En nuestro nuevo episodio de Border Wars Podcast conversamos sobre como ha afectado de manera negativa el Gobierno de Gustavo Petro el crecimiento económico en Colombia, trayendo así mayor desempleo, pobreza, inseguridad y el fortalecimiento de redes criminales transnacionales. Para hacer un claro análisis sobre la crisis social y polarización que vive Colombia, estuvo con nosotros, por segunda ocasión, María Fernanda Cabal, Senadora de la República de Colombia y una de las principales...
Published 05/03/24
Published 05/03/24
On April 13, Iran unleashed an unprecedented drone and missile attack against Israel. This follows the brutal terrorist attack by Iran-sponsored Hamas against Israel on October 7, 2023, and arming the Houthi Rebels in Yemen to function as long-range pirates in the Red Sea. Since November, the Iran-backed Houthis have launched more than 40 attacks on commercial ships in the Red Sea, effectively choking off the Bab al-Mandab Strait and shutting down the Suez Canal. They did this by using armed...
Published 04/17/24
Iniciamos nuestra tercera temporada de Border Wars Podcast, por eso para este episodio número 30, conversamos con una gran invitada, se trata Patricia Bullrich, actual Ministra de Seguridad de la República de Argentina. Patricia Bullrich, Doctora en Ciencias Políticas, Presidenta del PRO (Propuesta Republicana) en Argentina y Ex Diputada de la Nación por la Ciudad de Buenos Aires; junto a ella, nuestro Director Ejecutivo Joseph Humire, analizaron el cambio y crecimiento positivo que está...
Published 04/04/24
En un nuevo episodio de Border Wars Podcast conversamos con Alicia Galván y Humberto López, fundadores de Patria Unida, un think thank de México con el propósito principal de levantar líderes en esa nación con la capacidad de defender las ideas de la libertad y la democracia en México. Las ideas del socialismo lideradas por el Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) han traído un panorama de inestabilidad político-social para México; es así como Patria Unida, en el año 2022, se...
Published 02/16/24
Central America has long been plagued with crime and corruption that has stifled foreign investment and slowed economic growth. That's where Próspera comes in. Próspera is a special economic zone or Zonas de Empleo y Desarrollo Económico (ZEDE) on the island of Roatán in the Central American country of Honduras. It's a legal autonomous zone with its own fiscal, regulatory, and administrative architecture - which is the key to its success and challenges. Not bound by the overburdened...
Published 02/01/24
The unprecedented crisis on America's southern border has enormous ramifications for U.S. national security. None more urgent than the significant rise of suspected terrorists encountered or apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border. With the global context of the escalating war in the Middle East by Iran and its proxies (Hamas, Houthis, Hezbollah, etc.) - is America prepared for the Middle East war coming to the southern border? For Episode 27 of the Border Wars Podcast, we travel to Austin,...
Published 01/22/24
Las violentas protestas que vivió Chile de manera sistemática desde 2019 generaron una desestabilización social y política para la democracia de este país. Para analizar el contexto que vive Chile, estuvo con nosotros Aldo Cassinelli, reconocido académico, escritor y actual Director Ejecutivo de Estudio de Opinión DataCamp. Autor del libro "Un sistema político para el Chile que viene", publicación que recientemente lo hizo merecedor del galardón al mejor libro político del año, premio...
Published 12/15/23
En este nuevo episodio de Border Wars Podcast conversamos sobre la evidente presencia de operadores de Irán y Hezbollah en diferentes países de América Latina y su gran incidencia geopolítica para la región teniendo a Venezuela como principal socio y punto estratégico de operaciones. Casos como el atentado terrorista en 1994 al edificio de la AMIA en Buenos Aires, Argentina; la presencia en marzo de este año 2023 de buques de guerra iraníes en Río de Janeiro, Brasil, y el adoctrinamiento...
Published 11/28/23
With the surging crisis on the U.S. southern border, there is an increased emphasis on the threats posed by Mexican drug cartels. But most contemporary analysis of the cartels does not include the profound changes that have taken place in Mexico since NAFTA, transforming the Mexican cartels from top-down command and control structures to more complex, adaptive systems that are no longer structured around "kingpins" but are horizontally-aligned networks that are increasingly controlling more...
Published 11/16/23
There has not been a radical Leftist government in Latin America that has come to power without first dividing the right-of-center, conservative movements in the region. This past July, several think tanks, academic centers, political figures, and others set out to remedy this by gathering in Miami, Florida for the inaugural Carvalho Dialogue of the Americas, named after the the late Brazilian philosopher and teacher Olavo de Carvalho. For Episode 23 of the Border Wars Podcast, we talk...
Published 11/02/23
On October 7, the Iran-sponsored terrorist group Hamas unleashed an unprecedented, brutal terrorist attack against Israel, sneaking across its border and killing and kidnapping Israelis, Americans, and other citizens. This attack has escalated tensions between Iran and the West to the brink of another war in the Middle East. But this war will have spillover effects worldwide, especially in Latin America. For Episode 22 of the Border Wars Podcast, we sit down with Emanuele Ottolenghi, a...
Published 10/25/23
En un nuevo episodio de Border Wars Podcast conversamos sobre Javier Milei, Argentina y la Sociedad Libre. Javier Milei, quien lidera las encuestas con un gran apoyo nacional para ser el próximo presidente de Argentina, propone un cambio importante a través de las ideas de la libertad para sacar a su país de la crisis económica y social que vive actualmente causada por el kirchnerismo. Para hacer un claro análisis sobre Javier Milei y Argentina, estuvo con nosotros Alejandro A. Chafuen,...
Published 09/10/23
El reciente asesinato de Fernando Villavicencio, candidato a la presidencia del Ecuador, impactó al mundo en medio de una gran crisis de seguridad que viven diferentes países en Latinoamérica. Para analizar todo lo que rodea la muerte de Villavicencio, estuvo con nosotros en exclusiva Christian Zurita, ex candidato presidencial y amigo cercano de Fernando. ¿Quiénes estuvieron detrás de este crimen? ¿Hay incidencia de actores externos que desean retomar el poder en Ecuador? ¿Cuál es el futuro...
Published 08/31/23
Iniciando nuestra segunda temporada de Border Wars Podcast conversamos sobre los desafíos geopolíticos que enfrenta Argentina y la incidencia que han tenido actores externos en la crisis social, económica y de inseguridad que vive en la actualidad esta nación. Para hacer un claro análisis sobre la crisis que vive este país, viajó desde Argentina, para estar con nosotros en Washington DC, nuestro Senior Fellow Ricardo Ferrer, egresado de la National Defense University de Estados Unidos,...
Published 08/11/23
On March 20, 2003, a "coalition of the willing," made up of the U.S. and its allies, entered Iraq. They knew who their enemy was: Saddam Hussein and his Ba'athist army. The coalition made short work of defeating the Iraqi military, but, as everyone knows, the worst was yet to come. The Iraqi insurgency took many forms and made a common cause with Sunni jihadist groups, connected to al-Qaeda. While the U.S. was distracted, fighting the Sunni insurgency, Iran made its move. A Shiite militia,...
Published 03/20/23
One year after Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, many are wondering what the next phase of the war will be. A peace agreement appears increasingly elusive as China and Iran have stepped in to assist Vladimir Putin in his war effort, meanwhile Americans are losing patience with what appears to be another prolonged proxy war. For Episode 17 of the Border Wars Podcast, we sit down with Ilan Berman, national security expert and the Senior Vice President of the American Foreign Policy Council,...
Published 02/28/23
The Border Wars Podcast is back for a new series of episodes. Episode 16, and the first for 2023, takes a deep dive into the top U.S. national security issue of today: the People's Republic of China (PRC).  Renowned geopolitical expert and author, Gordon Chang, joins the podcast to take us through the ins and outs of how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) embraced "capitalism" as a means to an end to enhancing its war footing against the United States and prepare for a conflict. Taking over...
Published 02/17/23
En nuestro nuevo episodio de Border Wars Podcast conversamos sobre la destitución de Pedro Castillo como Presidente de Perú tras su intento de ejecutar un Golpe de Estado disolviendo el Congreso. Para hacer un claro análisis sobre la crisis social y polarización que vive este país, se conectó con nosotros desde Perú nuestro Senior Fellow Dardo López-Dolz, Exviceministro del Interior de Perú, reconocido investigador y consultor internacional. ¿Podría Pedro Castillo quedar en libertad? ¿Qué...
Published 12/21/22
We are experiencing an unprecedented crisis at the U.S. southern border. So I traveled to the border to see the situation firsthand. In Brownsville, Texas, I immediately saw the "catch and release" policy of the Biden administration in action, as migrants were released into Texas after being apprehended. But across the border, in Matamoros, Mexico, I ran into something much worse: The Mexican Cartels.  Episode 14 of the Border Wars Podcast is about my trip this past August to Matamoros,...
Published 11/16/22
Fentanyl is the number one drug causing overdose deaths in the United States. The problem is they aren't all from overdose. Two milligrams (mg) of fentanyl can be lethal depending on a person's body size, tolerance and past usage. 42% of pills tested for fentanyl contained at least 2 mg of fentanyl, considered a potentially lethal dose. Meaning that you can die from fentanyl the first time you consume it. These are not overdose deaths, this is mass fentanyl poisoning that is plaguing rural,...
Published 11/02/22
Episode 12 is a special podcast in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, featuring two proud veterans of the U.S. Army who were born in Mexico and Nicaragua, respectively. Sergio De La Peña and Manuel Rosales (along with Joseph Humire from the Marine Corps) and their respective families, have a combined military record that follows four generations of Hispanic Americans serving in the U.S. military.  Telling stories and sharing first hand experiences from their time in uniform, the podcast takes...
Published 10/13/22
En nuestro primer episodio en vivo conversamos sobre las elecciones presidenciales que se están viviendo en la República de Brasil entre el presidente Jair Bolsonaro y el expresidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Para analizar el escenario que se vive en uno de los países más importantes de Latinoamérica nos acompañaron reconocidos analistas internacionales como Ernesto Araújo, excanciller de la República de Brasil y Leonardo Coutinho, SFS Senior Fellow, periodista y autor del libro "Hugo...
Published 10/09/22
Episode 10 of the Border Wars Podcast talks to SFS Senior Fellow David Grantham, PhD, who served as a Special Agent for the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI). A relatively secretive spy agency for the Air Force and Space Force, David takes us behind the scenes on how to join OSI and what that agency does in garrison and on the battlefield in Afghanistan and in one of the most infamous prisons in Iraq. From recruiting foreign sources in Kuwait to managing the force...
Published 09/14/22