Depression is one of those topics that gets a little bit tricky and hard to talk about in church circles. In our efforts to keep people from falling into a deep pit, sometimes we say and do things that can actually be more harmful than good to the person struggling with depression. What’s my part in this? And if I am the one struggling, what are some things that I can do to struggle well in this process? In this first of two episodes, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate...
Published 04/01/24
We pick up with our discussion with Jeni Baker, Co-Executive Global Director of Celebrate Recovery, to look at how her personal relationships - starting with her own marriage and her kids - were impacted by anger, and how it affected her recovery and growth process. Listen in with Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, as he continues this part-two conversation with Jeni.
Published 03/25/24
As we continue the conversation around the misunderstood emotion of anger, we invite guest, Jeni Baker, Co-Executive Global Director of Celebrate Recovery, to discuss her interactions and experiences around anger. Listen in as Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, and Jeni unpack this important topic through this two-part podcast around anger and the signals that it gives that deserve our attention. 
Published 03/18/24
It’s easy to fall into the comparison bug when thinking about our story and looking at our neighbor’s story. What if my story isn’t messy enough? What if my story is too messy? Is there value in my story if it’s not the big, dramatic kind of story? How does this process of Celebrate Recovery help me face my story, honor it, and not allow the enemy to speak self-contempt - regardless of how big or small it may be perceived?Listen as Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate...
Published 03/11/24
Doing the Principle 4 “Spiritual Inventory” can look like a ridiculous thing to accomplish from the outside looking in. Why would we want to spend time looking at our past? Could it be that this process of examining our past hurts and fully grieving and lamenting that pain leads to walking in the fullness of hope and joy? Listen in as Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, unpacks this important topic to help us understand the value of facing, grieving, and feeling our...
Published 03/04/24
Can you imagine going to the doctor with your illness, and in response to that the doctor keeps denying your symptoms saying, “Everything‘s fine.” But in your heart of hearts, you know everything is not fine. You would probably find a new doctor. The Great Physician, Jesus Christ, never denies our pain and He asks us to not deny it either. If we will take time to understand what denial is and bring that pain out into the open and into the light, God can do amazing things. Listen in as Rodney...
Published 02/26/24
Anger can be one of the most misunderstood emotions of all that we carry as believers in Christ. But anger is just a rise against an injustice. So how do we walk and struggle well when anger comes online? What are some practical things that we can learn and lean into to help us move forward with health when the signal of anger comes up? Listen in as Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, speaks with Sarah as she shares her own experience and how this played out in her...
Published 02/19/24
One of the greatest blessings about the ministry of Celebrate Recovery is that whether we come from one country or another, we all speak the same language, and that language is "hurt." Pain is a language that we all can understand and feel at the very core of our heart. How we deal with that pain is critical to our growth process. On this week’s episode listen in as Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, interviews a dear brother, Jose. He shares a part of his...
Published 02/12/24
In this episode we will continue with Part 2 of the conversation on establishing the value of our presence versus our intellect in sitting with someone and listening to their inventory during the fifth step process. How do we stay present and attuned to the person who is courageously opening their heart and life so that we can be a part of the healing process that Jesus and the individual has invited us into? Listen in as Rodney Holmstrom continues the conversation.
Published 02/05/24
One of the greatest gifts we have in recovery is being able to sit with someone who enters into the scary parts of their story.  This may even be the first time they are sharing and they have decided to share with us. This process can be one of the biggest healing components of the recovery process through the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. But, as we listen, how do we stay out of our head and not overthink this? How do we understand the difference between skill versus presence in...
Published 01/29/24
On this podcast, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, continues his interview with two brothers in Christ - Nick and Ryan - in part 2 of their discussion about the opioid epidemic. The numbers are staggering when it comes to this epidemic's impact on individuals, families, and communities across the globe. What are the resources that are available to us to help people as they face this seemingly insurmountable mountain of struggle? Listen as we get our arms around...
Published 01/22/24
The numbers are staggering when it comes to the opioid epidemic and how it’s impacting individuals, families, and communities across the globe. How do we get our arms around this epidemic and point people to Jesus for healing? What are the resources available to us to help people as they face this seemingly insurmountable mountain of struggle? On this podcast, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, interviews two brothers in Christ - Nick and Ryan - to talk about this...
Published 01/15/24
It can seem a little bit awkward when we think about the idea of connecting with "self." It might seem like the last person I want to connect with in my struggles is the very person that’s in the middle of the struggle. But learning how to stop and stay within myself and not exit my "self" in the midst of trials and struggles is critical to staying in a healthy space in recovery. In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, visits with Andy Petry, Landing...
Published 01/08/24
What happens when we refuse to face the hurts and trauma from our past? Sometimes, wherever we sit in our brokenness can keep us stuck there and even hidden underneath the table in a place of darkness. On this week's podcast, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, will unpack parts of his story and how God met him underneath the dark table of his life to ultimately invite him into a new space called "healing and recovery."
Published 01/01/24
There are some aspects of our life that if we really think about it sound and seem repulsive.  What are some things that represent your version of “toilet water” in your mind, heart and body?  What do we need to be paying attention to to keep us from consuming the nasty old “toilet water” that tried to steal the fruit from our life? In this podcast Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of CR, will remind us of some of the ways the enemy deceives us in our place of weakness with unaddressed...
Published 12/24/23
What do you think of when you hear the word relapse? It's easy to box it into a very defined picture but what if the act of relapse is not the only thing we need to be focusing on? What if there are some questions that we can be asking ourselves to help prevent the physical act of relapse or lapsing into old tendencies, mentally or emotionally? On this podcast join Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery as he interviews a special guest and friend, Buck on this important...
Published 12/18/23
The practice of taking a daily inventory can feel arduous and laborious at times if we forget the value behind this practice. What makes this so valuable? In this podcast, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery invites a guest on to help unpack this important discipline that brings incredible value to our life and recovery. Listen into this conversation and be blessed.
Published 12/11/23
In celebrate recovery we tend to find our own language that we use to help us stay on the road to recovery. What does it mean to “keep coming back“ in this podcast, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of celebrate recovery has a great conversation with Mac Owen, Global Director of Celebrate Recovery to talk about the benefits and the reasons behind the practice of “keep coming back”.
Published 12/04/23
What if you received an invitation from your girlfriend to attend celebrate recovery just two months into your relationship? Would that get you pumped up and excited? Would you turn and run? Scott leaned into the invitation and it changed his life. In this week’s episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery, interviews a brother in Christ who walked into recovery broken and lost and found healing and strength as he worked the recovery principles.  Listen in and be...
Published 11/27/23
Life change story testimonies can be a lifeline for us in our recovery journey. Have you ever listened to a testimony and wondered to yourself “how is this even possible?“ God does miraculous things through CR. Today’s testimony with John Paul is one of those miraculous stories that will bless your heart significantly. Listen in as Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery interviews a fellow struggler in the recovery process as he shares his story of hope.
Published 11/20/23
During the holidays especially we can find ourselves distracted, busy and overwhelmed by the overall season. How do we stay connected with God in the midst of the chaos happening around us? What does it look like to practically connect with God on a regular basis so that we can stay in a healthy space? Listen in as Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery visits with a guest on this important topic.
Published 11/06/23
In recovery language we often use the phrase live one day at a time“. But what does that really mean? Is it more than just a catchy cliché that we say to each other as we walk through the recovery principles? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of celebrate recovery unpacks what it practically looks like to live one day at a time and how we can apply that to our life in bite-size chunks.
Published 10/30/23
In this week’s podcast Rodney Holmstrom continues the conversation with Matt in unpacking what life change and healing looks like in his life. How did Matt face the hurts, core beliefs, the hang-ups that kept him stuck, and even broken and compulsive habits that were separating him from God and others?  Listen to the conclusion of this incredible life change story and how Matt found healing through celebrate recovery as he ran to Jesus with all of it.
Published 10/16/23
Pain has a way of getting our attention and can be the catalyst toward getting help and working on our recovery. What does it look like when we have event after event in our life that impacts us in significant ways? Join Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrate Recovery as he interviews Matt in an incredible life change story.
Published 10/09/23
One of the greatest hopes we find in celebrate recovery is when we see evidence of Jesus and his life change power in a fellow strugglers life. This week, join Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of CR as he interviews Domingo to to hear a snippet of his testimony. They unpack what his life looked like before recovery, during recovery, and where God has him now having worked the principles of celebrate recovery.
Published 10/03/23