The Hard Truth about Men's Sexual Wellness - Erectile Dysfunction, Blue Balls, Viagra, Infertility ft. Dr. Justin Dubin
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EP65: This week’s episode is an exciting one! We are talking about…Penises! Yes, you heard me right. Welcome, special guest Dr. Justin Dubin. Justin is a urologist and, dare I say, a penis expert. Justin specializes in Men’s health, specifically in male infertility and sexual medicine.  In this episode, Justin is busting (no pun intended) myths about male sexual health. Are blueballs real? Can whisky dick happen? Do pornstars use Viagra? Are micro penises real? Is sex less pleasurable after a circumcision? Do most women orgasm during penetrative sex? We are bringing this episode to BUST THESE MYTHS, EDUCATE, and provide a SAFE SPACE to talk about sex. Don’t worry. We are all experiencing these hard (pun intended) issues together.  Episode highlights - About Justin - Sexual Health  - Sexual health resources  - Misinformation online - Erectile dysfunction  - Diseases that can compromise your erections  - Open communication during sex  - Males blaming women for their ED - Pornography affecting relationships  - ED in female and male pornstars  - How to use Viagra  - Circumcision  - Why adults might get circumcised  - Penis sizes - Micro penises  - Cysts and STDs - Vasectomies  - Misconception about sex  Timestamps: 0:00- 2:00 | Introduction 2:00- 6:50 | About Justin Dubin  6:50- 10:25 | Resources to learn more about sexual health  10:25- 14:45 | Erectile dysfunction  14:45- 19:35 | Communication during sex  19:35- 25:20 | Male blame on relationships  25:20- 32:20 | Pornography and Viagra 32:20- 36:30  | Circumcision  36:30- 41:00 | Penis sizes  41:00- 46:35 | About the testicles   46:45- 52:00 | Cysts and STDs 52:50- 57:10 | Vasectomies  57:10- 1:02:20 | What is the biggest misconception about sex?  CONNECT WITH JUSTIN:  CONNECT WITH KOKO:  
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