Ever wondered what it's like behind the scenes of Scientology’s film productions? Mitch Brisker and I, Marc Headley, are pulling back the curtain on the bizarre and intricate world of Scientology filmmaking. From working on "EM5: How to Set Up a Session and and the E-Meter" to the absurd portrayals of L. Ron Hubbard as a white savior in Africa, we reveal unfiltered stories from the frontlines. Learn about our experiences acting in these unique films, the meticulous and often oppressive qualit...
Published 06/11/24
Do you know how Scientology is using arbitration clauses to escape accountability? Join us as Claire Headley and special guest Tony Ortega reveal the hidden mechanisms behind Scientology's arbitration practices. From derailing legal challenges to the manipulative use of arbitration clauses, we uncover the church's evolving legal strategies and the powerful attorneys driving these changes. Highlighting crucial cases like the Garcia family, we illustrate how Scientology has crafted an arbitrati...
Published 06/04/24
Caught in the crosshairs of a legal behemoth, Claire and I have weathered the storm and emerged with stories that could fill volumes. Our skirmish with Scientology's notorious legal machine is just the tip of the iceberg in this episode, as we peel back the layers on the devious tactics and prolonged warfare that the organization wields to silence its critics. From courtroom strategies to the unyielding resolve required to stand one's ground, we bring you firsthand accounts of the intricate l...
Published 05/28/24
Scandal has struck at the heart of East Grinstead, and together with Apostate Alex, I, Claire Headley, peel back the curtain on Scientology's insidious grasp on local governance. Our latest podcast episode unveils the shocking entanglement of the controversial church within the fibers of East Grinstead Town Council. As we unpack the Daily Mail's bombshell revelations, you'll hear firsthand how 'safepointing' has become Scientology's modus operandi, transforming community ties into a strategic...
Published 05/07/24
When Jessica Palmadessa set out to create engaging content on Hollywood Boulevard, she never expected her social media antics would lead her into the heart of Scientology's enigmatic world. Join us as Jessica recounts her audacious attempt to enter a Scientology center with a Kanye West impersonator, a prank that quickly took a sobering turn into false accusations and wrongful police detention. Her fearless narrative isn't just about the laugh-out-loud moments; it's a testament to her bravery...
Published 04/30/24
Uncover the tangled web of life inside Scientology with us, as we continue our multi-part series centered around Jenny Linson. My wife Claire and I take you through her journey—from viral moments to her familial Hollywood ties. We'll examine the alleged 'masturbation mission,' demystify terms like "PAC Attack," and dissect the organizational culture of the Rehabilitation Project Force. Your perception of the Sea Organization may never be the same as we traverse the humorous, the serious, and ...
Published 04/23/24
Peek behind the curtain of Scientology's top-tier with Claire and me as we unravel the enigma of Jenny Linson, a stalwart of the church's inner circle. Discover the trajectory of a woman who rose through the ranks to implement the edicts of the enigmatic David Miscavige. Our series begins with a foray into Linson's early days, her ascent to the Watchdog Committee, and an insider's perspective on the intense logistics behind the scenes of high-profile Scientology events. As the conversation...
Published 04/16/24
Peel back the curtain on Scientology's clandestine world where former LAPD officer Eugene Ingram steps into the spotlight, not for heroics, but for his controversial role as a Scientology private eye. Embark on this investigative journey with us as we expose Ingram's alleged misconduct and reveal how the church's legal maneuverings shield their investigators. Discover the shocking stories from the LA Times that paint a grim picture of Ingram's underworld dealings, from fencing stolen cars to...
Published 04/09/24
Dive beneath the surface of Scientology's Office of Special Affairs with us as we expose a trove of 40,000 internal documents revealing the church's secret surveillance and information-gathering endeavors. Witness the magnitude of operations as key figures like David Miscavige and Tom Cruise, alongside their legal and security teams, engage in complex campaigns to silence critics. Unpack the meticulously planned strategies that aimed to secure the premiere of "Mission Impossible 3" from...
Published 04/04/24
Uncover the hidden dance of power and persuasion that exploded when Scientology collided with the satirical genius of South Park. In a riveting exposé, we bring to light the covert efforts of the Church's Office of Special Affairs as they went to extreme lengths to suppress a certain episode from gracing the screens of Comedy Central. The narrative unfolds with high-profile names like David Miscavige, Tom Cruise, and key media moguls, revealing the intricate battle for image control in the...
Published 04/02/24
Could you imagine vanishing from the public eye, your life dictated by a regime so rigid that even your closest relationships are at stake? Our latest episode takes you behind the veil of Scientology with a former insider, revealing the haunting fate of Shelly Miscavige, wife of Scientology leader David Miscavige. From the depths of her influence to her sudden and perplexing disappearance, we unravel the threads of power, fear, and control that may have ensnared her. This week, we're joined...
Published 03/28/24
Uncover the shadowy corners of Scientology as our investigation reveals the untold story of their ironclad grip on narratives and personal reputations. This episode pulls the curtain back on the Office of Special Affairs and their unwavering defense mechanisms, guided by historical documents that suggest past strategies are still at play. We navigate through the high-stakes world of Tom Cruise, from a critical meeting at Creative Artists Agency to the tense underbelly of Hollywood contract...
Published 03/26/24
Peek behind the secretive veil of Scientology as we unravel their reactions to the "South Park" parody that left Tom Cruise in a closet—literally and figuratively. Discover the staggering lengths to which the church went to stifle laughs and retain control, including leveraging celebrity ties and crafting counter-narratives. Our exposé unveils an apologetic document aimed at David Miscavige and the specific OSA Network Orders that dictate the church's media strategies, laying bare a narrative...
Published 03/21/24
Venture beyond the facade of Scientology as I, Marc Hedley, guide you through the shadowy corridors of power involving A-list actor Tom Cruise and the church's hierarchy. We crack open the Tom Cruise spy files, exposing a web of internal documents and compliance reports that reveal the extraordinary influence and peculiar relationships within this secretive organization. The narrative spotlights the role of David Miscavige, Yvonne Gonzalvez, and others, painting a vivid picture of their world...
Published 03/19/24
Katherine Olson's journey is no ordinary tale—it's a gripping saga of resilience and rebirth after escaping the Church of Scientology. At only 16, she embarked on a path that would lead her deep into the church's inner workings, from the bustling recruitment hubs in Los Angeles to the quieter, unassuming streets of Columbus, Ohio. But it's her escape that will have you on the edge of your seat, a testament to the human spirit's unyielding quest for freedom. Through Katherine's eyes, we peer...
Published 03/14/24
Could the same organization that promises spiritual enlightenment also harbor a shadowy intelligence wing? Prepare to be thrust into the depths of Scientology's Office of Special Affairs as we expose their alleged plots against author Andrew Morton. With over 40,000 pages of leaked documents serving as our guide, we navigate the murky waters of a cult under siege, where celebrity biographies become battlegrounds and authors are considered Fair Game. Witness the church's relentless efforts to...
Published 03/12/24
Discover the clandestine maneuvers of Scientology as we venture into a covert world rife with espionage and power struggles. Our latest episode peels back the curtain on the church's relentless campaign against author Andrew Morton and his investigative book about Tom Cruise. We unveil the calculated efforts to discredit Morton's sources and thwart the release of his findings, with a narrative that reads like a spy thriller. Key players such as David Miscavige and a cast of influential...
Published 03/07/24
When Allen Barton steps into the spotlight, the curtain lifts on a world where art and reality intermingle with profound consequences. As a former Scientology actor turned playwright, Barton's narrative "Disconnection" not only mirrors his own journey but resonates with those tethered to or severed from the church. Our reunion with him unveils the stringent world of Scientology's film industry, where we grappled with casting challenges, braved extreme heat, and toiled under a crew burdened by...
Published 03/05/24
Emerging from the shadow of Scientology, Jon Atack and I peel back the layers of our personal exoduses, revealing the raw and intricate journey of reclamation and self-discovery post-departure. Our dialogue unfurls the poignant tales of escape and the arduous quest for growth, underscoring our commitment to aid those grappling with similar paths. We confront the doctrine's insidious grip, scrutinizing its self-reinforcing mechanisms and the broader implications of societal control,...
Published 02/29/24
Peek behind the curtain of Scientology's elusive Office of Special Affairs with us as we unravel a web of espionage so intricate, it rivals a Hollywood thriller. Discover how key figures like David Miscavige orchestrate a hierarchy that's as strategic as it is secretive. Our latest episode lays bare the mechanisms of control that operate within Scientology's spy network, shedding light on the individuals who enforce and protect its clandestine interests. Prepare to grasp the full extent of...
Published 02/27/24
Embarking on a voyage through the stormy seas of Scientology, we're joined by author Jon Atack to navigate the tumultuous history of the Church and dissect the motivations that led him to write "A Piece of Blue Sky." Casting off from the harbor of belief, Jon recounts the backlash of his departure from Scientology, charting a course through the murky waters of ethics files and auditing sessions. Our collaboration unearths the hypnotic anchors within Scientology's practices, as we shine a...
Published 02/22/24
On the 19th anniversary of my own flight from Scientology, my wife Claire joins me to share her harrowing tale of escape, a saga of defiance and cunning woven amidst the stifling grip of the organization. With the passing of L. Ron Hubbard echoing in the background, we unravel the threads of a meticulously crafted exit plan, where every covert phone call and secret suitcase packed was a step towards liberty. Claire's story is not just one of escape, but a revelation of the raw power dynamics...
Published 02/20/24
Scientology Stories #36 - Celebrating Victory and Exposing Celebrity Allure: A Deep Dive into Scientology's Star-Powered Influence w/ Special Guests Mike Rinder & Leah Remini.  Celebrating resilience, today's episode resonates with personal victory as Mike marks a stable phase in his cancer journey, buoyed by modern medicine and your incredible support. Our hearts are full as we also cheer on Mark Bunker, endorsed by the Clearwater Police Department, signaling a seismic shift in the...
Published 02/15/24
Embark on an emotional voyage with us as we commemorate the late Ron Moss and his intricate ties with Ron Miscavige Sr., against the backdrop of Scientology's storied existence. We'll share intimate accounts from fans worldwide, the poignant and stormy bond between Moss and Chick Corea, and the unexpected ways financial hardship can entangle lives. We'll also discuss Elizabeth Moss's continued support for Scientology amidst her family's struggles, juxtaposed with her role in 'The Handmaid's...
Published 02/13/24