The podcast discusses the possibility of experiencing inner peace amidst the challenges of everyday life. The hosts explore what it means to be at peace and how it's not about escaping life's demands but rather about not resisting what is happening. They delve into the concept of peace as a state of centeredness and acceptance, emphasizing that it can be achieved even amid physical discomfort or stress. Connect with Mike Chang: - Instagram: @mikechangofficial -Youtube: Mike Chang - Website:...
Published 05/07/24
Published 05/07/24
The podcast explores a personal incident where Stephen lost his cool with his children during a family outing. He reflects on the triggers and emotions that led to the outburst and discusses the underlying dynamics of anger and stress within his family history. The conversation delves into the nature of emotional reactions, the importance of managing stress throughout the day, and the need for intentional focus and perspective in challenging situations. The hosts emphasize the significance of...
Published 04/30/24
The podcast discusses the mindset and philosophy of Arnold Schwarzenegger, particularly focusing on his approach to life and success. Arnold's emphasis on being useful and striving to be the best in whatever endeavor is highlighted as a driving force behind his achievements in bodybuilding, acting, and politics. The hosts explore the balance between striving for excellence and avoiding attachment to outcomes, emphasizing the importance of setting ambitious goals and focusing on the process...
Published 04/23/24
The podcast delves into the phenomenon of engaging in imaginary conversations within one's own mind, particularly anticipating dialogues with others. The hosts discuss how these inner dialogues, where one plays both sides of the conversation, are ultimately unproductive and can lead to unnecessary stress and frustration. They explore the idea that these internal conversations are not merely thoughts but rather immersive experiences that can affect one's emotions and behavior. The conversation...
Published 04/16/24
The podcast explores the idea of perfectionism and its drawbacks, focusing on how the pursuit of perfection can hinder progress and growth. The hosts discuss the misconception that perfectionism equates to excellence, highlighting how it actually stems from a fear of failure and a reluctance to take risks. They emphasize the importance of embracing the learning journey and sharing experiences, regardless of expertise level, to accelerate growth and connect with others. The conversation...
Published 04/09/24
The podcast discusses how the concept of self-improvement can inadvertently limit one's true potential. The hosts explore how the constant desire for improvement can stem from a sense of lack, leading to issues such as self-doubt and procrastination. They suggest shifting focus from the perceived lack to taking action and embracing tasks at hand without dwelling on what's lacking. Additionally, they debate whether the motivation for self-improvement stems from a sense of lack or from...
Published 04/02/24
The podcast discusses methods for managing and healing chronic pain. The hosts share personal experiences and insights on how movement, nutrition, and mindset play crucial roles in pain management. They highlight the importance of maintaining physical activity tailored to individual needs, consuming a balanced diet, and cultivating a positive mindset to support the body's healing process. Additionally, they discuss the significance of meditation in alleviating psychological aspects of...
Published 03/26/24
The podcast episode delves into an unconventional factor affecting energy levels beyond the typical recommendations of exercise, sleep, and diet. Stephen and Mike discuss the impact of ejaculation on energy and mental clarity, highlighting how the release of sexual fluids can lead to a significant drain in energy and cognitive function. They emphasize the importance of abstaining from ejaculation for at least two weeks to experience a notable increase in energy and mental clarity. The...
Published 03/19/24
The episode discusses stress and changes in energy levels. They explore various factors contributing to increased stress, including workload and recent events like a Facebook hack. Mike specifically attributes heightened energy demands to constant focus and engagement across various tasks. He identifies caffeine intake as a significant factor affecting his stress levels and describes the impact of cutting it out on his overall sense of centeredness and calmness. The conversation delves into...
Published 03/12/24
The podcast episode focuses on a recent event where the host, Mike Chang, experienced a hack on his social media accounts, leading to significant damage in terms of followers and reputation. He shares the emotional and logistical challenges he faced in dealing with the situation and how it affected his nervous system. Despite the stress, Mike emphasizes the importance of staying relaxed and focused during such crises, highlighting the role of the nervous system in managing emotions and...
Published 03/05/24
The podcast discusses how to discern which advice to follow amidst the abundance of information available today. Hosts Stephen Yeh and Mike Chang explore the idea that the suitability of advice depends on the individual's stage of life and personal goals. They emphasize the importance of understanding one's own position in life to determine the relevance of the advice being offered. The conversation also touches on stages of transformation in personal development, suggesting that different...
Published 02/27/24
The podcast episode explores the idea of exponential growth in different aspects of life, like business, health, and relationships. Hosts Mike and Stephen discuss the mindset and strategies behind significant growth, including the role of hard work and effective decision-making. They also examine the impact of engagement, such as responding to messages and comments, on growth potential.  The episode continues its discussion on the factors contributing to success, including the combination of...
Published 02/20/24
Stephen Yeh and Mike Chang dive into the concept of burnout, exploring its meaning, causes, symptoms, and strategies for recovery.  They discuss burnout as a state of mental and physical exhaustion where one is unable to function due to severe stress, leading to symptoms like persistent headaches, injuries, and an overall sense of energy depletion.  Mike shares his recent personal experience with burnout, characterized by intense headaches and an inability to concentrate, attributing it to...
Published 02/12/24
Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh dive into the pervasive issue of excessive thinking—a condition many of us face without realizing its profound impact on our mental health and daily functioning. Through personal anecdotes and in-depth discussion, Stephen and Mike explore the journey from being consumed by the endless chatter in our minds to achieving a state of mental clarity and presence. Discover strategies for directing attention to the present moment and techniques for bodily relaxation to...
Published 02/05/24
In this episode, we venture into the depths of emotional release, a topic often misunderstood and overlooked. We challenge the conventional wisdom that tells us to suppress our emotions. Instead, we delve into the profound power of truly feeling our emotions and, most importantly, learning how to release them from both the mind and the body. For those burdened by the weight of unresolved emotions, this episode offers a path to freedom. Join us in this eye-opening episode as we unravel the...
Published 11/06/23
In this episode, Stephen Yeh and Mike Chang embark on a journey through the 12 essential exercises crucial for daily living. These exercises form the foundation of our physical practice, mirroring the fundamental movements necessary for a fulfilling life. Mike handpicked these 12 exercises because they encapsulate the basic functions every human being needs: the ability to push, pull, squat, lunge, jump, and more. By understanding the simplicity and effectiveness of these movements,...
Published 10/30/23
In this episode, hosts Stephen Yeh and Mike Chang unravel the essence of mindful movements, a practice that transcends traditional yoga and meditation. Mindful movement is about conscious presence in every action, be it in the gym, doing household chores, or working, allowing individuals to be fully aware of their body and movements in the present moment. Mindful movement is not limited to specific activities; it encompasses all forms of movement. The key is being fully present and aware of...
Published 10/23/23
In this episode, Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh unravel the secrets to enhancing vitality and energy levels in the human body. They delve into a variety of exercises designed to open up blocked energies, contrasting the common experience of daily lethargy with the potential for boundless strength and vitality. Mike Chang shares his personal journey, drawing from his background in fitness and yoga. He discusses how he discovered the profound impact of specific exercises, including stretching,...
Published 10/09/23
In today's digital age, hard work often seems less necessary, given the abundance of shortcuts, technology, and AI. But is it still a crucial ingredient for success? We're about to delve into the intriguing question of why hard work remains essential despite the modern conveniences. Stephen kicks things off by asking Mike about his thoughts on the importance of hard work in today's world. But the real question lurking in the shadows is: Can anyone sustain hard work for extended periods, or...
Published 10/02/23
In this episode, we dive deep into the root cause of emotional struggles, uncovering the fundamental source of procrastination and personal limitations.  We challenge the notion of whether it's normal to have emotions and explore how our sense of self plays a pivotal role in creating or resolving emotional turmoil.  Discover the powerful shift from a self-centered perspective to one that focuses on the world beyond ourselves. J Join us as we unveil the intangible yet transformative...
Published 09/25/23
In this episode of Body Over Mind, hosts Stephen Yeh and Mike Chang delve into the challenges of staying centered and relaxed amidst the chaos of our rapidly changing world. From the impact of AI on society to claims of government possession of alien technology, the hosts explore how external events can create fear and uncertainty. They emphasize that fear is not caused by these events but rather exists within us, making us susceptible to fear regardless of the external circumstances. Mike...
Published 09/18/23
In this episode of the Body Over Mind podcast, Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh explore the concept of moving into discomfort rather than avoiding it. They delve into the common tendency to shy away from discomfort and the consequences it can have on our personal growth and goals. The conversation highlights the distinction between facing discomfort and merely fighting it. Mike and Steven emphasize the importance of accepting discomfort both mentally and physically, rather than resisting it. They...
Published 09/11/23
In this episode of "Body Over Mind," hosts Stephen Yeh and Mike Chang address the challenge of allocating time and energy in a limited day.  They explore the complexities of balancing various aspects of life, such as health, career, family, and personal pursuits. The hosts propose that individuals should tap into their inner voice, trust themselves, and follow their true desires to find their unique life path. They caution against making decisions based on emotions like guilt, fear, or...
Published 08/21/23
In this podcast episode of "Body Over Mind," hosts Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh delve into the concept of clarifying the "why" behind the goals individuals set for themselves. They emphasize the significance of having a clear understanding of one's desired life and ultimate objectives, as these motivations drive actions and shape personal growth. The hosts introduce four key questions to help gain clarity on the underlying reasons for pursuing goals. They illustrate the process using an...
Published 08/14/23