We live in a culture of narcissism centered on ego and ego gratification and most of us think love is a synonym for excitement instead of the Jungian view point of a Self for a Self, what Martin Buber calls an I-thou relationship. We are each barely conscious of who we choose to love as the unconscious seeks to reenact earlier relationships that have been left incomplete. In this talk, Pittman McGehee differentiates for us 3 kinds of love, the light and dark side of each. Erotic love known as...
Published 02/25/21
McGehee describes that what we deem to be evil and the worst thing that ever happened to us, may be the best thing that ever happened to us and that this autonomous and mysterious God that we must be related to is in charge. We are not. We are however in charge of our responses and to be a person of faith we will live our life boldly, knowing we can begin again and no matter what happens, we can start over. Grace which is a gift to us allows that to happen. This talk was given by J. Pittman...
Published 02/08/21
FYI this talk was given the week before the one I posted last week, 9-23-90 so they are out of order. In this talk, McGehee describes the difficulty of being males who learned from their fathers and other men in authority that to be masculine is to compete and defeat other males. The reemergence of the feminine within men is the capacity to be in intimate in relationships with either gender by sharing fears, fantasies, feelings, and failures. Ultimately, it is to be a person who is called by...
Published 01/31/21
Pittman McGehee begins by quoting Carl Jung. “Nature does not care about higher consciousness. Neither does society. Society is only interested in achievement and that for the most part, posthumously. In this talk, he explains the 3 most common rituals that men in our culture use to achieve the task of separating from their personal bond with their Mother. As they strive to form their identities, men’s inability to be vulnerable later in life is confusing and painful because developing higher...
Published 01/28/21
There is power in looking into the darkness as we recognize the parts of us that we repress, collectively and individually especially our cultural obsession with the body and human sexuality. Anything repressed doesn’t go away, it comes out in a distorted form hence perversion and obsession so prevalent around us. He talks about our shadow needing to be loved and how in order to get us to our wholeness, the Self within us will do so even if it creates havoc for the ego and the shadow will...
Published 01/25/21
Part 1 of a talk given to the Jung Center in San Antonio, Tx on May 15, 1998, McGehee lays the groundwork for ego development as it is the beginning of our becoming conscious human beings. Reframing our failures, our mistakes, even illness and accident, any crisis that leads to suffering is the Self’s way (the God image within) to lead us to greater consciousness. We are accustomed to seeing light as positive and dark as negative but from the Self’s position, darkness is a process we need to...
Published 01/17/21
This Sunday School class talk was given by J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. on December 30, 1990. There are five childhood fears that McGehee singles out to describe but the biggest of all is non-being. To understand the remedy for that we graduate into our own self hood, our own containment by leaving Mother behind who convinced us we could not live with out her and finding out no one can do our life for us but us. Most of all we each have to find and become our selves, we have to have a...
Published 01/10/21
This Sunday School class talk was given by J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. on December 23, 1990. The prologue of the Gospel of John carries within it the origin of all things —breath that worded us into existence and the doctrine of grace. To be what we were created to be by God who conceived of you and delights in your presence — your authenticity to be.
Published 01/10/21
This Sunday School class talk was given by J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. on December 16, 1990. Christmas time can be a joyfilled time and a time of despair and depression. Pittman weaves our hopes and fears together and skillfully makes them acceptable so that something more substantial can occur when both are integrated.
Published 12/29/20
This Sunday School class talk was given by J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. on April 17, 1988. This story is about his coach at Oklahoma State University and it is so funny that you will love it. It is as he says his chance at reconciliation and becoming real. 
Published 11/25/20
Using a humorous story about an article about a baseball team, Pittman McGehee tells a tale about the cosmic game of life and how Jesus came along to change the game. This Sunday School class talk was given on September 13, 1987.
Published 11/25/20
The ego has its own value system of what quality of life is for us and an essential part of our ego development is to acquire material things, power to get them and self worth derived from having accumulated matter and time. We all want more time. The problem is our ego thinks it's all that is of our psyche. It gets confused when it believes that the more we can acquire of net worth, the more we can justify our worth and being which can lead to narcissism (he describes Donald Trump as an...
Published 08/02/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee, D.D. on 5-29-88 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. This is about our human ego and our soul and our imbalanced state that begins by building a lightness and a darkness in order to conform with what is acceptable in our environment and in our society. This leads to a fairly significantly unbalanced view of life. If we ignore the darkness long enough, we’ll become that which we have ignored and there is no other way to...
Published 07/17/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee, D.D. on 5-15-88 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. In this talk Pittman shares the idea of balance vs integration, coming to a realization that there are some things in our psyche that are just not for us. Attitudes or associations we may have been dealt in our early days by parents, culture, family, etc. and the necessity of embracing that which we most fear.
Published 07/01/20
This mp3 is a talk given by J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. on 9-16-90 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. This is a story about the day Pittman’s Father died and the way men live with their ties cutting their bodies and feelings off at the neck. His intimacy at the end with his Father is revealing of the four Fs (feelings, failures, fantasies and fears) that he had a chance to hear before his Dad passed not knowing it would be the last time he saw him. In his Father’s...
Published 05/31/20
This mp3 is a talk given by J. Pittman McGehee, D.D. on 5-22-88 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. Pittman gives 3 stories at the beginning and then takes you through a bible story of Pentecost where they begin to understand that the holy spirit doesn’t dwell in heaven but within each human being. The surprise ending is a perfect symbol for each of us. 
Published 05/29/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee, D.D. on5-17-87 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. Pittman begins by describing our need for Mother (matter) being transcribed into material and that although it is important to have our material and physical needs met, it is also not what gives our life meaning. We all run into ruts, hardship and the walls that life brings, when we need someone else to be Christ for us and show us what’s possible. What is the...
Published 05/06/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee, D.D. on 3-19-89 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. He begins with a story from childhood about a dozen baby chickens all colored for Easter that his Father had brought home. Only one survived and grew up to be inferior as it had white feathers with purple tips. The shadow side of us is like that — different, rejected, inferior in some way — embracing this part of us is our our Easter story. Jesus took it all on. He...
Published 04/12/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee, D.D. on 6-21-87 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. Pain is a peculiar human possession. We do not become close truly intimate without pain. Each of us has to take the risk of loving another as there is no wonderful love story without pain which informs us that we are alive. Christianity at it's most basic level integrates the pain as part of the passion. 
Published 04/10/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee, D.D. on 5-17-87 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. Marion Woodman in her book Addiction to Perfection does a definitive job explaining that our addictions whatever they may be are symbolic of our need for Mother. Our need to reconcile either too much Mother or not enough nurturing from the human being who was our Mother. What matters to us in the beginning is to have our basic human needs met, our phsyical needs met...
Published 03/26/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee, D.D. on 11-15-87 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. How do we know a piece of art, a song or wisdom or even the taste of water? Can we even know that which we cannot comprehend? How would I know what you know. Pittman describes the two bookends of Knowing God. One is the Anthropomorphic God who hears, walks and talks like a human being which is simplistic on one bookend and on the other bookend of the teeter totter is...
Published 03/24/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee on 6-14-87 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. Pittman begins with the sadness he felt when he received notice of a friend/hero who had died when he happens upon a tv lecture by a female doctor about the endocrine system and male testosterone. As men, it is our transcendence and goodness, our imago dei which is even more than can be captured in any moment of time. On Father’s Day Pittman experiences three separate...
Published 03/09/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee on 4-12-87 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. Pittman begins by telling the story of hearing that Jesus was riding in to Calgary on an ASS and how that made him laugh as a young boy who was hearing it in a church of all places. Life is filled with ironic and humorous comedy when we don’t take it so seriously it can sustain us in times that we are going through tragedy that is unexplainable. He talks about the...
Published 03/03/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee on 2-15-87 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. Human nature says everyone will have a different sexuality — a personality and mystery of it's own. In this talk, Pittman defines Gods gifts of sexuality 1) procreation 2) to experience union (with another and with God) and the responsibilities of bringing another human being into the world. We have a higher calling when it comes to sexual union because when we love one...
Published 03/02/20
This mp3 is a talk given by Pittman McGehee on 1-3-87 at Christ Church Cathedral Sunday School class in Houston, Texas. The nature of human beings is to be religious and Pittman gives two etymological descriptions of the word religion — to bind back which presumes something is broken and to tie up as in the mooring of a boat (or an anchor). Christianity does not offer any of us safety as it rains on the just and the unjust but it offers us a way to see and listen to something we haven't seen...
Published 02/23/20