Published 07/18/20
Back in February of 2020, Yuanpei wrote an article on his public WeChat account about the shortcomings of China's sex education system and the cultural factors that need to be addressed. He joins the show today share. 面包吐思的目的之一是与大家分享好的想法,有趣的人,有趣的事。今天分享给大家公众号“元培说”里的一篇文章——《谈性色变,我们需要正视性教育》。对于我们来说,“性”常常是难以启齿的,有没有想过这是为什么?元培在这里发表了,他,关于性教育的态度。 感谢邓泽西给我们提供的两首BGM. #1《theRE's no TURNing back》#2《WE R THE SAME》 千万别错过下一期《等我音乐》,我们来和邓泽西聊聊《i really lost a friend》 不如多搜多听邓泽西的歌呗! For a full transcript of...
Published 06/04/20
谁是整个滑雪场上最拽的海草?海草哥!一个幽默风趣的东北哥们儿,一个单凭海草舞视频而点击量过700万的网红,一个煊赫一时的抖音明星。 Who is the baddest weed in the sea? 海草哥!(hǎicǎogē). This hilarious and charismatic 东北哥们儿(dōngběigēméner/Northeastern bro) saw his skiing seaweed dance video reach over 7 million views on 抖音 (dǒuyīn/Tik Tok) in just 24 hours. 本期节目让我们来认识这位明星,听节目之前大家可以点击以下的链接 Be sure to check out the dance before listening to Brad chat with 海草哥 about the story of how the video came about and what it was like to go viral: Douyin:...
Published 01/28/19
大家还记得去年有一个节目叫你不知道的NBA吗?当时和我一起录那期节目的两位帅哥叫Jack and Russ。本期面包吐思的节目我们想多和大家聊聊NBA,同时也向大家预告一下即将发布的关于NBA的新专辑。如果你感兴趣的话,可以在你习惯用的社交网络平台如微博、抖音等上面关注面包吐思。我们将会持续推送最新的消息。如果你有什么好的建议和想法,请一定要跟我们联系,感谢您的关注! Do you remember last year's episode "Things you never knew about the NBA" with Jack and Russ joining in on the discussion? This week's BreadToast Chinese brings some more engaging NBA talk to the table and serves as the trailer for our upcoming brand now show all about the NBA. If this sounds something...
Published 01/21/19
你现在或者以后会不会经常开车?你是不是已经形成了经常滴滴打车的习惯?那你有没有被一些老司机的车技和速度吓到?这样的环境下你有没有注意力高度集中并且随时系好安全带? Do you drive a lot? Do you take ride services to get around? Have you noticed that there are all kinds of drivers out there on the roads? How are your seat belt buckling skills? 中国现在的汽车太多了,以后还会更多。我们需要形成一个固定的操作:上车就要系好安全带,不管何时何地何种情况。 There are more and more cars on the roads of China these days. We need to make sure we firmly establish a culture of buckling up no matter...
Published 01/14/19
忠实,可爱,乖巧……这些都是犬的形容词。从狩猎到看门,从放牧到一生的朋友,狗狗可谓生活中无处不在。想对它们有更多的了解吗?点进来! Loyal, adorable, GOOD...just a few adjectives to describe our beloved canines. Hunters and guards, from the fields to lifelong friendship, dogs are an important part of our lives. Interesting in gaining a greater understanding of man's best friend? Check out this week's episode!
Published 01/07/19
找个安静的地方。戴耳机。关灯。 Find a quiet place. Plug in your headphones. Turn off the lights. 调整好心态。 Take a deep breath. 新年快乐。 Happy New Year.
Published 12/31/18
怎么了?你以为大米不值得三十分钟的节目吗?我跟你说,三十分钟完全不够。 What? You think thirty minutes is too long for a show about rice? It's way too short, we say. 来跟面包老师一起发现大米多么有趣,多么重要,多么好玩儿。本期节目邀请到了经历丰富的董老师来跟我们分享她的各种知识,然后顺便和我们一起学一句台湾+南京的方言。 Join Brad in discovering just how fascinating, important and fun rice can be. Special guest Florence Tung brings her years of wisdom and ridiculous rice cooking skills to the table (get it? ha!)and along the way we create some brand new hybrid Nanjing/Taiwan dialect...
Published 12/24/18
本期面包吐思是我的好朋友凌峰的故事。现在,我也想带领大家一起认识他,认识这位克服了口吃、走出在校被欺凌的阴影、经历过社会冷暖的十八岁小伙子。他很重要。 This is the story of my good friend Lingfeng. Join me in getting to know him and learn how he faced crippling stuttering, persevered through years of bullying, and grew to be an inspiring force for good. Lingfeng is important.
Published 12/17/18
本期面包吐思邀请到鹏鹏和鑫瑞。他们是面包老师曾经在青海师范大学任教期间的两名空乘专业的学生。两位毕业后都成为了空乘服务员(后来鑫瑞转行了)。本次节目将带领大家更多的了解空乘少们眼中的工作和一些你知道或不知道的飞机上的小细节。 Pengpeng and Xinrui join us for this week's episode of BreadToast Chinese. These two were Brad's students in the flight attendant major at Qinghai Normal University (yes it's a real major) a couple years ago. They both went into the field after graduation (Xinrui recently changed professions), and share with us their insider take on the industry, their jobs, and all sorts of...
Published 12/10/18
挑战结果出来了!不管怎么样都是好消息。如果Harry完成了床上不碰手机的挑战,那就好。没完成的话可能更好,因为他的惩罚就是要给我们唱一首歌! The results of the challenge are out! It'll be good news no matter what because if Harry completed the challenge to stay away from his phone, well, hey, that's great! BUT if it turns out he failed, then we get to hear him sing!
Published 12/08/18
你更爱你自己还是你的手机?通过和Brad的朋友Harry聊天,本期面包吐思会帮助你直接面对这个问题。 Harry最近过得。。。一般般。Horse Horse Tiger Tiger (指的是哪个成语你知道不?)。面包老师想给他一个简单又难以完成的挑战。你敢一起接受吗? 温暖提醒:订阅面包吐思 Podcast 的兄弟姐妹第一时间就能知道挑战结果! Do you love your phone or yourself more? Chat it out with Brad and his 朋友 Harry to face the truth head on. Harry has felt a little off for the last little bit. Horse horse tiger tiger. (You guys know that one? 马马虎虎). In response, Brad comes up with a simple but tough challenge to see if he can help out. Are you up...
Published 12/02/18
什么叫美式橄榄球?基本的规则和打法是。。。?橄榄球是可以吃的吗? 2018年的美式橄榄球常规赛还有一个多月就结束了。今天的面包吐思就带你上一节紧急补习班,燃起你对这个神奇体育的兴趣,给你所有的基础知识,带给你勇气从这周开始看比赛。到了季后赛和超级碗的时候你就能真正的享受橄榄球比赛的乐趣和激情 What is American Football? What are the rules and how is it played? Can you eat a "橄榄球“? There is just over a month left in 2018's NFL regular season. Today's BreadToast Chinese comes just in time to help spark your interest in the sport and give you all the basic knowledge you'll need to watch the rest of the season with confidence and...
Published 11/26/18
四周球迷各就各位聊聊NBA! 这周的面包吐思 Podcast 充满你不知道的NBA历史和冷知识。如果听完节目发现确实没有学到任何新知识,跟我说一声,我就给你发0.88元的微信红包。 跟我们一起聊NBA的 Jack 和 Russ 是面包老师的高中学生(很久很久以前~~人家现在都是大三的老头子)。喜欢和我们聊NBA的话一定要跟看球的朋友分享,也可以加个评论,告诉大家一些我们不知道的NBA!
Published 11/19/18
吸烟的朋友必听,不吸烟的朋友更需要听!Brad与他的兄弟鹏鹏和大家一起聊聊吸烟对身体的危害,详细说明戒烟之后的身体会有哪些变化,然后讨论怎样克服戒烟的心理障碍,怎样跟吸烟的人沟通戒烟的问题。 A must-hear conversation for smokers, and even more essential for non-smokers! Brad talks in-depth with his buddy Pengpeng about the effects of smoking on the human body. Next, they break down what physical and mental changes come about over time after quitting. The conversation wraps up with Pengpeng's advice as a smoker himself on how to overcome the psychological obstacles to quitting and...
Published 11/11/18
面包吐思是什么东东?快来听个故事吧! So what is BreadToast Chinese? Find out real quick!
Published 11/10/18