#cbsdaytime #theboldandthebeautiful #theyoungandtherestless Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 7/26/24 Our thoughts on Sharon decided to use Cameron's company to help people. Victor feared that Victoria and Adam were on a path to war. Summer and Kyle separated. Jack insisted that Kyle step down at Marchetti. Ashley and Tucker issued a press release to announce their new business venture and Steffy set Liam straight about their relationship but couldn't get Liam's...
Published 08/07/24
Published 08/07/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 7/08- 7/12/24 Our thoughts on Kyle relished announcing his new position at Glissade to Jack. Nate and Audra got passionate. Victoria suggested changing Claire's last name to Newman. Lucy was puzzled when Heather mentioned the years it had taken Daniel to get over Cassie's death. Lily agreed to stay with Billy at Chancellor and Thomas asserted that he'd proposed to Hope again to prove she'd never accept. Brooke suspected Hope gravitated to...
Published 07/13/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 7/1- 7/5/24 Our thoughts on After commiserating and reminiscing over a bottle of bourbon, Adam and Chelsea had sex. The Chancellor-Winters board voted to demerge the companies, with Jill casting the sole dissenting vote. Billy accused Lily of playing him. Michael warned Diane about Victor's plans. Kyle decided to move out of the Abbott mansion and Tom threatened to go to Luna about her paternity. He later died of an overdose after someone...
Published 07/06/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 6/24- 6/28/24 Our thoughts on Diane fired Kyle without consulting Jack. Kyle welcomed the opportunity to run Glissade with Audra. Lily and Devon clashed after she and Billy revealed their plan to divide Chancellor-Winters. Mariah and Tessa noticed Sharon's increasingly strange behavior. Adam and Chelsea were crushed when Connor suffered a setback and Ridge was skeptical of Thomas' engagement to Paris. As Steffy reveled in it, Hope...
Published 06/29/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 6/17- 6/21/24 Our thoughts on Tucker conceded that Audra had won the battle for Glissade. Victor announced that he wanted Kyle to helm Glissade with Audra. Katie was openly hostile to Claire. Daniel and Lily reached an amicable compromise. Lily suggested to Billy that they divide Chancellor-Winters and run Abbott-Chancellor together. Connor had a breakthrough and Sheila learned a secret about Hope and gave a stern warning to the...
Published 06/22/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 6/10- 6/14/24 Our thoughts on Victor set a plan in motion to destroy Jack. After making amends with Tucker, Ashley checked herself into a clinic for treatment. Audra convinced the Glissade board to sell the company to an anonymous investor, who was later revealed to be Victor. Victoria and Cole went on a date and Liam welcomed Luna into the family. Katie scowled as Poppy became the lady of Bill's house. As Hope's fantasies about Finn...
Published 06/15/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 5/27- 5/31/24 Our thoughts on Ashley, Traci, and Alan went to Paris to try to figure out what had triggered Ashley's dissociative identity disorder. Ashley struggled to keep her alters from taking control again. Ashley recalled meeting with Alan before her fight with Tucker at the café, but Alan informed her that he'd been in Florence at the time. Tucker followed Audra to Paris to stop her from making moves on Glissade. Tucker ran into...
Published 06/02/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 5/20- 5/24/24 Our thoughts on Cole discovered Jordan locked in the Newman cellar. Cole enlisted Michael's help to transfer Jordan to a real prison, but Victor interrupted them. Nate and Audra enjoyed a dinner date. Ashley agreed to seek help. Nikki returned home from rehab. Summer agreed to let Claire spend time with Harrison and Finn vowed not to attend Sheila and Deacon's wedding, but a pizza and change of venue railroaded his plans....
Published 05/25/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 5/6 - 5/10/24 Our thoughts on Jordan began to unravel in captivity. Diane considered leaving Jack. Ashley's "Ms. Abbott" alter ordered Alan to go back to Europe, but "Belle" later convinced him to stay. Mamie felt betrayed when Lily, Devon, and Nate refused to go along with her plan and Sheila agreed to marry Deacon. From fainting to fighting, people reacted to Sheila's reappearance in Los Angeles. Hope supported Finn's desire to have his...
Published 05/11/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 4/29- 5/3/24 Our thoughts on Victoria and Cole rescued a traumatized Claire. A frustrated Jack joined Nikki on a drunken bender, and he mixed pills and alcohol. Nikki called the paramedics after Jack passed out. Nikki agreed to go to rehab. Victor ordered Jack to stay away from Nikki. Ashley's alter Belle flirted with Alan and Steffy and Bill speculated about a Hope and Liam reunion, but Ivy breezed through town to reignite Ivy and Liam's...
Published 05/04/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 4/22- 4/26/24 Our thoughts on Kyle rescued Harrison, but Claire was nowhere to be found. Victor claimed that Jordan had fallen to her death, but he secretly held her captive in the wine cellar. Ashley had a flirty alter emerge. Lily cast the tie-breaking vote against reinstating Nate on the Chancellor-Winters board and Steffy and Hope debated how to deal with Deacon and his "delusions" about Sheila. Convinced he'd cremated Sugar, Deacon...
Published 04/27/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 4/15- 4/19/24 Our thoughts on Jordan kidnapped Claire and Harrison. Summer concluded that Claire had taken Harrison, while Kyle struggled to give Claire the benefit of the doubt. Adam and Chelsea learned that Connor was being treated for trauma. Christine opted to take on an important case instead of joining Danny on tour and Steffy warned Deacon to stop the Sheila nonsense, but threatening text messages to Sheila from Sugar vexed him....
Published 04/20/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 7/17- 7/21/23 Our thoughts on Ashley's alters battled inside her mind. Traci staged an intervention. After Lily rejected Daniel's plea to let him keep Princess Louisa, he decided to sue Chancellor-Winters. Victoria and Cole kissed. Friends and family made toasts at Victor and Nikki's 40th anniversary party, as a disguised Jordan lurked outside and Deacon struggled to solve the ten-toe mystery. Ridge and Finn said it was all in Deacon's...
Published 04/13/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 4/1- 4/5/24 Our thoughts on Tucker and Audra professed their love, but she declined his marriage proposal. Ashley admitted that she'd been suffering from memory gaps. Heather, Phyllis, and Billy encouraged Daniel to fight for the game he'd created. Connor identified his parents as triggers for his OCD and Hope spent time with Beth and Liam. Steffy grappled with Finn's choice about Sheila. Finn and Hope attended the memorial for Sheila,...
Published 04/06/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 3/25- 3/29/24 Our thoughts on Lily fired Daniel and Heather. Danny and Christine made love. Nikki's urge to drink intensified after Jordan escaped from the hospital. Tucker begged Ashley to seek professional help. Adam and Chelsea convinced Connor to give a residential treatment facility a shot and Thomas broke it off with Hope and took Douglas to Paris. As Steffy gloated about it, Hope warned that Steffy would regret undermining Hope's...
Published 03/30/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 3/18- 3/22/23 Our thoughts on Chelsea supported Dr. Alcott's recommendation that Connor be placed in a residential treatment facility, but she was furious when she found out Adam had told Connor he didn't have to go. After Jordan swallowed a vial containing a toxin, Nikki, Victoria, and Claire contemplated whether to let Jordan die and Thomas was disillusioned when Hope declined his proposal. Steffy urged him to dump Hope, and the old...
Published 03/23/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 3/11- 3/15/23 Our thoughts on Jordan took Victor hostage, but Victor turned the tables. Lily returned home and learned about Daniel and Heather. Ashley's personality shifts intensified. Audra dumped Tucker and Bill bonded with Luna. Finn had troubling visions of Sheila. Thomas again asked Hope to marry him. Come on in and join the fun as we chat!
Published 03/16/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 3/4- 3/8/24 Our thoughts on SJordan killed Seth and set Victoria's house on fire. Chance and Summer made love. Connor was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder and Liam vowed to be there for Steffy if Finn couldn't. Deacon confronted Steffy about Sheila's death. Luna wanted to tell R.J. the truth! Come on in and join the fun as we chat!
Published 03/09/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 2/26- 3/1/24 Our thoughts on Claire was released into Victoria and Cole's custody, and she moved into the Newman ranch. Nikki realized that Jordan might be the woman who'd urged Seth to reach out to her. Audra warned Ashley to back off Tucker. Ashley was tormented when she heard her own voice inside her head and StSteffy killed Sheila in self-defense, but the events weren't so cut and dried for police investigators -- nor were they for...
Published 03/02/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 2/19- 2/23/24 Our thoughts on Nikki met with Seth, unaware that Jordan had convinced him to reach out to Nikki for help. Tucker was stunned when Ashley admitted he'd been right about their argument in Paris. Adam and Chelsea panicked when Connor's school psychologist suspected the boy suffered from OCD. Amanda returned to town andHope's breakthrough with Deacon upset Sheila's future plans. Steffy went off on Sheila when she spotted Sheila...
Published 02/24/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 2/12- 2/16/24 Our thoughts Nikki tried to lure Jordan to the Newman ranch. Jordan befriended a drunken Seth in a scheme to get to Nikki. Victor declined Adam and Nick's proposal that Newman take over Sally's design company. Ashley unraveled as she began to doubt her sanity. Chance and Summer kissed and Zende's "beautiful" night with Luna became a morning-after disaster when Luna realized she hadn't been with R.J. Poppy deduced her special...
Published 02/17/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 2/5- 2/9/24 Our thoughts on After Nikki spiraled out of control, Jack told Victor about the severity of her condition. Victor reluctantly accepted Jack's role as Nikki's sponsor. Audra found out Tucker was still keeping tabs on Ashley. Fed up with the drama between Phyllis and Christine, Danny walked away from both of them and Eric's impromptu soiree turned into a surprise wedding for one well-deserving bride. Bill stepped up, only to be...
Published 02/10/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 1/28- 2/2/24 Our thoughts on Nikki fired Audra. Ashley accused Tucker of paying off the Parisian waiter to back up his version of their argument. Audra forced Tucker to choose between her and Ashley, and he chose Audra. After a fire broke out at the prison in Oregon, it was unknown whether Jordan had perished or escaped and Poppy insisted that Bill wasn't Luna's father, and Finn recalled a time when Poppy had lived with his family when...
Published 02/03/24
Check out the new episode for the recap of the week of 1/22- 1/26/24 Our thoughts on Daniel and Heather made love, but he kept their relationship on hold until he could talk to Lily. Jack agreed to serve as Nikki's sponsor without Victor's knowledge. Audra told Nate about her plan to take over Glissade. Ashley and Traci went to Paris to figure out the truth and Li was outraged that Poppy was dating Bill and Poppy stop seeing him. R.J. suggested to Luna that Bill might be her father. Luna...
Published 01/27/24