The news of the week, with 2% fat.
Published 12/18/23
Published 12/18/23
Our first pod in a while! Dash and Adrian break down why the GOP is just not a serious political party anymore, Kevin McCarthy's retirement, House Republicans' inability to govern, America's ongoing foreign policy crises, and Vivek Ramaswamy's dumb idea to willy-nilly fire most of the government.
Published 12/12/23
Absolutely everything you should know this week! Guaranteed! Or your money back. 
Published 01/26/23
Thanks to Republican primary voters’ taste for the GOP’s least electable candidates, Democrats are actually favored to keep control of the Senate, and the Supreme Court’s gutting of Roe V. Wade has given Democrats the lead in generic House polls. We talk about all the ways Republicans have f*cked themselves heading into the midterms.
Published 07/30/22
Is there hope for Democrats to keep Congress in 2022? We talk about political strategy, governmental reform, the annoyingly unplugged apathy of midterm non-voters, cry baby conservatives clinging to dumb wedge issue culture war delusions, and why Josh Hawley is crusading for masculinity all of a sudden.
Published 11/15/21
Liberals and Democrats have all along taken the coronavirus pandemic seriously, and we got made fun of for it, mocked for wearing masks in public, and called sheep for social distancing. Now the pandemic is virtually only killing the unvaccinated in mostly rural areas particularly in red states governed by COVIDIOTS who think somehow their masculinity, patriotism and freedom are being taken away when society tries to prevent people from dying needlessly of preventable viral infections. France...
Published 07/23/21
Donald Trump is under criminal investigation; Arizona is looking for bamboo fibers; Andrew Giuliani is running for NY Governor; Lara Trump and Mark McClosky are looking at the Senate; Mitch McConnell is back on his obstruction BS; Kevin McCarthy is worried about his January 6th phone call; Liz Cheney is the GOP's voice of reason.... the Republican Party is not even pretending to be a serious party anymore.
Published 05/20/21
President Donald Trump incited a deadly, insurrectionist coup attempt on Congress because he hasn't disgraced America enough, and is running out of time to squeeze in extra Constitutional crises and demolish more democratic norms. What a baby.
Published 01/12/21
Donald Trump wants to parson himself, his kids, and his closest confidants... but they're all 100% innocent and did nothing wrong!
Published 12/05/20
President Donald Trump is about to leave office, and we were wondering how crazy and petty his farewell address likely will be... if he gives one at all! In order to better mock Trump's closing speech, or lack of one, we take a look at a much better president's final salute to America: George Washington's Farewell Address!
Published 12/02/20
Donald Trump is a lame duck, but can still do a lot of damage to America while plotting ways to stay relevant after he's forced out of the White House. We talk about the stalled presidential transition, a potential Trump News Network, the conservative social media platform Parler, and future Biden executive orders.
Published 11/19/20
President Donald Trump is a big, whiny baby, and an even bigger loser. We discuss some of the coming shifts in tone, competence, and staff thanks to President-Elect Joe Biden's big, beautiful, tremendous victory over American fascism.
Published 11/09/20
At the first presidential debate Donald Trump, who is losing the election pretty substantially in the polls, needed to convince voters he wasn't an a*****e unworthy of the Office of the Presidency. He did not do that.
Published 10/01/20
Federalist Paper #51 is about the separation of powers, but James Madison couldn't have imagined a fascist demagogue like Donald Trump and the coward Republican Party that refuses to check him.
Published 08/13/20
A conversation on how green reforms are cheaper, more effective, and the future.
Published 08/02/20
Trump hates losing, and he's currently doing just that. So what if he dropped out of the election?
Published 06/30/20
American Libertarians' utopia of a country with no taxes, regulations, or perceivable government would institutionalize an oligarchic corporatism. "No it wouldn't!" they say. But who or what would prevent it without a public, democratic government to stop the exploitation?
Published 06/26/20
The Trump Cult went to a rally, and it was boring. But their God Emperor at one point took a drink of water and they chanted "4 more years" to congratulate him for not needing to use two hands. We talk about the empty shell that is the contemporary Republican Party that won't admit Trump is the toddler brain his own former top administration appointees insist he is.
Published 06/24/20
Say it with me: "Democrats. Are. Not. Guilty. Of. Identity. Politics." Republicans legislate and bloviate on their conspicuous obsession with white male Christian identity politics. Democrats just look out for everyone else who gets left behind.
Published 06/24/20
Profile in cowardice John Bolton is finally releasing his burn book of Trump, and in it he accuses the President of much more illegal conduct than Democrats impeached him for. Also, like all high-ranking former Trump officials, Bolton insists Trump is an idiot.
Published 06/19/20
QAnon convinced a lot of Trump fans that the President was only pretending to collude with Russia in order to enlist Bob Mueller to help him arrest the shadowy cabal of governmental pedophiles and send them to Guantanamo Bay... which, according to Q's clues, should still be happening any day now.
Published 06/19/20
From a surprisingly progressive Supreme Court decision to NASCAR feeling Black Lives Matter, conservatives have recently lost some culture war battles.
Published 06/17/20
How is the Trump campaign doing ahead of Election 2020? We dive into his scandals, polls, and unpopularity!
Published 06/11/20
A roundup on a lot of the craziness in America going on in early June 2020.
Published 06/07/20