back, when my husband was out of town, and I had to grapple with unexpected hiccups. Amidst the whirlwind, I found solace in an unexpected moment with my seven-year-old son, which turned into a beautiful lesson about acknowledging our emotions and showing kindness to ourselves. During these trying times, it's easy to feel like...
Published 11/15/23
Have you ever noticed how negativity, like a tumbleweed, can grow and spread faster than we realize? Maybe it's a little cycle of complaining or victimization or just having our brain see the negative in things. It happens to all of us and it doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. Sometimes, negative thoughts protects us as our brain is always scanning for danger and helping us survive. But, what I'm talking about today is the part of us that's unconsciously negative, and what you can do...
Published 11/08/23
Today we're chatting about belonging, and as you'll learn from two of my amazing clients, Sarah Ing and Meghan O'Donnell, you can turn personal challenges into opportunities for growth, and use them as light that heals the world making it a better place.  When you tune in, you'll also learn tips for measuring your own progress, and why you want to take a moment to pause, celebrate, and see how far you've come!  So ... get comfy, and settle in because you BELONG here.  What you'll learn in...
Published 11/01/23
Who and what are the things that influence our daily lives, and how do we stay in balance with the stimuli all around us? Our brains, bodies, minds, emotional experiences, and we as human beings are like "buckets," and whatever we put into that bucket becomes who we are.  In this episode, I’ll be sharing a few emotional release techniques, one of which is called Tapping, literally helping you to tap out heavy emotions from the bucket so you can fill it with something lighter and more joyful...
Published 10/25/23
This episode, my friends, is going to be another one from my heart to yours where I get real and pretty vulnerable with my own story, because this past week I felt like passing a test in the University of Life, and my test was about speaking up when something is not okay.  It's about using your voice, standing up and doing something. Dissent is always better than going along with something that you believe isn't right. If you think something is wrong ... SAY IT. And even though there is a...
Published 10/18/23
Remember the day you found out Santa Claus wasn't real? I had a rather amusing experience breaking this news to my daughter, a story I'm eager to share. It might seem like an odd segue, but today's episode is all about inquiry because, you know, ask a great question and you will get a great answer. We'll talk about ways that inquiry can change everything. I'll give examples and tips on how you can use it as a tool to make decisions, to mine for information and problem solve. Stay tuned...
Published 10/11/23
Liz Bauer is living the life that most only dream of. Her story is truly inspiring, and I know you'll walk away simply blown away by her. Liz is a past client of mine, and I stay in touch with her because I'm so enamored with how she lives a life sailing around the world sharing the ups and downs of this "livin' on a boat" lifestyle.  Set sail for an inspiring voyage! What you'll learn in this episode: How boat shopping made this dream a real thing after 15 years of planning How the...
Published 10/04/23
On a recent evening, I found myself doubled over in laughter with a former client of mine. We never would have been there if not for a single trick that made connecting so much easier. We'll talk about snort laughing, women-centric perspectives, and what we can learn from the girl dinner movement. Girl dinner is all about overriding the voices in our minds telling us what we SHOULD do, and tapping into our desires and our wants instead. What can that tell us about turning our ideas into...
Published 09/27/23
Today we are talking about how to be a boundary, babe. This is really nerdy of me, but when I was planning this episode, I got to thinking about how there are “boss babes” and “hot girl summers” and all these names for folks in general when you're desirable in some way as a person, as a partner, and as a friend. I look for boundaries in everyone. I look for them in my friends, my partner, in my collaborators and colleagues, and it is a deal-breaker for me to be in relationship with someone...
Published 09/20/23
Big conversations in our culture these days is around the topic of positivity. It also comes up all the time with my clients. When we can differentiate consciously and intentionally between an awareness of the thoughts that we're choosing versus being positive. Then we’ll be better able to distinguish those as two different things and get a lot more comfortable practicing thought awareness. When we’re able to see our thoughts for what they are, instead of just trying to be positive, it can...
Published 09/13/23
In this episode, I’m sharing a story I didn't know if I would ever tell, but I had an experience this week that really brought an old memory to the front of my mind, which made me feel compelled to share it with you. One of my two best friends told me she wishes everyone could hear this story, because sometimes people hit a bottom in life and feel like they're in a point that they'll never get out of, and it can be hard to see that things can be different, that things get easier, that things...
Published 09/08/23
Do you ever find yourself feeling disconnected, even in a room full of people? Does the rise of 'me-first' attitudes in society leave you yearning for a return to generosity and kindness? We delve into the growing epidemic of loneliness and disconnectedness, and discuss strategies to combat these feelings. By understanding our purpose and values and using them to contribute positively to the world, we can tackle the growing wave of narcissism and foster more empathy and connection in our...
Published 08/30/23
Were you ever caught in the eye of a hurricane? Not a literal one, but a metaphorical storm of thoughts, ideas, and revelations, all stemming from one powerful tool – the retro. We often get caught up in our automatic thinking, building stories and beliefs about ourselves and others that may not be true. By consciously interrupting this cycle and reflecting on our experiences, we can foster a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This can lead to personal evolution and...
Published 08/23/23
Ever wondered if less can lead to more? Challenge your conventional wisdom this week as we unearth the power of doing less. I recount my recent family trip to the Sierra Mountains. It was a vacation filled with mishaps, laughter, and profound realizations. We strengthened our bonds and learned the beauty of focusing on one goal at a time, simply being present, and enjoying the moment. Let's explore how doing less can actually lead to achieving more. Using my personal experiences, including...
Published 08/16/23
There I was, nestled among seasoned coaches in a vibrant Nashville event, absorbing the ins and outs of the coaching business, experiencing a sense of deja vu, yet feeling the thrill of a new learning curve. Doesn't it ring a bell? Haven't we all, at some point, realized that the same activity feels different each time as we evolve? Buckle up for this episode where I recount my learnings from The Mastermind event and discuss the four levels of developing competence. Join me in exploring the...
Published 08/09/23
Ever wondered how a simple question can spark a lifelong friendship? Ready to learn how to create authentic connections at events? If you're seeking friendships, you must be bold enough to ask for them. With anecdotes from my own journey, I explain how my childhood encounter on a school bus and a chance meeting in a grocery store turned into lifelong connections. I also discuss the importance of forming genuine connections when attending events, sharing my experiences of connecting with...
Published 08/02/23
Struggling under the weight of your circumstances? I've been there too, feeling lost and overwhelmed. And so was one of my clients, who felt crushed by her present situation. But guess what? We navigated through it all, transforming her despair into hope and motivation. It's not about never making mistakes, it's about getting up each time we fall. Here's to celebrating our tenacity to start anew, right from where we are, right now. The mindset, "right now is the perfect place to start again"...
Published 07/26/23
What if the secret to a joyful, fulfilling life lies in your own clear sight and intuition? In this episode, I share my own experiences, like creating a playful photoshoot, collaborating with my friend Steve, and how these adventures unfolded from a simple spark of an idea. We'll examine the potential influences that may cloud our vision, such as our motivational triad, our own programming, and the voices of others. Let me guide you on how to navigate these intrusions and tap into your inner...
Published 07/19/23
What happens when a 'weird kid' fascinated by science and herbs grows up? She becomes Jessica Davis, the dynamic founder of Edible Alchemy and Bulk Wholesale Mushrooms, who unlocks the power of mushrooms and botanicals and turns it into a successful business. Jessica's story is not just about mushrooms and business, it's a story of courage, resilience, and the power of passion. What you'll learn in this episode: How Jessica learned to blend botanicals with the functionality of...
Published 07/12/23
What if the biggest roadblocks in our life turn out to be the keys to our success? In this conversation, we flip the script on the narrative of obstacles. We dig deep into the heart of challenges we face, encouraging us to embrace them as stepping stones towards our goals. We've all got that inner voice, that spark of passion that lights us up - learn how to tune into yours and use it as a source of inspiration, and start seeing every obstacle as a potential strategy to propel you...
Published 07/05/23
It's not just about setting goals, it’s about achieving them. We deep-dive into how to break down your ambitions into manageable steps and stay motivated throughout the process. Discover the power of "temptation bundling" to get you through the necessary tasks, and hear about the significance of writing down your goals as a means to solidify your commitment to them. Tune in to learn, grow, and empower yourself with the power of setting and achieving goals. What you'll learn in this...
Published 06/28/23