This episode we're jumping in our X-Wings and taking to the skies to look at Star Wars The Arcade Game (63) and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (52)! Does an arcade game from 1986 score as poorly as its 80's counterparts Pacman and Tetris? Can you play Knights of the Old Republic on a Steam Deck? Is Eddie recording in the middle of an active war zone?  All these questions, and more are answered! We also discuss what's going on with the Metal Gear Solid collection and it's ever-shifting...
Published 10/21/23
Sharpen your unfeasibly large swords and get the cement mixer going so you can style your hair, because we're looking at an unprecedented SIX games on this week's show! Secret of Mana (70), Chrono Trigger (33), Final Fantasy 6 (37), Final Fantasy 7 (7), Final Fantasy 9 (95) and Final Fantasy 10 (76) are all under the microscope in this bumper JRPG episode, packed full of teenage angst and fake laughter! Travel through time, take on the empire, Race Chocobos, play underwater football, wake up...
Published 10/14/23
A week later than planned the Bucket List Gamers are back and looking at an absolute SNES classic; The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (6)! Join us as we venture into the Dark World to investigate what makes Nintendo's 1991 smash hit such a success, discuss the one major mis-step in it's sequel A Link Between Worlds, and give our thoughts on FC 24 and Starfield (again!) Plus Jay has a big surprise for Eddie that's sure to go down about as well as a Moblin in Hyrule Palace. Enjoy! Thanks...
Published 10/05/23
It's DLC time again! This episode we're joined by one of the HitGrab Inc team to talk about gaming on Facebook, and specifically Mousehunt, which has been going strong for a number of years now. Jay played Mousehunt religiously so there's a decent amount of fanboying in this episode, as Eddie sits back in awe and lets it happen. Huge thanks again to Giorgio for joining us and letting us in on some behind the scenes info, it was an absolute pleasure! This was initially a Patreon Timed...
Published 09/28/23
That's right, for our 30th Episode we've decided to SMASH the format of our show to celebrate a couple of big milestones! Instead of talking about a game on this list, this week we're discussing September's Nintendo Direct, and all the interesting announcements that were made! That includes remakes of two Super Mario franchise games, a brand new outing for the Mushroom Kingdom's favourite Princess and Jay's favourite game getting a release on the Switch! We'll be back to normal before you...
Published 09/20/23
This week we're donning our stupidly long red bandannas, pulling out our silenced pistols and plugging our controllers into port 2, as we look at two games in the Metal Gear Solid franchise! Metal Gear Solid (15) from 1998 and Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (97) from 2004 are our main targets, but we also talk Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear 5 too for good measure! Hideo Kojima's stealthy action series has had it's fair share of ups and downs (definitely more downs in...
Published 09/14/23
Fus Roh Dah! This week we're dragon shouting about number 17 in the list, Bethesda's perennially released Elder Scrolls entry; Skyrim! Is it full of bugs? Yes. Is it worth playing anyway? Definitely! Skyrim has been around for an unbelievable 12 years now, and with multiple versions released across a vast array of consoles, there's a reason people keep buying it! We also take a look at Starfield, or rather the different prices players will have to pay to get their hands on it. Thanks to our...
Published 09/07/23
Take your armies out of your sleevies because we're back (a little later than usual!) and we're looking at 3 Real Time Strategy games... kind of. This week we put Command and Conquer (80), UFO: Enemy Unknown (65) and Lemmings (46) under the microscope to see how the RTS genre evolved. We ponder questions such as; why did this originally get made for consoles, why did this get ported to consoles and... why god why would this get ported to N64... amongst other things. Jay also reminisces about...
Published 08/31/23
It's time to fuel up your Kart, grab your Banana Skins and drift into Pole Position! This episode we're looking at Super Mario Kart (12), Mario Kart 64 (72) and Sega Rally (67). Join us as we Power Slide down memory lane to discuss Sega's 'Arcade Classic', the unlikely creation of Super Mario Kart and how it evolved into the game we know (and mostly love) today! As well as your Banana Skins and Green Shells, be sure to grab your motion sickness medicine too... you're going to need...
Published 08/22/23
It's Bucket List Gamers 25th Episode, and we're discussing two action-adventure classics in the original Tomb Raider (38) and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves(77)! Join us as we head back to a time when Lara Croft wasn't some whimpering teenager, and instead provided a badass female protagonist for gamers everywhere to admire and aspire to. Oh, and back to a time where she ACTUALLY raided tombs... Then jump forward to arguably the best game in the Uncharted series, which sees Nathan Drake hunt for...
Published 08/14/23
In Episode 24 Jay & Eddie go 1 on 1 to discuss arcade classic Street Fighter 2 (13) and its many variations, ports, re-skins and so on! We also discover Jay's inner sweet summer child, as he instinctively chooses to believe the best of 80's and 90's Mexican arcade vendors, even in the face of damning evidence against them. Not content with discussing just one 1 on 1 fighter (mainly because there isn't a lot to say!) they also discuss some other classics of the genre that didn't make the...
Published 08/08/23
It's episode 23 and the Bucket List Gamers are looking at The World of Warcraft (90)! And for the first time in the main series we've invited a guest along to BLG HQ, partly because we haven't got a bloody clue about the game, but mostly because Austin knows his stuff and adds an air of professionalism to our usually chaotic recording sessions! If you're a Warcraft affectionado you can take a stroll down memory lane with us, and if you know nothing at all about it you can sit back and be...
Published 07/30/23
It's time for another DLC episode! This time we talk about the three latest Nintendo consoles, and how they spanned from generation-traversing success, to abject commercial failure... and back again. This was initially a Patreon Timed Exclusive, but now it's available here for your listening pleasure! If you want to hear DLC episodes as soon as they come out, head over to our Patreon and sign up now! Thanks to our monthly supporters Harry Flynn Atropos77 DinoDini lee jones ...
Published 07/27/23
In episode 22 of the Bucket List Gamers we return to the Mushroom Kingdom to take a look at 1985's Super Mario Brothers (40) and Super Mario Brothers 3 (11), before jumping into Miracle World to talk about Alex Kidd (92)! Super Mario Brothers is the quintessential side-scrolling platform game, and if you believe the hype it single-handedly rescued the dying console gaming market after Atari's disastrous E.T. debacle! SMB3 builds on all the goodness of the first game (not so much the second,...
Published 07/25/23
Episode 21 sees Jay and Eddie dip their toes into the nefarious underworld of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto series, by taking a look at three of the biggest hits... and one cowboy outing for good measure. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (25), Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (85), Grand Theft Auto V (31) and Red Dead Redemption (71) are all under varying degrees of scrutiny this week, as the Bucket List Gamers try to work out just what is so alluring about taking control of some thoroughly unlikeable...
Published 07/18/23
Grab your tricorn hat and your pieces of eight, strap on your eyepatch and wooden leg, and make sure your wit is as sharp as your cutlass, because for episode 20 of the Bucket List Gamers podcast we're setting sail to Monkey Island! The Secret of Monkey Island (19) and Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge (35) to be precise! Journey back with us to the 90's, where point and click games were all the rage! From pirate adventures and missions in to space, to royal romps and mutated tentacles...
Published 07/10/23
In Episode 19 we take a trip to Raccoon City and it's horrifying outskirts to look at Resident Evil (43), Resident Evil Remake (83) and Resident Evil 2 (32). Umbrella have caused a whole lotta trouble in Racoon City, and it's up to the members of S.T.A.R.S, rookie cop Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield to get to the bottom of it... all without succumbing to a grizzly fate at the hands of a whole raft of genetic horrors. Zombies, Dogs, Hunters, Lickers, Snakes, Spiders, Sharks, Alligators,...
Published 07/02/23
In episode 18 the Bucket List Gamers punch, kick and piledrive their way through three side scrolling Beat-em-ups!  Final Fight (86), Streets of Rage (89) and Streets of Rage 2 (18) are under the microscope, along with a selection of other fist-flying arcade classics and the recent Nintendo Direct reveal. Having almost got into a fight with his microphone, rage is very much the theme of the episode for Jay, and it seems nobody is safe... not least Sega and Nintendo! We also find out just how...
Published 06/27/23
In our first ever DLC episode, we talk about The Arcade Warehouse in Scunthorpe, and other similar Retro Gaming locations, as well as the troubled release of Dead Island 2! This was initially a Patreon Timed Exclusive, but now it's available here for your listening pleasure! If you want to hear DLC episodes as soon as they come out, head over to our Patreon and sign up now! Thanks to our monthly supporters Harry Flynn Atropos77 DinoDini lee jones thesweatyllama ★ Support this...
Published 06/24/23
Episode 17 sees the Bucket List Gamers look at Matthew Smith's surreal ZX Spectrum Miner saga, with 1983's Manic Miner (30) and the 1984 follow-up Jet Set Willy (55). Hints of Monty Python cross with imagery that wouldn't be out of place on an LSD trip, as Willy the Miner makes his way through a plethora of bizarre locations including The Nightmare Room, The Cuckoo's Nest, The Entrance to Hades, The Endorian Forest and Eugene's Lair. You're going to need to perform a Quirkafleeg to get...
Published 06/20/23
It's a RARE old affair on Episode 16 of the Bucket List Gamers Podcast as we look at THREE titles from the legendary British video game developer. Break out your banana stash as we look at Donkey Kong Country (78), re-jig your jiggies in preparation for Banjo-Kazooie (64) and dust off your Dostovei to take on the epic N64 classic Goldeneye (10)! In true Bucket List Gamers style we drift off into tangents about other games such as Earthbound, Conkers Bad Fur Day and Perfect Dark. Because...
Published 06/11/23
In Episode 15 the Bucket List Gamers take a look at the original Legend of Zelda for NES (87) and The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker (36). Yes, we take to the high seas in the King of Red Lions and sail all the way back to 1986, when Link first burst onto the scene to rescue Princess Zelda from the wicked Pig-like Demon King; Ganon. Then we navigate our way to 2003 to cast our spyglass over The Great Sea, and Toon Link's exploits in The Windwaker. Did the original Zelda set the precedent for...
Published 06/07/23
In Episode 14 The Bucket List Gamers tackle FOUR influential First Person Shooters in the form of Doom (8), Doom 2 (50), Quake (88) and Halo: Combat Evolved (24)! We jump on board the first space ship to hell with Doom Slayer (or DoomGuy as he's probably better known), explore the very brown world of Quake and try to hold back The Flood alongside everyone's favourite Spartan; Master Chief. Probably not the best time to point out Jay isn't very good at First Person Shooters... Oh, and we also...
Published 05/28/23
In unlucky Episode 13 of the Bucket List Gamers the subject of our attention is none other than Sega's iconic mascot Sonic! In terms of the list we are carefully considering, and ranking Sonic 1 (28), Sonic 2 (14) and Sonic 3 & Knuckles (75)! But we don't stop there, discussing the 3D offerings, the cartoons, the entire Sonic Game Gear library, the Blue Blur's appearances in Nintendo games and why you should never lick a Switch cartridge. Trust us, it all ties together... sort of. We also...
Published 05/23/23
Better late than never, here's episode 12 of the Bucket List Gamers Podcast, this time looking at number 58 on the list; Pokemon Red and Blue. Red and Blue kick-started a franchise that has gone on to become an absolute juggernaut, but is the love warranted or is it a surprise that something so enduring could come from such humble beginnings? We delve into the the concept of putting 'one game across two cartridges', the introduction of a third version and even go through the laborious task of...
Published 05/18/23