This episode, we're joined by Ernest Kissiedu, who is the community lead of the Rust London user group as well as a co-founder of the DevX Initiative, which empowers current and would-be Rust contributors through research, workshops, and sponsorship.  Ernest tells the story of how he fell in love with Rust, how he got into organizing one of the largest local Rust user groups, as well as how he started the DevX Initiative. He also opens up about the challenges he faces running such a unique...
Published 06/21/22
Published 06/21/22
Nick Cameron sat down to chat with us about his Rust journey, including his experiences working as a member of the Rust core team back in the language's pre-1.0 days. He left the core team and open source contributor-ship in 2019 due to his growing family, but has since returned to full-time open source work; he spends most of his time now consolidating the different pillars that make up Rust's async ecosystem. Through it all, he has learned how to effectively juggle open source work with his...
Published 03/11/22
We sat down with Josh Triplett, co-lead of the Rust Language team, to chat about his journey into Rust contributorship and what considerations he makes when iterating on a language as widely-used as Rust. We also discuss Josh's ideal build system, as well as what changes he thinks the Rust language and community need to make in order for Rust to stay relevant well into the future. If you're interested in finding out more about the build system Josh is building, head on over to...
Published 02/07/22
We chat with Leonora Tindall, one of the co-authors of the 2nd edition of Programming Rust, about her experiences working on the book, the various roles she has worked in using Rust, and about the state of academic computer science education.  Nora's blog can be found at https://nora.codes/. Her Twitter handle is @NoraDotCodes.  Visit https://play.google.com/store?code=3MNQ2X1ZPV6TT to receive 40% off the full price of Programming Rust 2nd Edition. You can send us an email at...
Published 01/21/22
We sat down with Ralf Jung who is, at the time of this recording, a post-doctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS). Ralf is part of the RustBelt project, which seeks to define and develop rigorous formal foundations for the Rust programming language.  We talked with Ralf about GhostCell, a technique for separating permissions from data in Rust that opens up possibilities and alternative strategies when it comes to working around Rust's "aliasing XOR...
Published 06/09/21
We talk to Tim McNamara, the author of the book Rust in Action and "New Zealand's Rust guy", about the wonders of New Zealand, the writing and publishing process for his book, and wrestling with impostor syndrome despite being a published Rust author.  Listen in for a special promo code to get a discount on Rust in Action! You can find Tim on Twitter @timClicks. A transcript for this episode is available at...
Published 04/08/21
In our inaugural episode, we talk to Luca Palmieri who built Rust machine learning libraries including ndarray-stats and linfa. For his day job, he works on TrueLayer's PayDirect product, which is built top-to-bottom in Rust. Luca's current side project is writing Zero to Production, a guide on Rust backend development. You can find Luca on Twitter @algo_luca. A transcript for this episode is available at https://github.com/seanchen1991/building-with-rust/blob/main/transcripts/001.md. Send...
Published 02/12/21