On this inaugural episode of #AskAriana a frequent that I receive is how did I become a personal trainer and how do I earn an income. Personal training overall is an incredible career for anyone that has a desire to help others and a love for fitness.
Published 07/26/19
Our first #Bodygoals and ConFITdence guest is a dear colleague of mine in fitness. We met through a facebook group online and built a relationship from there because we live in the same region and both work in fitness.
Published 07/26/19
Published 07/26/19
Wow! I am so excited to launch my podcast with you all. This has been a labor of so much love and desire to share my story and the stories of others in the health world with all of you.
Published 07/24/19
The first episode of what is going to be an awesome podcast! Don't listen in yet though, this is only a test episode.
Published 05/08/19