In this episode of the Body Over Mind podcast, Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh explore the concept of moving into discomfort rather than avoiding it. They delve into the common tendency to shy away from discomfort and the consequences it can have on our personal growth and goals. The conversation highlights the distinction between facing discomfort and merely fighting it. Mike and Steven emphasize the importance of accepting discomfort both mentally and physically, rather than resisting it. They...
Published 09/11/23
In this episode of "Body Over Mind," hosts Stephen Yeh and Mike Chang address the challenge of allocating time and energy in a limited day.  They explore the complexities of balancing various aspects of life, such as health, career, family, and personal pursuits. The hosts propose that individuals should tap into their inner voice, trust themselves, and follow their true desires to find their unique life path. They caution against making decisions based on emotions like guilt, fear, or...
Published 08/21/23
In this podcast episode of "Body Over Mind," hosts Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh delve into the concept of clarifying the "why" behind the goals individuals set for themselves. They emphasize the significance of having a clear understanding of one's desired life and ultimate objectives, as these motivations drive actions and shape personal growth. The hosts introduce four key questions to help gain clarity on the underlying reasons for pursuing goals. They illustrate the process using an...
Published 08/14/23
In this podcast episode of "Body Over Mind," hosts Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh discuss the topic of how personal development interests can impact relationships, particularly when one partner is interested in personal growth while the other is not. They explore the potential conflicts and challenges that can arise when one partner seeks to change their beliefs, values, and habits through personal development, while the other partner remains comfortable with their current state. Mike and...
Published 08/07/23
Stephen and Mike talk about the importance of opening up the energy in the body to clear the mind. They discuss how blocked energy in the body results in a cluttered mind, and how people should focus on getting the energy to flow by moving, stretching, and breathing right. The energy flow helps the blood flow, which allows the mind to operate. They encourage listeners to take action and try moving their energy to clear their minds. They note that the mind consistently forgets, and our...
Published 07/24/23
We discuss mental fog and its effects on people, recounting conversations they have had with individuals struggling with mental fog, including a successful business owner and a new father facing financial difficulties.  We emphasize that mental fog can affect anyone, regardless of their financial or intellectual status, and explore why it happens and how to overcome it.  You’ll learn the importance of adapting to the ever-changing world we live in and we’ll offer insights on how to boost...
Published 07/17/23
Join host Stephen Yeh and co-host Mike Chang in this episode as they discuss how to manage your emotions when we are under a lot of pressure from work and life challenges.  They discuss how our emotions limits our work performance and how our mental judgments caused by emotions can stagnate the energy flow in your body, leading to illness and health problems.  In this episode, Mike also shares his recent travels visiting various countries and cities for events, meetings, and talks. He...
Published 07/10/23
In the podcast, the hosts Stephen Yeh and Mike Chang discuss Mike's experience with the flu and how he was able to quickly recover from it using a method that he has developed over the years. Mike explains that the key to recovering from the flu is to allow the body's natural healing mechanisms to work, which involves increasing circulation in the body and supercharging the immune system to fight off the virus. Mike suggests that the reason why people often struggle to recover from the flu...
Published 07/03/23
Chris Dufey is a cookie-loving entrepreneur who bakes up delicious businesses for coaches who crave more dough. He is also an author, speaker, filmmaker, and health nut. His book, The New Body Plan, will make you want to shed your old skin and slip into something more comfortable. His podcast, The Chris Dufey Show, will tickle your ears with witty interviews on success, freedom, and happiness. He is a man on a mission to make an impact in this crazy world and have fun along the way. Hailing...
Published 06/26/23
Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh explore the interconnectedness of the body and mind, discussing how changes to one can impact the other. By taking care of the physical container that holds our mind, we can improve our overall well-being.  We emphasize the importance of understanding how different actions and behaviors, such as sleep, movement, and nutrition, affect the body, energy, and mind, and encourage a more intentional and mindful approach to self-care for greater wellness.  Tune in to...
Published 06/19/23
In this episode of Body Over Mind, Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh discuss accessing higher states of consciousness to increase creative power. They delve into what it means to be in a higher state of consciousness, how it affects one's thoughts and feelings, and provide tips on how to access it.  Stephen shares his personal experience with this and how he goes inwards to notice blocks and connect with an expanded state of consciousness. He explains how he focuses on the possibility of being...
Published 06/12/23
Discover the secret to unlocking your creativity and boosting your energy levels on the latest episode of the Body Over Mind podcast.  Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh dive into the connection between energy, relaxation, and creativity, revealing why feeling low energy can stifle your imagination.  Join us as we explore the power of slowing down and tapping into the alpha brain for increased inspiration.  We also shed light on the often-overlooked importance of rest and recovery for...
Published 06/05/23
We dive into why people work so hard despite the common knowledge that success and money do not bring happiness.  We explore the six human needs, including financial security, pleasure seeking, and significance, but also challenge the idea that financial security alone will bring happiness.  We share a personal story of a friend who made a lot of money through early investment in Bitcoin and crypto but still struggles with financial security.  We also discusses the connection between...
Published 05/29/23
Are you tired of diets that don't work and leave you feeling deprived?  In this episode of Body Over Mind, the hosts share their personal experiences with various diets and how they eventually discovered the power of intuitive eating. By paying attention to how their body reacts to different foods, they have learned to make healthier food choices that support their overall health and well-being. Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh emphasize the importance of eating clean ingredients and fine-tuning...
Published 05/22/23
In this episode, we dive into the concept of magnetic force and energy. Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh will reveal how aligning your feelings and emotions with your goals can lead to attracting the right opportunities and people into your life. Discover the power of developing awareness and breaking free from limiting stories to become more present. But that's not all, we will also share our expertise on the critical role of training the body in making sound decisions. Fear and negative emotions...
Published 05/15/23
Are you struggling to establish a morning routine that sets you up for success each day? Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh dive into the benefits of having a morning routine, including increased energy and focus, as well as grounding to prepare you for the day ahead. They share their insights on the importance of movement and stillness practices in a morning routine and how this can help activate the body and calm the mind. Mike Chang shares his own personal morning routine, which includes flow...
Published 05/08/23
Welcome to another episode of Body Over Mind, where we discuss the intersection of physical and mental health. Today, we have Mike Chang and Stephen Yeh, who will be discussing the importance of letting go of personal preferences and feelings when it comes to moving forward in your business. One of the biggest challenges entrepreneurs face is getting stuck in the "I don't feel like it" mentality. Instead of approaching their work with the "I'll do whatever it takes" attitude, they focus on...
Published 05/02/23
In this episode of the Body Over Mind podcast, hosts Mike Chang and Stephen discuss the concept of being in flow at work.  They explain how being in flow can enhance one's performance and increase productivity while making work more enjoyable. They delve into the characteristics of flow and how it can be achieved, including being fully engaged in the task at hand, having clear goals, and receiving immediate feedback. They also discuss the benefits of being in flow, such as increased...
Published 04/17/23
Listen to Stephen's transformation journey with an online business, psychedelics, training tai chi in the mountains, and how they all come together.  Stephen started selling on eBay at a young age and never felt like he belonged in normal society.  He eventually felt exhausted and needed a change, leading him to seek transformation in both his mind and body. He started practicing yoga and eventually discovered spontaneous qi gong. Stephen had intense experiences with the practice and felt a...
Published 04/10/23
Are you feeling stressed and unhappy despite success in your business? Mike Chang, the co-host of the podcast, shares his personal journey of going from a 8-figure business to finding inner success and happiness. Mike faced internal turmoil with constant self-dialogue and a persistent lower back injury, leading to anxiety and self-consciousness. He felt disconnected from others and had completely burned out. But he found a turning point when he started sharing his personal stories and...
Published 04/10/23
Why did we call the podcast Body Over Mind?  What we have found is that people have overvalued their minds (especially the intellectual aspect of it) and undervalued their body.  What people have not realized, or at least tend to ignore, is that the body and mind synergistically interconnect with each other.  If we are to go even further, we can say that there is no difference between the body and the mind. That, they are essentially one and the same.  On this podcast, we will dive into ways...
Published 11/02/22