How does my small channel with only 171 subscribers get 2,400 views per month? Its my not so secret weapon....VidIQ! This video I take an older video not getting many views and optimize it with VidIQ. This is how I get more YouTube views with VidIQ than a new channel deserves.
Published 10/08/21
Published 10/08/21
How do you grow your business on YouTube? Can you grow almost any business with YouTube videos? This short answer is YES. Small business, digital marketing entrepreneurs, and lifestyle channels and business can all benefit and gain hugely from targeted and properly optimized videos.
Published 09/13/21
Why Should You Start A Side Hustle? Maybe you want one of the following things: - More Income - Change Careers - More Passion & Fun
Published 07/07/21
What are you passionate about? Should your passion be what you do for a living? Are you even meant to do what you love for a living, or should you find more love in what you're already doing.
Published 06/28/21
When should you consider a pivot in your business? We are coming off of unprecedented global shutdowns due to the pandemic. And many business were forced to pivot or go broke.
Published 06/08/21
SEO basics are a must-have for your small business online in 2021. Especially when you are on a limited budget and need all the help you can get. Most of these tips you can do yourself and get a LOT of bang for your buck before you hire someone.
Published 05/24/21
Which social media platform can increase your organic traffic the fastest? TikTok vs Instagram Reels vs YouTube Shorts.
Published 05/14/21
Should You Start A YouTube channel in 2021? Ask yourself some important questions first before you take on doing something you may not want to do. YouTube is one of THE BEST opportunities to add a platform with reach for your business. Make sure its the right platform for you and that you'll enjoy the process and it will make the commitment that much easier and pay off.
Published 04/30/21
Let's talk about the 3 Main Types of Traffic as Russel Brunson describes in his book Traffic Secrets and Expert Secrets. Get the Free Book below and only pay shipping.
Published 04/23/21
These 5 Tips For Content Marketing will help to Grow Your Small Business online. Online Marketing with Content and Social Media Marketing in 2021 are some of the most affordable and effective ways to help you grow your business without paid ads.
Published 04/19/21
Marketing for a small business on a limited budget is one of the main questions I get from owners asking about marketing online. And the answer is not an easy one. First, there are a few things you need to ask yourself first before even thinking of marketing.
Published 04/05/21
Does Angies List (Angi) still work for home services business in 2021? Depends. But you definitely do NOT want it to be your only focus if you have a limited budget. We go over pros and cons and what you should do to build your own brand online before spending your only budget with any of the home services listings (Home Advisor, Thumbtack, Angi, Handy, etc)
Published 03/29/21
Small business tips to help local business owners get back on track in 20211. These 3 small business tips are to help business owners avoid the mistakes that caused many small businesses to fail and struggle in 2020 during the closures from the pandemic.
Published 03/22/21
3 Tips To Increase Your Online Visibility. If you are a business owner or entrepreneur looking to increase your visibility online - these quick tips will give you an idea of what I’ve seen work based on 8 years of being an agency owner and also learning from some of the best marketers in the world like Russel Brunson and Steve Larsen.
Published 03/09/21
How does an average business owner become their own digital marketing expert. This Quick Tip Tuesday we go over 3 thing that every small business owner and entrepreneur can do to start the path to becoming an internet marketer.
Published 03/02/21
2021 is the year where every business needs to own their online marketing strategies and really commit to messaging and getting more attention online. If you’re a small business or digital entrepreneur these top 5 strategies are some of the foundations you'll need to survive and thrive this year.
Published 02/24/21
Want a simple Content Distribution Strategy for YouTube and Podcast content? For our Quick Tips Tuesday this is the quick overview of what we've done to help clients chop up 1 piece of content into 10 or more. Its' really simple and if you're already doing your own editing or working with someone who is doing your editing, then its only a couple more steps and a little more work. But the result is you get multiple pieces of content from your one video or podcast audio.
Published 02/17/21
2021 Goals and my biggest lessons from 2020 and talking to dozens of business owners and entrepreneurs saying what they wished they'd done or had ready when 2020 hit. And what I'm focusing on for the next year. Thanks for watching and please support our channel to bring your more great free videos like this one!
Published 02/17/21
These strategies are what you need now to stay in business and make it through shutdowns. If you haven't already implemented these 5 Tips start now! They're also what will help you thrive well into the future. Thanks for watching and please support our channel to bring your more great free videos like this one!
Published 02/17/21
Want to hear from someone with 40+ years of marketing and sales experience both online and offline? Well look no further than our guest this week Tom Antion. Tom Antion has never had a job. He's an Internet Multimillionaire "guy next door" and founder of the only licensed, dedicated Internet marketing school in the country. He's the subject of a Hollywood Documentary "The American Entrepreneur" premiering spring 2021. He's a veritable encyclopedia of marketing and entrepreneurship since...
Published 12/23/20
Side Hustles... Thinking of starting a side hustle? What does it even mean and what you should consider before even getting into it. We go over all these topics and just meander around things that interest us along the way. You'll want to hang around and check this out! This podcast episode is with Vince Lavolpa - the owner of Green Joe Coffee Truck https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPi3_CUlIQyRH21vLHIm1pA
Published 12/15/20
Google My Business Setup For Small Business. If you want your business to get found with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) this is one of your very first steps. This video gives the average entrepreneur and small businesses owner an overview and quick steps to get your Google My Business (GMB) profile up and running with some good tips as well. GMB is very important for retail business locations since it help you get found, get phone calls, add images and posts, and a whole variety of other...
Published 07/28/20
What is your brand footprint and how to improve your online presence. Small business and brands should understand how potential customers search and find their business footprint online. Many times its not what you want showing about your business or product. How to figure out what people are finding when they search for your business online. Improving it and taking advantage of the great and free tools available to get your more of the right types of customers.
Published 07/17/20
6 Small Business Tips for online strategies to help your small business more resilient to COVID shutdowns and recessions. With all the digital tools available to small business and entrepreneurs - now is the time to use them to avoid losing your business to shutdowns and pandemic recessions.
Published 07/17/20