Published 05/08/24
Everything about Nick is just incredible, y'all! From his job as VP of Walt Disney to his index finger. My brother and Nick, had all these types of adventures and one of those led Nick's journey to a whole new level. Nick is a cloud software architect by day, prosthetic finger architect by night. Nick's amazing story, started with a motorcycle accident and continues to designing his own 3D-printed prosthetic finger, which he is sharing to the world. This episode is not only about...
Published 05/08/24
95% of our thinking is automatic as a necessary function of the brain to filter through all the stimuli as we walk throughout our day. In order to function, we need to have automatic processing, and so that helps us drive cars and move around our day, because we have some things on lock. Only 5% are real conscious thoughts that we're actually choosing. When we have thoughts that are creating results in our life that are not helpful, we can do some work to trade them out with a thought that...
Published 05/01/24
I'm sure everybody has that experience when you're triggered or when you have a really strong emotion, you think you are that feeling. And that really happens for all of us. When we are turning an idea into a real thing, we are going to experience all different emotions whenever that goal is something that's challenging and new. We're going to have to allow uncomfortable feelings, and feelings might pop up that are real, wild and that flood us. In this episode, I'm going to give you three...
Published 04/24/24
Here's the thing, every time you say yes to something, it means you're saying no to everything else. That is how we turn those shimmering ideas into concrete realities, by setting boundaries. In this episode, we will talk about the concept of a "hard no" and how this clear, compassionate form of rejection can keep us aligned with our goals. Where's your hard no, where's your hell yes? The better you get at recognizing them, the better life becomes and the better you'll get at following...
Published 04/18/24
Compliments are like beachside stones—lovely but we want to be able to have that feeling of calm and peace that we get from the beach, with or without the stone. I use this metaphor to say that we can enjoy compliments that we experience, but we can't use them as a measuring stick for how we're doing. In this episode, I'm going to offer you four different angles to look at this from. And then I'm going to talk to you about how we can follow our own hearts, to create new ideas, and to make...
Published 04/10/24
So, you want to turn your ideas into real things. I'm always with you on that! But this will require you to make requests, and when we make requests, we tend to do a couple things that make life a little bit harder for us. In this episode, I'm going to give you a new process, a new way of thinking about making requests to make life a little bit easier for you. You'll discover the strength in clarity and directness, and how to protect your emotional landscape while you reach for...
Published 04/03/24
Telling a good story has the ability to move minds and shift perspectives, and this podcast is a powerful way that I’m paying that forward each week. So, in the spirit of impactful storytelling,  I’m sharing three stories that will ignite little “mood boosters” that I hope will help when you’re stuck at a low point, and lack confidence in the world around you as you go out there turning ideas into real things. And what sparked the inspiration for this episode, was a chat with my podcast...
Published 03/27/24
We've all been there—criticism that feels like a knockout punch, leaving us questioning our path and purpose. But criticism doesn't have to be a synonym for defeat. Today, I want to give us a refresh and a new four-step process to help guide you through taking any feedback gracefully and putting you back in the driver's seat so you don't feel like it's this tidal wave washing over you. Whether it's a personal jab or a professional critique, we explore the importance of filtering feedback...
Published 03/20/24
You have to give yourself the same love and support that you'd give somebody that you really care about, who has an idea they want to make real. You might not know what yours is, but we all have things that are little twinkles of possibility in our life or something we could do differently or something we could literally create and put out there. That's what today's episode is about. I'll show you how to make your ideas real in a doable way, with the steps that it takes to turn something from...
Published 03/14/24
What does potting plants and washing dishes have to show us about slowing down and being more present? What's the dimension that adds more appreciate and joy, and what does this have to do with relationships? In this episode, I'm laying out some ideas from my personal "idea factory" about what it means to create ground rules with a "kickoff"conversation or meeting, and how to set the stage for the questions you ask, and how to understand the communication preferences of your friends,...
Published 03/06/24
What do you think of when you hear the word grounding?  When you feel your nerves creep in, does it energize you or does it make it harder to pull off what you want to pull off? Are you absorbing the stress around you like a sponge? If we think that we're not qualified or that we might mess up, let’s wring out that negativity together with three grounding techniques that will help you manage anxiety and boost your resilience. What you'll learn in this episode: Understanding the concept of...
Published 02/28/24
During a mountain retreat lunch, I received a piece of feedback that would catalyze a huge transformation in my life. It began with a simple observation—my use of the word “right” at the ends of my sentences—and blossomed into a realization of my people-pleasing tendencies. Through my story, we're going to talk about how to reflect on your own patterns of people pleasing. And I will offer some tools that guided me towards a grounded sense of self-acceptance and empowerment.  So, tune in...
Published 02/21/24
One of the number one requests that I've received over the past few months is to share tools for making decisions, and how to break free from the frustration of indecision. In today's episode, I'm going to share a special framework that will give you the clarity you need to break free from indecision, and it's a process that I personally use when I find myself in this confusing place. Because, here's the thing...  when we stay in a loop of confusion and indecision, we waste energy, time...
Published 02/14/24
This episode is about the concept of "strategic optimism," but to create this, it all starts with love because optimism and love can be interchangeable, in how we bring our loving awareness to the way we perceive the world around us, and how that loving awareness is something that we cultivate in ourselves. In this episode, we'll talk about 3 important areas which are necessary to cultivate strategic optimism. They are:  the self, others, and the world, and how we can let love be the...
Published 02/07/24
While I have done a bunch of episodes on "blue sky thinking" and "future tripping,"  I haven't really talked about a very straight-forward way to identify when you have a challenge in your life, and how to find a way to resolve it. I'll show you how to start from the problem or issue you face, and guide you through 5 simple steps that start with the challenge to brainstorming ways to get to the final outcome you are seeking.  What you'll learn in this episode: A five-step method to...
Published 01/31/24
Today is a very special episode. It’s a tool that I use all day … every day, and it will help you to achieve any goal.  This special tool is a way of thinking that connects to my areas of expertise in coaching leaders, and life coaching. It also applies to design thinking, to writing, to art, parenting and the physical body. It's one of those tools that will apply to just about everything in life. This might be one of those episodes you’ll want to put on repeat. So let’s GO! What you'll...
Published 01/24/24
I talk a lot about turning ideas into real things and sometimes want to escape the part that's happening now because we think it's going to be so much better later on. This is what we call hedonistic adaptation. In this episode, I give you three questions and a few resources to help you when you find yourself having a hedonistic brain, and instead being here now, in the dynamic presence that you are living. What you'll learn in this episode: Avoiding envy and practicing  gratitude and...
Published 01/17/24
For many of us, when we get so attached to the shiniest, best version of something we want to do, sometimes we never actually act on it. So instead of loving the things we're working on and the work we're doing, we sort of stay in discontent with what we have and who we are. Today's episode is all about the balance between possibility and presence, between holding a glimmering ideal in your mind, only when it serves you and balancing that spark of passion and excitement that fires us up when...
Published 01/10/24
I love a good celebration. I chimed in the New Year wearing my red bell bottoms and danced my butt off and ... it's a a fun reason to glittery things too! But what I want to talk about today is why I don't make resolutions, and what's more lasting instead.  I like to pay attention to the ways that I'm "life-ing" and evolving every day. For me, it's an everyday practice, which I'm going to introduce to you in this episode. This is a process that creates space to reflect on how you did every...
Published 01/03/24
Today I'm chatting with Wei Wang, who shares her experiences in my group coaching program, The Bloom Room. She's been such an inspiration to me and the group, and I wanted to have her on the show to share the inspiring work she's done, as well as her insights, and how she approaches everything she does with authenticity, generosity, and a desire to make the world a better place. One of the big goals we worked on together was Wei's desire to make an impact, and she knew that in order to do...
Published 12/27/23
We all have the potential become illuminators. What exactly is an illuminator you ask? They are those folks, that when you walk away from talking to them, you just feel so dang awesome. You feel better about yourself, you feel seen, you feel witnessed. Illumination doesn't have to be the person saying you're amazing. Illumination can be the light of their attention and interest and they think of other people with tenderness, kinda like Mr. Rogers or Ted Lasso. Illuminators have a deep...
Published 12/20/23
Why is it so important to know a person? Connecting with other people is a hugely important part of collaboration. And it's really important for us if we're trying to understand what world we're putting our idea into. In today's episode, you'll hear me reference a book called, "How to Know a Person" by David Brooks, who is a beautiful thought leader and we are going to talk about how to see others deeply and  to be deeply seen.  Are you a diminisher or an illuminator? Join me in this...
Published 12/13/23
What happens when an idea strikes like lightning, a spark of something that could potentially change your life? Lindsay Goldman, the founder of So Golden Medicinal Honey, joins me today to share her inspiring story. Listen in as Lindsay shares her experiences in the Bloom Room, her doubts about her value, and how she overcame them to launch her medicinal honey product. This episode is not just about Lindsay's story, it's a testament to the power of belief, support, and taking action towards...
Published 12/06/23
What if the secret to a more fulfilling life lies in the strength of your relationships? I'm dedicating this episode to the three most important skills you can develop as a human being. It is connecting with others even though they're different than you. I'm going to kickstart this episode by telling you a love story and share the personal lessons that I've learned from connecting with one person for 14 years. I'm also going to talk about a thought leader who's doing some incredible research...
Published 11/29/23