Caregivers’ Circle – How to Build an Effective Partnership Between Care Provider and Care Receiver
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How many times have you walked out of your doctor’s office only to think about the 5 questions you forgot to ask?  Or as your driving home you’re saying to yourself, “Wait.  I don’t want to take that new medication.  Or, wait! I’m not happy with where my treatment is going.  Or, wait!  Why didn’t I speak up and tell her what my expectations are!”  Even though I’m in the health care world and one would think that I know how to advocate for myself and be a partner in the type of care I receive, I still have many moments of being disappointed with myself when I let the doctor run the show and make decisions.  I too can become frustrated that I didn’t take a moment to speak up and share concerns that I have about my health. Why is this?  Why do so many of us neglect to ensure that we are care partners with our doctors and not just care receivers?    This week’s guest on Caregivers’ Circle, Dr. Mark Yaffe, physician at St. Mary’s Hospital and professor at the McGill Department of Family Medicine discusses some quick ways to build a partnership between care provider and receiver.
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