As a mentor for submissives with ADHD, this is a question I get asked a lot. Today I'm answering this once and for all! I'm also celebrating Spotify wrapped season with a special limited time giveaway of my not-even-out-yet upcoming course (which includes private 1:1 mentorship with me!) Get in touch on Instagram @kinkybestie, or email me your listenership or review screenshot [email protected] Show resources, submit a question, and where else to find me: Book a 1:1 Mentorship call with...
Published 12/01/23
Hey there, my kinky besties! In this episode, we dive deep into the world of service submission, with a twist for those who might be dealing with ADHD or consistency challenges. I'm here to help you eliminate, automate, systemize, batch, and delegate tasks, both in your personal life and your service submission journey. Whether you're taking off your Dom's shoes or exploring the wonders of robot vacuums, we're going to make more time and space for your kink desires. Let's get efficient,...
Published 11/20/23
Hey, fabulous folks! Today, we're delving into a topic close to my heart – cultivating an abundance mindset in the world of kink. I've been there, stuck in that place of scarcity, fearing that there just aren't enough options for me in the kinky dating pool. But through my journey, I've learned to shift my beliefs and embrace the idea that there are countless compatible partners out there, just waiting to explore kink with me. I'll break down the steps to flip the script on those limiting...
Published 11/13/23
Hey besties! 🎧 In this episode, we're delving deep into the world of kink community. We'll chat about how to find your kink community, why some of us tend to avoid it, and how to conquer those avoidance fears. It's a shorter episode packed with actionable tips and a mindset shift approach. We'll explore finding kink communities online, addressing fears around privacy, safety, and rejection, and how to take those crucial steps towards your kink community goals. So, if you're curious about kink...
Published 11/06/23
🌟 Ready to turn your kink fantasies into reality? 🌟This podcast episode is full of high-level actions to plan and take to transform your life into your dream kinky fantasy. This episode covers:πŸ”₯ Embracing your kinkiest desires with unapologetic enthusiasm.πŸ”₯ Cultivating a proactive mindset by mapping out actions for your desires.πŸ”₯ Releasing perfection and overthinking by focusing on the purposeful actions you CAN take.πŸ”₯ The power of mentorship and a supportive community to fast-track your...
Published 10/30/23
🌟 Ever wondered how kink mentorship can change your life? 🌟 Get your questions answered as we dive deep into this episode: πŸ”₯ What is kink mentorship all about, and what benefits can kink mentorship bring to your life? πŸ”₯ How do you know if it's the right path for you? πŸ”₯ How does mentorship offer tailored support in a niche community? Join the conversation and book me as your very own kink mentor Show resources, submit a question, and where else to find me:Book a 1:1 Mentorship call with...
Published 10/30/23
Hello hello!!Yeah yeah, I'm talking about rejection AGAIN. Because let's be real: this is one of the biggest challenges for kinky ADHDers while dating. We know from the episode "Soothing Dating Rejection with RSD for ADHDers" that rejection hits neurodivergent folks especially hard, but let's talk about why it also seems to happen so fast (for us). And then, what we can learn from these experiences to grow into resilient self-adoring baddies. Thanks so much for tuning in this episode, if this...
Published 10/18/23
Hello hello!! Today I unload a tale as old as time. Have you caught yourself thinking or saying things like: "I'm stuck with long-distance relationships because the kink community in my area is non-existent" "I would need to move to a partner or have a partner move to me to have the BDSM relationship I want" "There is a kink community near me, but I wouldn't date any of them..." Yeah, those sound familiar to me too. I used to live for online relationships, fantasizing about what any...
Published 10/11/23
A melatonin-fueled rant on how to talk about kink on your dating profile + my most recent hack for how to plan as an impulsive person. Because goodness knows as an ADHDer I'm GREAT at anything I decide to do (I have seriously excellent planning skills when I sit down to do it), it's just the actually planning time to create systems and prevent crisis that I struggle with... day 2 of my self-invented "hack" for this is going great and looking forward to sharing updates better than a target...
Published 08/30/23
Welcome new Bestie!! Here's what you can expect from the show and other ways to connect with me. Kinkybestie.com --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kinkybestie/message
Published 08/25/23
Hey bestie. Thanks for hanging in there this week when my IG reel actually...reached people?? It was a gift and a lesson as the reel reached folks who let's just say... aren't really into my topics of kink or ADHD and I got to practice my skills in boundary enforcing. But it really got me thinking about alternatives to the 'gram! So poll's live, tell me where you think I should go. Thanks so much for tuning in this episode, if this is *your* kind of content you can subscribe for easy...
Published 08/23/23
Hello hello!! Many people are surprised to learn that I met my dom on a vanilla dating app, and that he was actually vanilla at the time! This is a mini chronicle of our first few dates, getting together, introducing kink, and how this all correlated with my living space. To learn more about and get yourself a spot in the Bagua for BDSM program, check it out at kinkybestie.com/bagua4bdsm Thanks so much for tuning in this episode, if this is *your* kind of content you can subscribe for easy...
Published 08/09/23
Hello hello!! A totally new style of episode today where I share lovely life updates! Not much kink stuff to see here - but if you're curious for a peek behind the scenes of my life and my business this is a really fun one to tune into. The brand new Bagua for BDSM program can be found here: Kinkybestie.com/bagua4bdsm Thanks so much for tuning in this episode, if this is *your* kind of content you can subscribe for easy access to each new episode. If you have your own questions or insight,...
Published 08/02/23
Hello hello!! The part of dating noone likes to talk about (or feel)... rejection. In this episode I share how I manage and minimize the pain of being rejected as an ADHDer with rejection sensitivity dysphoria (RSD). I also talk about my experience with RSD, and how it's impacted areas of my life outside of dating, too! Thanks so much for tuning in this episode, if this is *your* kind of content you can subscribe for easy access to each new episode. If you have your own questions or...
Published 07/27/23
Hello hello!! My dom has been MANIFESTING, Y'ALL!?! Can you believe it? Listen in to learn about what he's been doing and how he's been inspired into this world with me as his partner. It's such a beautiful thing and I can't wait for him to start watching his goals unfold faster and easier with these mindset shifts and grace from the universe at his side. Oh and I share how you can manifest yourself a partner who manifests too, and debunk the myth of "manifesting for other people". This is...
Published 07/13/23
Hello hello!! Here is the episode where I share the 4 ways I meet kinksters IRL> https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kinkybestie/episodes/4-Ways-to-Meet-Kinksters-IRL-e260ujc Thanks so much for tuning in this episode, if this is *your* kind of content you can subscribe for easy access to each new episode. If you have your own questions or insight, look for this episode's Q&A + polls and chime in - I'd love to hear from you. Oh, and you can find me on Instagram @kinkybestie for...
Published 07/05/23
Hello hello!! Thanks so much for tuning in this episode, if this is *your* kind of content you can subscribe for easy access to each new episode. If you have your own questions or insight, look for this episode's Q&A + polls and chime in - I'd love to hear from you. Oh, and you can find me on Instagram @kinkybestie for me behind the scenes and more regular doses of kinky inspo! Want to ask your question for a future episode? Leave me a voice message...
Published 06/28/23
Hello hello!!Thanks so much for tuning in this episode, if this is *your* kind of content you can subscribe for easy access to each new episode. If you have your own questions or insight, look for this episode's Q&A + polls and chime in - I'd love to hear from you. Oh, and you can find me on Instagram @kinkybestie for me behind the scenes and more regular doses of kinky inspo!Want to ask your question for a future episode? Leave me a voice message...
Published 06/21/23
UTI's, oh my! I share how I banished them from my reality with intentional actions and mindset shifts. --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kinkybestie/message
Published 05/16/23
So, it's been a while but I can explain!! Learn where I've been for the past 2 months and how it ultimately ended in a big "no" from the universe. Is rejection an inevitable part of manifestation? I'm starting to think so, and I also think a rejection could help you get what you want TOO! --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kinkybestie/message
Published 04/02/23
Service submission, robots, AND motivators for the dopamine-deficient? Buckle in for this wild episode as I somehow pack in all of this and more. I talk about service submission as self-sabotage and how us ADHD-ers can get our own homes in order FIRST to then be able to serve our doms too (if you want, of course!) Trigger Warning: Suicide --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kinkybestie/message
Published 01/27/23
I share my story of diagnosis with ADHD as an adult, and how my symptoms affect my relationship with BDSM as a submissive.Β  --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kinkybestie/message
Published 01/15/23
Are you facing rejection due to lack of experience as a sub? Here's how to start playing NOW, no experience necessary!Β  --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kinkybestie/message
Published 12/14/22
For BDSM subs ready to start dating while kinky, here's what you really need to know before getting going. To find the free Dating Masterplan for this episode, head to the show notes here. Need more personal support? Apply for mentorship here to get started.Β  --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/kinkybestie/message
Published 12/06/22