Stoner Cancer, this month, don’t worry about what your fellow cannabis companions are doing. This June is all about marching to the beat of your own drum, and about the trails that you choose to blaze.  This doesn’t mean that all of your traveling and smoke sessions have to be solo. Afterall, there are few things better than soaking up the Sun, sparking up that sweet sinsemilla, and hitting the open road with your closest cannabis companions. Your self-reliance and inward focus simply...
Published 05/29/22
Published 05/29/22
Stoner Cancer, the days are getting longer, and the temperatures are heating up as Summer draws closer. So why does it still feel like gray clouds are hanging heavy overhead, and spring showers will never end? Look around you stoner Cancer. If the sun’s out, and the skies are clear, but you still find yourself feeling hazy or blue, you may want to turn your focus from upward to inward. Maybe you haven’t been able to fully shake off the melancholy that marred the Winter months. Perhaps...
Published 04/29/22
Stoner Cancer, there will be almost nothing you will have to be crabby about this April. The flowers are budding, the days are getting longer, and your attitude is on the rise. As long as you keep your stash jars at equally high levels, the forecast is looking up. The cosmic haze that hung over the first few months of 2022 has lifted, leaving nothing but bright skies and wide-open roads. Just remember that while the path ahead may be clear stoner Cancer, it will be up to you as to how far...
Published 03/30/22
Stoner Cancer, at this point, you may be feeling a bit jealous of some of the other signs in the stoner Zodiac. Maybe you are a little annoyed at having watched some of your peers start the year with a meteoric rise, while you seemed to find yourself stuck on the launch pad. Well buckle up stoner Cancer, and prepare for takeoff, because this month it’s all systems go! While you saw those in your sphere blast off and blaze bright at first, they didn’t do a very good job pacing themselves...
Published 02/27/22
Stoner Cancer, last month the goal was to smoke the high grade and keep it lowkey. It was about finding your way along the mellow middle path through consistent medicated meditation; it was a time to toke it slow and allow yourself the headspace needed to philosophize and plan out where you want to go next. Many of these were solo smoke sessions, or limited only to your closest cannabis companions. Now it’s time to get back out there to share those great greens and good vibes with more of...
Published 01/28/22
Stoner Cancer, no one would ever dare to call you complacent. In fact, you are one of the least likely of the stoner Zodiac to succumb to couchlock. But, this month, it may not be such a bad thing if you spend a little more time smoking your favorite herbs from the comfort of your soft sofa or reliable recliner. This inclination to stay medicated and reclined, is partly due to the fact that the New Year doesn’t necessarily promise the fresh start that it will bring for some. Rest assured,...
Published 12/30/21
Stoner Cancer, you may be ready to load the bong, sit on the couch, and say good riddance to the crazy and hazy days of 2021.  Unfortunately, my chronic-loving Crab, you still have a few more weeks to go before you can embrace the new beginnings of a new year. For now, while you shouldn’t expect every challenge to recede, you can expect for the stars to align in your favor.  You will truly be able to slow your roll this December. If you were to answer honestly stoner Cancer, would you even...
Published 11/29/21
Stoner Cancer, you may be ready to load the bong, sit on the couch, and say good riddance to the crazy and hazy days of 2021.  Unfortunately, my chronic-loving Crab, you still have a few more weeks to go before you can embrace the new beginnings of a new year.  For now, while you shouldn’t … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope December →
Published 11/29/21
Stoner Cancer, you are accustomed to processing the intense emotions that arise as you navigate the unstable streams of the cosmos during the times of tumultuous tides. But, there are many of your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts who may easily become overwhelmed when the waters get too rough. It’s been quite a wild ride so far this year, and you might be eager to say goodbye to 2021; but be cautioned my chronic-loving Crab:  There are still a few more weeks of chaotic currents ahead,...
Published 10/31/21
Stoner Cancer, you are accustomed to processing the intense emotions that arise as you navigate the unstable streams of the cosmos during the times of tumultuous tides. But, there are many of your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts who may easily become overwhelmed when the waters get too rough.  It’s been quite a wild ride so … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope November →
Published 10/30/21
Stoner Cancer, you are often characterized by the unpredictability of your emotions; consistently pulled back and forth between elevated highs and seemingly unavoidable lows. But this October, you can expect to experience a period of true and welcomed peace. It will take investment and effort on your part, but you can reach the middle of the path on which you wish to travel. This path of peace you wish to achieve will not be easily gained, but once discovered, it will be much easier to hold...
Published 09/30/21
Stoner Cancer, you are often characterized by the unpredictability of your emotions; consistently pulled back and forth between elevated highs and seemingly unavoidable lows. But this October, you can expect to experience a period of true and welcomed peace.  It will take investment and effort on your part, but you can reach the middle of … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope October → The post Cancer Stoner Horoscope October appeared first on Stoner Astrological Horoscope.
Published 09/29/21
Stoner Cancer, if there is one thing you can count on in September, it’s that plans are always subject to change. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to look ahead, just don’t stress too much when you have to alter course, or take a different route, to reach your destination. These detours, which at first might feel like setbacks or delays, could end up being a stellar blessing in disguise as you are forced to take the longer, but more scenic route. Enjoy the ride stoner Cancer! Summer...
Published 08/30/21
Stoner Cancer, if there is one thing you can count on in September, it’s that plans are always subject to change. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to look ahead, just don’t stress too much when you have to alter course, or take a different route, to reach your destination. These detours, which at first … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope September → The post Cancer Stoner Horoscope September appeared first on Stoner Astrological Horoscope.
Published 08/29/21
Stoner Cancer, you are known for being the most cautious and calculating of all the stoner Zodiac; usually you prefer to take the tried-and-true path over the road less traveled. But, this month the chronic-loving Crab will have the chance to get in touch with their more spontaneous side. This doesn’t mean you should let all of your inhibitions go up in smoke, but you can allow yourself license to listen when you hear adventure calling. Go ahead stoner Cancer, indulge in eating that extra...
Published 07/30/21
Stoner Cancer, you are known for being the most cautious and calculating of all the stoner Zodiac; usually you prefer to take the tried-and-true path over the road less traveled. But, this month the chronic-loving Crab will have the chance to get in touch with their more spontaneous side.  This doesn’t mean you should let … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope August → The post Cancer Stoner Horoscope August appeared first on Stoner Astrological Horoscope.
Published 07/29/21
Stoner Cancer, as you move through the warm tides of the season, all eyes will be on you! While you are a moon child, the Summer sun will illuminate your energetic aura, and make you shine even brighter. Cannabis hybrid strains should be your go-to green gas as you speed through July.  These balanced buds will keep you grounded while your spirit and confidence are lifted.  This canna-combination should help keep your mood optimistic and positive. Show your fellow stoner Zodiac you can stay...
Published 06/30/21
Stoner Cancer, as you move through the warm tides of the season, all eyes will be on you! While you are a moon child, the Summer sun will illuminate your energetic aura, and make you shine even brighter.  Cannabis hybrid strains should be your go-to green gas as you speed through July.  These balanced buds … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope July → The post Cancer Stoner Horoscope July appeared first on Stoner Astrological Horoscope.
Published 06/29/21
Stoner Cancer sweet Summer is finally here.  While you watch your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts pack their sunscreen, sticky green, and plenty of stoner-approved snacks, ready to hit their favorite outdoor smoke spot, you might find yourself feeling like your couch is a more appealing destination. My resilient Crab, it’s been a wild ride the past few weeks…month…year. It’s understandable if you’d rather keep it low key, and close to home while you wait for the cosmic winds to calm. You...
Published 05/30/21
Stoner Cancer sweet Summer is finally here.  While you watch your fellow tokin’ terrestrial astronauts pack their sunscreen, sticky green, and plenty of stoner-approved snacks, ready to hit their favorite outdoor smoke spot, you might find yourself feeling like your couch is a more appealing destination. My resilient Crab, it’s been a wild ride the … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope June → The post Cancer Stoner Horoscope June appeared first on Stoner Astrological Horoscope.
Published 05/30/21
Stoner Cancer it is no secret that you often wear your heart on your sleeve. This will be all the more true for the month of May. The cosmos can’t decide what they have in store for you, so you should prepare yourself for a potentially wild and emotional ride; one of exhilarating highs, and exhausting lows. While this might sound daunting at first, remember stoner Cancer that you are the captain of your own cosmic spaceship!  With your keen third-eye sight, and with cannabis as your copilot,...
Published 04/30/21
Stoner Cancer it is no secret that you often wear your heart on your sleeve. This will be all the more true for the month of May. The cosmos can’t decide what they have in store for you, so you should prepare yourself for a potentially wild and emotional ride; one of exhilarating highs, and … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope May → The post Cancer Stoner Horoscope May appeared first on Stoner Astrological Horoscope.
Published 04/29/21
Stoner Cancer it’s only April, but already you’ve accomplished more than some people can hope to achieve in an entire year. While there is always more to be done, a higher level to be reached, or promotion to be earned, it is also important to take time to reflect upon and celebrate your successes. What’s the point of grinding as hard as you do if you don’t enjoy the rewards. With spring in full swing, and the days heating up, it’s time to get outdoors; to take in the greenery blossoming all...
Published 03/29/21
Stoner Cancer it’s only April, but already you’ve accomplished more than some people can hope to achieve in an entire year. While there is always more to be done, a higher level to be reached, or promotion to be earned, it is also important to take time to reflect upon and celebrate your successes. What’s … Continue reading Cancer Stoner Horoscope April → The post Cancer Stoner Horoscope April appeared first on Stoner Astrological Horoscope.
Published 03/29/21