Are You Getting Good BJJ Advice?
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Do you ask for advice from higher belts at your Academy? Maybe your friends give you advice that seems a little questionable. Either way BJJ advice is not hard to come by but how do you know what's good info and what is fake news? JT & Joey have given and received a truck load of advice over the years and not all of it was helpful. To save you time there are some ways that you can cut through the BS and save yourself years of wasted time. When you are not sure if the advice you are gettin...
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How much BJJ should you train every week? Your coach says Everyday. The Pro guys train twice a day! But how much is right for you? JT likes to take things to the extreme and Joey has a more moderate approach and through their experience helping thousands of BJJ folks get stronger, more flexible...
Published 07/01/24
Published 06/28/24
Do you have a jealous coach? Anna after 14 years of Judo has discovered BJJ and wants to just do BJJ full time but is concerned her long time Judo coach will disown her! What should she do? Our guy Ryan who is completely blind and competed in his first competition. He had previously called in...
Published 06/27/24