How does one create a culture in your home where a sibling is more excited for someone else's success than their own? How do you help siblings get along? What do you do with the fighting and contention? If you have kid who are fighting in your home, you need to check out this week's episode. Go here to register for the online class: https://www.coachmegthomas.com/product-page/class-sibling-success-practical-tips-to-help-your-kids-get-along
Published 05/01/24
I want to give you an early Mother's Day Present. I am giving a free download of May's Lesson Plans to everyone. I talk about it in the podcast, and then click this link to download them: https://purple-bird-127.myflodesk.com/ycdbsytxnu Happy early Mother's Day!!
Published 04/24/24
Published 04/24/24
Super exciting news!! I have a brand new website. It is beautiful, super user friendly, and it has all new videos!! And the best news, the doors to the membership are now open!! Go to www.coachmegthomas.com to check it out! The domain name had to get transferred over the new site, so if it isn't working, come back the next day and check.
Published 04/17/24
I was at the playground a few weeks back, and I watched a little girl run crying to her mom about a group of kids being mean to her. Little did the mom know that the little girl had started the whole thing. Instead of getting curious, the mom got after the other kids. I want to share some ideas with you on how to help your kids to not be a victim.
Published 04/10/24
Do you feel like you are losing your mind with trying to homeschool and your kids fighting? I have been there too. I know you want to help them get along, but how do you do it without yelling at them? In today's episode, I am going to give you three tips of how to help your children to get along.
Published 04/03/24
Do you ever feel like you don’t know what to do? Maybe your kid isn’t understanding a subject, and you don’t know what to do. Maybe you had a new baby, and you don’t know how to homeschool with a newborn. Whatever it is that you feel like you don’t know what to do, I invite you to listen to this short and sweet episode, I don’t know what to do.
Published 03/27/24
In today's podcast episode, I am sharing with you April's Lesson Plans. I go over each topic, and give some ideas of what you can do in each of them. Click the link in my bio to listen to the episode, and to download the full lesson plan.
Published 03/20/24
I received a question on Instagram about why is public school so much longer than a homeschool day? Why do homeschoolers say they only need an hour or two to teach their children, but a public school needs 6-7? I am going to be diving into the history of the public school model and why public school days are so much longer. You are not going to want to miss this episode.
Published 03/13/24
The whole reason why I do what I do is because I am on a mission to restore the family. I think we are losing the art of being together as a family. Between daycare and public schools, it's hard for people to be with their kids more than the evenings and weekends. If family is important to you, then you need to check out this week's episode. Here is the link to fill out if you would like to do a discovery call with Meg: https://forms.gle/vhiw9qePCzhuNo36A
Published 03/06/24
Raise your hand if you have ever said the phrase, "Homeschooling is so hard!" I know I have. In today's episode, I want to share with you about why it feels so hard, and if there is anything you can do about it. You are not going to want to miss this one!
Published 02/28/24
One of the ways that I found to help you in your homeschool is with creating lesson plans! Each month includes 16 lessons. They have habit training, the arts, science, and history. I also include book ideas for read aloud and for your younger and older teens. In this week's podcast episode, I am sharing with you March's lesson plans. Link for Homeschool Summit of Northern Utah: https://therefinedschoolhouse.org/summit
Published 02/21/24
How will your kid succeed in life if they don't know how to take a test? How will they get into college, provide, or take care, of a family? How do you know where your kids are if they are not being tested? These are some of the questions I am answering in today's podcast, Thoughts on Testing.
Published 02/14/24
Usain Bolt trained for four years for a race that lasted for 9 seconds. Yet people try something for a month or two, don't see results and give up. In today's podcast episode, The Secret to Creating Easy Kids, I am going to let you know 2 simple things you can do to create easy kids, have better relationships, have an amazing homeschool, or anything else you want.
Published 02/07/24
Our lives are a collection of stories, each chapter filled with experiences that shape who we are. Whether it's sharing our own journey or listening to others, storytelling connects us on a profound level. But what if you're not very good at storytelling? The great news is that storytelling can be learned. You just need someone to help you. On today's podcast, I am interviewing, Tanner Duncan, who is a master storyteller, and he is telling you how to become a great storyteller. You can...
Published 01/31/24
There once was a lady who would cut the ends off her roast, and one day her husband asked her why. She said she didn't know. It was the way her mom always did it. So she called her mom and asked her why she cut the ends off of her roasts, to which she replied, "I don't know. That's what my mom always did." So she called her grandma and asked her why she cut the ends off her roast, and she said it was because she didn't have a big enough pot, so she had to cut it off so it would fit. Are...
Published 01/24/24
How do you know what level your child is on? How do you know when to push them and when to go slower? In today's podcast episode, I am talking about scaffolding, and how it can help you know what pace to go at.
Published 01/17/24
How do you help your child become a lifelong learner? In today's episode, I want to share with you two very simple things you can do to help your child.
Published 01/10/24
Just because it's the beginning of the year doesn't mean that you have to go after any big goals. It also doesn't mean that you just give up and do nothing. In today's podcast episode, I want to share with you a third option. A simpler way to go after your goals and dreams without the overwhelm.
Published 01/03/24
If you don't know this about me, family is the most important thing to me. Everything I do and teach is to help restore the family. That is why I am so excited to share with you in today's podcast episode, the 30-Day Family Challenge. My amazing daughter, Tess, created this challenge, and I am so excited to share it with you.
Published 12/27/23
Check out what we are learning in January: Habit- Mental/Critical thinking Art- Winter Poems/Composer-Francis Hopkinson/Artist-Thomas Gainsborough Science- Simple machines/Archimedes History- Leading up to the American Revolution Winter book of poetry. Four writing activities-Poetry, compound words, simple paragraph, creative writing & storytelling You will also get a book list for your younger and older teen for their independent reading. They will have a book on mindset, science,...
Published 12/20/23
Today's episode is a short and sweet tip of how and why you need to go with the flow of your homeschool.
Published 12/13/23
I am so excited to have my coach on the podcast today.I have worked with Kami Banks for the last couple of years. She helped me cross the finish line for an Ironman 70.3 when I didn't think that that was possible.Kami and I talk about the importance of taking care of yourself and having your own goals and dreams.It not only helps you, but it inspires your kids too.
Published 12/06/23
All month long I have been I have been focusing on tools to help you to stop yelling at your kids. I am wrapping up the last podcast for November with your questions about how to not yell in certain situations. From what to do when feeling overstimulated, to what to when your kids don't listen after you have already asked them multiple times.I am answering these questions, and more in today's podcast episode.
Published 11/29/23
Sonya Carson was one of 24 children. She had a third grade education, and couldn't read. She was married at 13, and was later divorced with two young children. She cleaned homes and noticed that the successful people all had one thing in common, a library. She came home and turned off the TV and told her sons that they had to go to the library and read two books a week and give her a report. This simple act completely changed her son's life. Instead of failing classes, he was at the top...
Published 11/22/23