Published 08/13/24
Published 07/23/24
Published 10/12/23
Special Replay this week from The Brain Coach: Is your child struggling with math? Do you have a gifted child that needs to secure a good math foundation that will let them soar? Is your 5, 9 or 15 year old having trouble remembering their math facts? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, this is the podcast for you! Dr. Jan will lead you through the foundation and cornerstone of math. Foundation: 1. Rote counting – Counting CD 2. Understanding quantity – first count...
Published 02/08/18
Special Replay this week from The Brain Coach: Is your child struggling with math? Do you have a gifted child that needs to secure a good math foundation that will let them soar? Is your 5, 9 or 15 year old having trouble remembering their math facts? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, this is the podcast for you! Dr. Jan will lead you through the foundation and cornerstone of math. Foundation: 1. Rote counting – Counting CD 2. Understanding quantity – first count...
Published 02/08/18
Published 02/08/18
The almost militant battle of how to best teach reading has been waged over the last 150+ years with proponents from both sides being adamant about their recommendations.  As the reading curriculum pendulum has swung back and forth from phonics to sight to phonics the controversy roars on with little attention given to anything except technique. This narrow view of reading has resulted in millions of individuals being diagnosed with dyslexia and other reading and language delays. With the...
Published 02/02/18
The almost militant battle of how to best teach reading has been waged over the last 150+ years with proponents from both sides being adamant about their recommendations.  As the reading curriculum pendulum has swung back and forth from phonics to sight to phonics the controversy roars on with little attention given to anything except technique. This narrow view of reading has resulted in millions of individuals being diagnosed with dyslexia and other reading and language delays. With the...
Published 02/02/18
Have you ever wonder if it is really necessary to teach your child cursive? Do you have a child that just doesn't get it? Today Dr. Jan Bedell visits with Prisca Lecroy one of the co-owners of CursiveLogic. Prisca shares how their method of teaching cursive came about when her mother was tutoring a 23-year-old young man who needed to be able to sign his name to take the driver's test. She developed a method that help this young man (age 16) sign his name in a 45-minute session. Since then...
Published 01/24/18
Have you ever wonder if it is really necessary to teach your child cursive? Do you have a child that just doesn't get it? Today Dr. Jan Bedell visits with Prisca Lecroy one of the co-owners of CursiveLogic. Prisca shares how their method of teaching cursive came about when her mother was tutoring a 23-year-old young man who needed to be able to sign his name to take the driver's test. She developed a method that help this young man (age 16) sign his name in a 45-minute session. Since then...
Published 01/24/18
Do you attend Homeschool conferences?  If the answer is no, you may want to reconsider your decision not to go. Today Dr. Jan Bedell visits with Leslie Nunnery who along with her husband David, started the Teach Them Diligently Home School Conferences. Leslie shares the call they felt to encourage homeschool families to stay the course in their ‘High Calling’.   Our very own Brain Coach, Jan Bedell will be speaking and exhibiting at all the Teach Them Diligently locations this year. The...
Published 01/18/18
Do you attend Homeschool conferences?  If the answer is no, you may want to reconsider your decision not to go. Today Dr. Jan Bedell visits with Leslie Nunnery who along with her husband David, started the Teach Them Diligently Home School Conferences. Leslie shares the call they felt to encourage homeschool families to stay the course in their ‘High Calling’.   Our very own Brain Coach, Jan Bedell will be speaking and exhibiting at all the Teach Them Diligently locations this year. The...
Published 01/18/18
Do you have a child that struggles to maintain focus when completing tasks?  Do you have to supervise every minute of your teen’s school day? Today Dr. Jan Bedell visits with the founder of Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum, Dr. Ron Johnson.  Doc, as many like to call him, was formerly a public-school principle and superintendent who saw the need to reestablish virtues and values in today’s society.  Doc was an executive in a major home school curriculum provider for 21 years.  He saw the...
Published 01/04/18
Do you have a child that struggles to maintain focus when completing tasks?  Do you have to supervise every minute of your teen’s school day? Today Dr. Jan Bedell visits with the founder of Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum, Dr. Ron Johnson.  Doc, as many like to call him, was formerly a public-school principle and superintendent who saw the need to reestablish virtues and values in today’s society.  Doc was an executive in a major home school curriculum provider for 21 years.  He saw the...
Published 01/04/18
Special Replay: Neuroplasticity - Rewiring The Brain with Dr. Jan Bedell Podcast #19 Neuroplasticity, hmm? Do we really have to use such an unfamiliar word?  Yes, to describe the amazing gift that God has given us we can start with a big word and break it down.  It really is quite simple – “neuro” is having to do with the brain and “plasticity” is the ability to change.  Our brains are changing all the time. This is really good news when you have a struggling learner or a child with a label...
Published 12/28/17
Special Replay: Neuroplasticity - Rewiring The Brain with Dr. Jan Bedell Podcast #19 Neuroplasticity, hmm? Do we really have to use such an unfamiliar word?  Yes, to describe the amazing gift that God has given us we can start with a big word and break it down.  It really is quite simple – “neuro” is having to do with the brain and “plasticity” is the ability to change.  Our brains are changing all the time. This is really good news when you have a struggling learner or a child with a label...
Published 12/28/17
Special Replay:  Draw Close To God In A Busy World with Dr. Jan Bedell and Pastor Alan Bias Pastor Alan Bias joins Brain Coach, Jan Bedell for some tips on how to hear God in the “everyday”.  Learn how to escape the “Big Gray Swirl” of busyness and distractions to experience life to its fullest.  When you have a child that has special learning needs as gifted children do or learning labels like dyslexia, ADD, ADHD or autism, life can get much more complicated.  Pastor Alan gives examples of...
Published 12/14/17
Special Replay:  Draw Close To God In A Busy World with Dr. Jan Bedell and Pastor Alan Bias Pastor Alan Bias joins Brain Coach, Jan Bedell for some tips on how to hear God in the “everyday”.  Learn how to escape the “Big Gray Swirl” of busyness and distractions to experience life to its fullest.  When you have a child that has special learning needs as gifted children do or learning labels like dyslexia, ADD, ADHD or autism, life can get much more complicated.  Pastor Alan gives examples of...
Published 12/14/17
Do you have a child with special needs?  Are you lost, and you don’t know where to turn for help?  Do you just need some encouragement? Today Dr. Jan Bedell talks with Peggy Ployhar, the CEO and founder of SPED Homeschool.  The mission for SPED Homeschool is – Helping students succeed through parent directed special education homeschooling. Peggy, the guest on Brain Coach Tips this week, is a homeschool mom, writer, speaker, blogger and has served in two state home school organizations as...
Published 12/07/17
Do you have a child with special needs?  Are you lost, and you don’t know where to turn for help?  Do you just need some encouragement? Today Dr. Jan Bedell talks with Peggy Ployhar, the CEO and founder of SPED Homeschool.  The mission for SPED Homeschool is – Helping students succeed through parent directed special education homeschooling. Peggy, the guest on Brain Coach Tips this week, is a homeschool mom, writer, speaker, blogger and has served in two state home school organizations as...
Published 12/07/17
Do your children have an awareness of the impact of good etiquette?  Today Dr. Jan Bedell speaks with Monica Irvine from The Etiquette Factory about how life-enhancing proper etiquette can be. “If you are not taught, you don’t know,” is what Monica has learned from speaking with parents who have used her products. It is never too early to start your children on the road to good manners.  Monica has help for all ages.  Preschoolers to high schoolers can benefit from these life-enhancing...
Published 11/30/17
Do your children have an awareness of the impact of good etiquette?  Today Dr. Jan Bedell speaks with Monica Irvine from The Etiquette Factory about how life-enhancing proper etiquette can be. “If you are not taught, you don’t know,” is what Monica has learned from speaking with parents who have used her products. It is never too early to start your children on the road to good manners.  Monica has help for all ages.  Preschoolers to high schoolers can benefit from these life-enhancing...
Published 11/30/17
Do you have a child that is constantly in trouble?  They don’t look at you when you talk to them.  They don’t follow directions.  They don’t answer when spoken to. They will not sit still and do their school work.  Guess what? This may not be defiance! Dr. Jan has worked with clients using the NeuroDevelopmental Approach for over 20 years.  She has seen dynamic change in children after addressing the root cause of what, on the surface, seemed like poor behavior.   Of course, we are all...
Published 11/16/17
Do you have a child that is constantly in trouble?  They don’t look at you when you talk to them.  They don’t follow directions.  They don’t answer when spoken to. They will not sit still and do their school work.  Guess what? This may not be defiance! Dr. Jan has worked with clients using the NeuroDevelopmental Approach for over 20 years.  She has seen dynamic change in children after addressing the root cause of what, on the surface, seemed like poor behavior.   Of course, we are all...
Published 11/16/17