Very Enjoyable
I greatly appreciate the thought process and delivery. Please keep them coming.
Wavis Quavis via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/06/19
More reviews of Cautionary Tales with Tim Harford
Intriguing ideas about how people think and make decisions, told in an engaging manner that makes you want to binge. Keep it up!
E.Syosset via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/15/19
I’m a big fan of Tim Harford. His ability to explain things in an accessible way really draws you in and the subjects so far covered in this podcast are really interesting.
EeZee56 via Apple Podcasts · Great Britain · 11/16/19
Keep it going. I could listen to these all day. I want more, way more
aDishTowel via Apple Podcasts · United States of America · 12/13/19
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