On episode no. 37 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have Nadine Artemis on the show talking all about beauty and the art of natural radiance. Nadine's message is to do less and allow the elements of nature, the great Life Force that fuels us all, to restore our natural glowing essence. Nadine's connection to the wellspring of Mama Earth's medicine is awe-inspiring. She teaches us that beauty is not separate from us and not something we have to achieve.  We also talk about some beauty myths... like...
Published 11/30/20
Published 11/30/20
On episode no. 36 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have eight (POWERFUL) women on the show--all, members of Abundance Binge, talking with me about their $$$ stories, how scarcity looked in their lives and what they've learned from Abundance Binge. This casual conversation was so empowering for me to listen to, because even though our stories may seem different, they're so unbelievably similar. We all experience a scarcity model in our lives. We all feel unworthy, alone and separate. We all desire...
Published 10/21/20
On episode no. 35 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have Ainslie Mcleod on the show, talking all about past life truama + healing it, soul level ages, and our unique soul types. Ainslie MacLeod is an internationally acclaimed past-life psychic, spiritual teacher, and award-winning author of The Instruction, The Transformation, and most recently, The Old Soul’s Guidebook. Ainslie specializes in exploring past lives to reveal your life’s purpose, and has been a featured guest on Oprah’s SuperSoul...
Published 07/21/20
On episode no. 34 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I'm introducing the newest course in the Cafe Binge family: Abundance Binge. YAY!!!!!  I'm sharing why I've been absent in podcasting, why I've been more silent on social media--and what 2020 has taught me. I'm also sharing more about my newest course, Abundance Binge, why I held off launching it & how NOW is the right time to share it with you. Abundance Binge is four-week-long course, which aides in healing your scarcity mindset and stepping...
Published 07/06/20
On episode no. 33 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I'm grabbing random questions from my Instagram polls and answering them! You guys asked questions like: do I count calories, changes in my body from going plant based, am I vegan, how to achieve shiny hair, was it scary to start a podcast, what to do if you received a "ping" from the universe, but feel too scared, acne tips (for the girl who has tried it all!) + MUCH more.  Today's episode was unplanned, off the cuff and so much fun. Felt like I...
Published 05/05/20
On episode no. 32 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have Dara Dubinet, life direction and Astrogeography specialist, on the show. Dara is one the most glowy, bright and high vibe people I've ever encountered--and it was, truly, such a delight to record this episode with her! Join us as Dara offers a live "session" to me, where she taps in intuitively to my life path, North node and my Astrogeography.  Dara uses astrology and intuition to offer people practical tools in discovering their life's...
Published 04/21/20
In episode no. 31 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have the glowiest, MOST radiant Celeste Thomas on the show. Celeste is a medically trained Registered Nurse (RN, BSN,) and has married her scientific training with that of holistic medicine. She is the guru of glowing skin, of gut health, and a holistic skincare expert. She's the O.G. glowy skin girl, guys. No highlighter needed.  On today's episode, Celeste shares how/when she started this journey, what the catalyst was, and how she healed her...
Published 03/31/20
On episode no. 30 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I'm rolling out a solo episode! In this episode I am sharing some ideas for holding peace + standing our "ground," in a worldwide viral pandemic--while also holding space for fear of the unknown. This is a very strange time to live on Earth, and a time full of "evidence" that would cause us to hold fear and stress. But how do we continue to hold space for faith and truth, even now? How do we release the heavy energy? That is what this episode's all...
Published 03/20/20
On episode no. 29 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have Carla Oates, founder of The Beauty Chef and pioneer of the inner beauty industry, on the show. As the O.G. of the inner beauty industry beginning in October 2009, The Beauty Chef was built on the philosophy that ‘beauty begins in the belly. Carla believes that health and beauty are inextricably linked and that, when we are healthy on the inside, your skin radiates a natural glow that no amount of cosmetics can replicate. The first step to...
Published 03/17/20
On episode no. 28 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I'm talking all about abundance. Prosperity. Moolah. Wealth. The green stuff... But mostly about the freedom that comes from true and lasting abundance. I discuss the energy of both abundance, and it's vice, scarcity. I share a bit about my money story, AND I share an exciting announcement. A really exciting announcement. A $$$ announcement. That will help each of you who are ready to up-level your abundance story. Eeeek! Follow Cafe Binge on...
Published 03/12/20
On episode no. 27 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have Kailey, of Earth Journey Love, on the show. Kailey is a Reiki Master, healer, crystal-lover and a total high vibe babe. In this episode, Kailey shares her journey of awakening, deep healing and how she found the ancient healing modality of Reiki.  In this episode, I also share about my first ever Reiki session, what I personally experienced + Kailey shares what she felt/saw/experienced during my healing session. It's WILD (and straight up...
Published 02/20/20
On episode no. 26 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I'm explaining 1. where I have been, and 2. why I took (a very unplanned) podcasting break. This is a quick solo episode, and every off-the-cuff. Just chatting with you all about real life + my real life beliefs about living intentionally.  Xoxo! Follow Cafe Binge on Instagram @ cafebinge www.cafebinge.com All original content is copyright 2019 Cafe Binge  
Published 02/18/20
On episode no. 25 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have Yiskah Yvonne here, talking about intuition, the intuitive mirroring work she does + numerology. We get into Yiskah's background, how she awakened, where her spiritual roots lay and how she became an intuitive guide. Yiskah also explains what numerology is, how ancient this practice is and how she uses it in her practice (+how you can too!). Yiskah is a guide whose medicine helped me at a critical moment in my life + my awakening.  Find...
Published 12/19/19
On episode no. 24 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have on guest Ghazaleh Lowe, of Bondi Guru talking all about intuitive horoscopes! Ghazaleh's daily intuitive messages (for each star sign) are power-packed and incredibly intuitive. Before having the Bondi Guru on the show, I could never figure out how she curated such perfectly aligned daily horoscopes, that felt highly intuitive and just for me. Well, her process is unlike any I've come across--she isn't an astrologer, she doesn't even look at...
Published 11/13/19
On episode No. 23 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have on spiritual medium Dylan Adams. On this pre-Halloween episode, we're talking all about spirits--but the good ones. Angels. Dylan shares her gift with us, the path she took that brought her more fully into this gift and how she channels these angel messages. In this episode we talk about angel numbers, angel messages and your guides might be trying to connect with you. Dylan channels a message on this episode for YOU, all those who are...
Published 10/30/19
On episode No. 22 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I'm sharing all about my intuitive skincare journey! We're getting personal (and a little woo!) I talk about how I've moved away from the traditional skincare rules that my professional esthetic training taught me, and how I'm shifting into seeing skincare as more spiritual and energetic. Today we're getting into the energetics of healthy skin, the power of our thoughts when it comes to beauty + how dropping limiting beliefs and changing our...
Published 10/17/19
On episode No. 21 of The Cafe Binge Podcast, I have Julie Peterson (@yogajules_) on the show, and we're talking all things spirituality + kundalini yoga + awakening. Julie shares her empowering story of spiritual awakening & how that changed the trajectory of her life. Julie shares how she took back her power, found her voice and how she learned how to trust herself through leaving a religion + tradition. Her story is pure, vulnerable and so incredibly powerful.  In this episode Julie...
Published 10/09/19
On episode No. 20 of the Cafe Binge Podcast I'm answering your beauty questions (from an IG poll I offered my followers)! We're talking all about laser hair removal, reducing bikini line bumps, keratosis pilaris (the little red arm bumps), at-home derma planing, milia (those white heads that never seem to pop), best moisturizers for different skin types, my go-to favorite nude lip color, my desert island beauty products, why I'm wearing less sunscreen (eeeek!!) + much much more!  Show...
Published 09/26/19
On episode No. 19 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, famed author, Vanessa Montgomery of "Star Power: A Simple Guide to Astrology for the Modern Mystic," is here talking all about astrology! Vanessa breaks down the ancient art of astrology in a very digestible, fun to read & quirky way. Vanessa's professional background in fashion, graphic & textile design also warrants this book as a LOOKER—making you want to dive into the content + visuals equally as much as you want to display it on your...
Published 09/04/19
On episode No. 18 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have Kinzie Madsen (@kinzcoworld) here talking all about successful branding! Kinz is a branding expert, coach and literal genius, in all things branding, marketing, social media, course-creating + converting your brand into $$$. She helps passionate entrepreneurs expand their brands, mindsets, businesses and bank accounts through her coaching, courses, free instagram content + podcast. (Like, her clients have doubled, tripled, quadrupled, their...
Published 08/28/19
On episode No. 17 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have Kylie Katich (@kyliekatich) here, talking about all things social media, branding, content creating and influencing. Kylie made the full-time leap to social media influencer and teacher, as she shows others how to create an authentic brand, how to capture creative content, and how to use props, locations and poses you'd never think of! This girl is on FIRE.  Kylie is influencing in the best way by using her creative genius to help others....
Published 08/22/19
On episode No, 16 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I have on, guest Julie Taylor (@thejulietaylor) who's here dropping major truth bombs. Good truth bombs, though. The kinds of truths that no one else will talk about. From postpartum depression & anxiety, to food addiction and wanting to call it quits on motherhood, Julie shares the rock bottom moments, so that we as women feel safe and brave enough to do so. Julie is a wellness mentor and an advocate for women, with a mission to empower those...
Published 08/20/19
On episode No. 15 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I'm talking all about relationships, with yourself, friendships & significant others, with Nora Dekeyser. Nora is an L.A. based matchmaker, relationship expert and life coach. Her mission is to show women the tools they need to take control of their life and future.  On this episode, we talk about her roots + what drives her to study relationships, what the foundation to a healthy relationship is (hint: self), how to truly get to know yourself...
Published 08/13/19
On episode No. 14 of the Cafe Binge Podcast, I am talking to the magical Katie Calder (@namaskayyy) about spiritual awakening & expansion, embodied wellness & Human Design. We talk about how tapped into spirituality we are as children, how we've been conditioned by society's rules and forgot our true selves, and how owning your authentic truth is the key to expansion. We also discuss the "death" of old versions of ourselves, as we shed limiting beliefs and come more into our truth....
Published 08/08/19