In a time of judgment, hopelessness, and fear, God always has a message of deliverance and restoration for those that fear His name! Let's look past the present problems and circumstances and "strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees... your God will come...He will come and save you." - Isaiah 35:3-4
Published 06/19/24
I love when God tells you to do something and whispers NOW! Miracles happen at that moment we obey.
Published 06/18/24
The journey can be just as enjoyable as the destination. Take the hills and valleys with a grateful heart.
Published 06/17/24
Tune in to hear the replay of our special guest Laine share her thoughts about one of my Purple Thoughts!
Published 06/14/24
I don't like seeing people suffer. Especially those who are close to my heart. Lord eliminate the suffering.
Published 06/13/24
How important is our hope? Does God fulfill all our hopes? How long should we hold on to hope? We discuss these issues and more in today's edition of Hope through Scripture!
Published 06/12/24
Sitting here thinking about the astronomical number of prayers going up before God and how he hears mine.
Published 06/11/24
We are not irreplaceable. What we choose to do for God, is the thing someone else will happily do.
Published 06/10/24
Tune in to hear my special guest Carla share her thoughts about one of my Purple Thoughts!!!
Published 06/07/24
Increase your chances of hearing God clearly by getting on the same frequency as his Word!
Published 06/06/24
Where should the focus of the believer be? On the temporary trials of this life or the eternal hope found in scripture? Paul says that since Christ is our hope, we should set our affections on things in heaven rather than those on earth. If we are believers let us focus on the invisible but certain promises of God!
Published 06/05/24
Everyone is not going to be happy for you as you achieve, and you have to be okay with that. Live for an audience of one.
Published 06/04/24
There's no special class of Christian. We have different callings and administrations that operate by one spirit.
Published 06/03/24
Tune in to hear a replay of my special guest Pam share her thoughts about one of my Purple Thoughts!
Published 05/31/24
Our action is who we want to be. Our reaction is who we really are. Study your reactions & know you better
Published 05/30/24
How important are we to God? What is attitude towards His Children? What does the prophet Zephaniah mean when he refers to God's loud singing? Let's talk about it with Hope through Scripture!
Published 05/29/24
There are people I've known forever and don't know them at all while others I've known for a brief moment and the intimacy is deep.
Published 05/28/24
Your life is yours. Your decisions are yours and the consequences are yours as well.
Published 05/27/24
Tune in to hear a replay of our special guest Karen share her thoughts about one of my Purple Thoughts!
Published 05/24/24
Steps turn into paths. Paths turn into ways. Ways turn into destiny. Let God order your steps!
Published 05/23/24
The psalmist says he hopes in God's word. What is he saying and how can we apply this to life today? Let's find out in today's session of Hope Through Scripture!
Published 05/22/24
If you tend to your character, God will take care of your reputation. People can say whatever they want about you.
Published 05/21/24
What we say has power! Be mindful of what you say to others and yourself because you will believe it!
Published 05/20/24
Tune in to hear a replay of my special guest Angela share her thoughts about one of my Purple Thoughts.
Published 05/17/24