Today on the podcast, Whitney Goodman dives into your questions left on the Calling Home voicemail. The first caller discusses her strained relationship with her brother after their parents' divorce and their mother's subsequent struggles with addiction and mental health. Then, the second caller asks about the responsibility of caring for aging parents, particularly when the relationship has been difficult or abusive. Finally, our final voicemail comes from a listener asking how to support a...
Published 03/07/24
This week is a very special solo podcast to introduce new episodes that will be on the feed every Thursday. Whitney receives so many great questions from listeners, that each week she will be dedicating an entire episode to answering those voicemails. This introductory episode starts with a listener that shares her struggle with her mother's abusive behavior towards her daughter, leading her to cut off contact. The second caller discusses a strained relationship with their brother-in-law and...
Published 03/05/24
In this episode of The Calling Home podcast, host Whitney Goodman discusses the topic of managing family chaos and walking on eggshells. Many people grow up in families where they are taught to manage the emotions of others, often to avoid conflict or keep the peace. This can lead to a pattern of behavior where individuals constantly monitor the moods and reactions of others, often at the expense of their own emotional well-being. This week, Whitney will talk about why this behavior can be...
Published 02/27/24
This week on Calling Home, Whitney Goodman will speak with author, speaker, therapist, and mental health educator Minaa B. They’ll discuss the complexities of parent-child relationships, particularly when the child becomes an adult. They highlight the importance of parents seeing their children as autonomous individuals, and the need for both parties to understand and respect each other's perspectives. Plus, Whitney and Minaa touch on the societal and systemic influences that can shape these...
Published 02/20/24
In this episode of The Calling Home podcast, host Whitney Goodman discusses the topic of "missing, missing reasons" in estranged parent-child relationships. She explains that these are the reasons for estrangement that parents claim they don't know, despite their children having communicated them. Whitney will talk about how this could be due to parents not wanting their children's words to reflect poorly on them, parents genuinely not remembering the reasons due to emotional amnesia, or...
Published 02/13/24
In this episode of The Calling Home podcast, host Whitney Goodman discusses the challenges faced by parents of adult children, particularly in the context of the changing societal norms and expectations. Dr. Laurence Steinberg, author of “You and Your Adult Child” & Professor of Psychology at Temple University, explains that his book was inspired by the need for guidance among parents of adult children, particularly in navigating the extended period of adolescence that is becoming...
Published 02/06/24
In this episode of The Calling Home podcast, host Whitney Goodman discusses the concept of ambiguous loss, a term coined by researcher Pauline Boss in the 1970s. This type of loss refers to grief that has no definitive boundary or closure, such as the loss of a loved one who is physically absent but still present in thoughts, or a loved one who is physically present but emotionally absent. Goodman provides advice on how to grieve this type of loss, including giving oneself permission to...
Published 01/30/24
In this episode of the Calling Home Podcast, host Whitney Goodman discusses the topic of adult sibling Relationships with Dr. Geoffrey Greif, a professor at the university of Maryland and author of “Adult Sibling Relationships”, co-authored by Michael E. Whoolley. Whitney and Geoffrey dive into the fascinating research behind the categories of sibling relationships as well as what can factor into creating these bonds as they evolve throughout the different stages of life. Join her Family...
Published 01/23/24
In this episode of the Calling Home Podcast, host Whitney Goodman discusses the topic of estrangement between adult children and their parents. She shares insights from hundreds of stories she received from her followers, highlighting common themes such as emotional immaturity, boundary violations, addiction, and denial of problems within the family. Goodman also shares results from polls she conducted on Instagram, revealing that most respondents took one to five years to decide to become...
Published 01/16/24
In the first episode of the second season of Calling Home, Whitney discusses adult sibling estrangement with guest Fern Schumer Chapman, author of Brother Sister Strangers.  They discuss the complexities of sibling estrangement, including the feelings of rejection, self-blame, and the impact on family dynamics. Fern shares her personal experience of a 40-year estrangement from her brother, which was followed by a 10-year reconciliation.  They discuss the factors that can lead to estrangement:...
Published 01/09/24
In the final episode of The Calling Home podcast's first season, Whitney discusses the complexities of mother-daughter relationships. She emphasizes that love and protection are not the same thing, and a mother can love her child but still put them in dangerous situations.  We'll talk about why mothers might criticize their daughters, such as projecting their own standards or seeing their daughters as competition.  And a reminder to identify patterns they want to break in their own...
Published 12/19/23
Whitney is joined by Leslie Priscilla, founder of Latinx Parenting, about the intersection of culture, parenting, and childhood. They discuss the harmful parenting behaviors that are often excused as part of culture, the impact of colonization on parenting styles, and the importance of treating children with respect. They also talk about the challenges faced by Latinx families, such as the expectation to take care of parents in old age and the normalization of violence against...
Published 12/12/23
Reconciliation is a process that requires both parties to take responsibility, acknowledge their roles, apologize, and work towards a new relationship. Reconciliation should move slowly, especially in cases of long-standing estrangement or rifts. Setting boundaries, managing expectations, and accepting family members as they are now are all important as a family works toward making things better. Celebrate small victories along the way, and remember that reconciliation is not a final...
Published 12/05/23
In this episode, Whitney talks with Elizabeth Earnshaw, a marriage and family therapist, about navigating relationships with in-laws. They explore the importance of finding common ground with your partner's family and setting boundaries. They also discuss a Reddit post about a conflict over a child's last name, highlighting the importance of communication and understanding in such situations. Elizabeth also emphasizes the importance of the couple acting as a team and understanding each...
Published 11/28/23
Some tips to help you survive Thanksgiving with your family! Expect your family to be the same as they are every other day, complete with their flaws and positive traits. Remember that you are an adult and have the power to decide how you spend your day. Get clear on your limits and plan for when those limits are reached. Identify what is important to you on this day and align your actions with those values. Avoid picking battles or starting a healing journey with your family on this...
Published 11/21/23
Whitney talks about the impact of emotionally immature parents on their children. She explains that emotionally immature parents often lack empathy, struggle to apologize or admit fault, and are often well-liked in their communities due to their ability to maintain surface-level relationships. They also tend to provide for their children in practical ways, but fail to meet their emotional needs. We also have Calling Home listener questions about this same topic, including coping with 'the...
Published 11/14/23
Whitney is talking with Holly Whitaker, author and founder of Tempest, about the impact of alcohol on family dynamics. Holly believes that society's positive messaging around drinking often overlooks the negative impact it can have on relationships. She believes that the question should not be whether one is an alcoholic, but rather if alcohol negatively impacts one's life and if steps should be taken to address the relationship with it. She also discusses the lack of informed consent around...
Published 11/07/23
Whitney talks how to navigate events and celebrations with a highly dysfunctional family, offering tips on how to deal with difficult family dynamics, such as setting boundaries and preparing for situations that may arise. Introducing The Calling Home community, a platform offering support groups, exclusive content, and Q&A sessions with experts. Listener questions: Dealing with family issues during significant life events, such as weddings and funerals. This week's sponsors...
Published 10/31/23
Whitney talks with Brady Nathan, a mother who shares the story of her late son Jack. Jack started the Happy Jack World Project to help other kids struggling with mental health issues before his untimely death due to a fentanyl-laced Percocet. Brady discusses the importance of listening to children when they express unhappiness, even if their lives seem perfect from an outside perspective. She also emphasizes the need for parents to allow their children to lead their own lives, rather than...
Published 10/24/23
In this episode, let's get into the complexities of family dynamics, particularly when two families merge through a relationship or marriage. Understanding and accepting differences in family systems, communication styles, and cultural backgrounds are all key for success ... but not always easy. A good reminder to distinguish between differences that are merely annoying and those that are problematic or dangerous. Listener questions this episode include navigating relationships with religious...
Published 10/17/23
Whitney discusses the issue of 'sharenting' or oversharing children's lives on social media with guest Sarah Adams. Sarah is a mother of two, and she argues that this practice can be a form of child exploitation, as it often involves sharing children's experiences with a large and potentially dangerous audience for entertainment purposes. She wants parents to reconsider the impact this could have on their children's future and their right to privacy. Sarah also discusses the different...
Published 10/10/23
In this episode of Calling Home, Whitney discusses the impact of parent-child relationships in the context of substance abuse. She shares a story about a young man who was introduced to drugs by his mother at the age of 12, highlighting the long-term effects of such experiences. Whitney emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs that children are trying to communicate through their actions and decisions. She also answers listener questions about feeling abandoned by a parent and how...
Published 10/03/23
Psychologist and author Josh Coleman joins Whitney to talk through navigating difficult relationships between parents and their adult children. Dr. Coleman emphasizes the importance of parents being willing to engage in open, non-defensive conversations with their adult children to rebuild connections. He also discusses the cultural shift in family dynamics over the past half-century, with younger generations placing more emphasis on mental health, happiness, and personal growth. Whitney and...
Published 09/26/23
Whitney talks with Eve Rodsky, creator of a system designed to balance the domestic workload in homes. Eve's system, Fair Play, is based on the idea of treating homes as important organizations, with clearly defined expectations and roles for each member. The system is built on three key principles: boundaries, systems, and communication. Eve emphasizes the importance of each person owning their tasks, from conception to execution, to ensure efficiency and accountability. She also...
Published 09/20/23
Whitney talks about accountability in parent-child relationships: children should not be held accountable for their actions in the same way as adults there is a power differential between parents and children which continues into adulthood parents need to to consider how their actions would have felt to their child at the time And Whitney's first questions from her voicemail (866-CALL HOME): dealing with anxiety over running into estranged family members supporting a spouse who is...
Published 09/19/23